Doozie is a pinball machine from August 1968, manufactured by Williams Electronic Games, Inc.
This game has been listed a total number of 16 times on the Pinside Marketplace, most recently on 2024-04-01.
In the past 3 years, we've seen it listed 6 times. The median asking price (trimmed median) was $625
This game has received 10 approved Pinsider ratings and currently has a rating of 6.852 out of 10.
This game ranks #279 in the Pinside EM Top 100.
There are 6 rating comments for this game.
49 Pinsiders have this game in their collections.
8 Pinsiders have this game on their wishlist.
3 public locations to play this machine.
Sorry, no game specific items available in Pinside Shop for this game.
There are currently no ads for this game on the Marketplace.
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