Demolition Man


Demolition Man

Pinside Rating

This game received 414 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 7.772 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #132 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 8.13

Artwork: 6.869

Sounds/Music: 7.549

Other Aspects: 7.932

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Found 232 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 232 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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38 hours ago
Demo Man is one of my favourite 90s pins and really appeals to my love of flow and combos. I play with the handles (I know a lot of people don’t) but if you’re going to give me 1m extra base bonus per combo for doing so then I’ll take it. I am a taller player and it’s actually a more comfortable height for me.

The ramps on this pin are super smooth and satisfying to shoot. The centre ramp into side ramp (upper flipper) combo is a thing of beauty.

The cryo claw is a cool toy but isn’t the defining feature for me. I love this machine for its smooth shooting and relatively simple rule set which makes it accessible to beginners, whilst offering decent challenge to better players too.
31 days ago
Another of the mid tier Williams SuperPins, one that seems to produce fairly divided opinions. For me the overall experience is a bit blah, not remotely tempted to look into owning one, but I could see myself dropping a few quarters in if I saw one in a setting where there wasn’t a lot of competition. Mostly to confirm for myself I hadn’t missed something and still didn’t like it.

On the surface it seemed to me a machine I would like. It has great ramps. I tend to like the SuperPins. The theme is for me, average but the Stallone callouts are hysterical. It has toys. Wide variety of shots, with some that are easy even for me and some tighter ones.

So what’s wrong? I think this is a game where the toys really get in the way of the game. I don’t like the placement of the guns/flipper buttons. I’m on the shorter side, feels awkward to place my hands there to play pinball and I don’t like the impact on the visual field. Crane is a bigger problem. Stopping the ball on a ramp really breaks the flow of the machine. Combined with the tendency of SuperPins to sometimes feel a bit slow and floaty, the machine overall feels stop and go with below average flow. I know this is directly contradicted in other reviews, but it was my experience.

Overall, I think the community got this one right. It’s a mediocre SuperPin. To me a good bit below Judge Dredd, mostly on the strength of the art package and aesthetics. This or Roadshow would be a toss up, they are vastly different machines.
82 days ago
Demolition Man: The game looks interesting and the metallic joystick-like flipper handles feel like a
cool variation that fits the action movie theme of this game. Unfortunately I must say that DM
happenend to come into my gaming experience after having played other widebodies like TZ, Indy, Judge Dredd and
STTNG from roughly the same time and manufacturing company. Compared to those titles this game feels a little flat
and uninspired even with multiple shots and fast ramps. I know some people like it- but I do not get the same
fun and excitement out of this pinball like Dredd or STTNG. A decent mid nineties WMS game but this is not a title
that I feel a need to replay or get for home use.
3 months ago
Classic game, good theme, nice ramps. Fun to play
4 months ago
*Stallone noises*
1 year ago
Demolition Man is still a good game.

The layout is innovative with a big emphasis on flow. Especially the ramps are satisfying shots. The Cryo-Claw is also a feature that wasn't often implemented in other games. But it slows down the flow a little. On a side note, the left loop shot always feels a bit clunky to me, kind of like the left ramp on Metallica.

For a WPC game the rules are excellent. Especially the plentyful multiballs are a lot of fun. It kind of gets repetitive after a while, as I do not find the game hard to play. Playing the game is always fun though even if repetitive.

The artwork is excellent, especially for a film theme. The playfield and backglass are very beautiful designed.

All in all, Demolition Man is a good and underrated game, with nice flow, good rules and an excellent artwork. It can still compete with some of the modern film themed games. I think it's an ideal game for a casual player.
1 year ago
Demolition Man is a fun machine. I enjoy the novelty of using the inverted gun handles and the Cryo Claw is a cool toy. The placement of the ramps is great and the number of different shots make each mode unique and challenging. I don't know if it needed to be a wide body machine though, because the centre of the playfield seems a bit bare. It was great that the actors allowed their voices to be used in the callouts, but the backglass could have used a dynamic scene from the movie and not just be a competition for whose head is the biggest.
1 year ago
The flipper buttons are guns. Whee.
1 year ago
Lot of fun, with a very unique layout. Think the theme wasn't integrated as well as possible, one of my favorite movies but it really lacks the punch with all the sound bytes it could have used. The weird "im the demolition man" when you start the game and some other sound clips just feel very off, yet the game has movie sound bytes from the various actors in it, but not enough. Some of the sound effects and such just would have been better using more sounds and action from the film. The claw is kind of a pointless gimmick, while thematic part of the film, it's use in the game feels tacked on. Still the game has an interesting combo system and lot of good shots, making it ton of fun.
1 year ago
Surprised it's not in the top 100. I absolutely love mine. Super fun. Game is fantastic
1 year ago
Some shots are tight and precise, others fairly easy. Once you get going, it’s a flow monster. Combos are logical and relatively simple, though never easy. The claw for mode select is brilliant. Four progressive multiball with different (often selectable) numbers of balls and different jackpots is great. It takes some time to learn, and is deep enough (dare I say?) to be a one-pin collection. It’s not as deep as a modern Stern, but probably the deepest of the 90s Williams, and certainly the one with the most shot variation. This was a grail pin for me for years, and I now have one that will never leave the collection. Love the movie too, which I watched after owning the pin for a while. The theme integration and callouts are even better than I could have imagined. The movie makes the pin more enjoyable, and playing the pin first made the movie more enjoyable. This machine is excellent.
1 year ago
Another brilliant Film crossover from Williams, get the profanity ROMS, they're hilarious. Gameplay is fantastic if sometimes a little easy but it keeps you hooked.
this game takes no prisoners.
1 year ago
Underrated game. Super fun to play with the pistol grip flippers. Williams quality. Easy to just play and have fun.
2 years ago
Fun game by Norseman. Lots of interesting ramps and targets to hit. It is a little dated from a theme. Nice to add to collection because of interesting shots with handles.

Plays different than other pinball games because of the handles. Lots and lots of lights.
2 years ago
My favorite playfield layout. I like that some times I try for a Demolition jackpot and other times I try for Demolition Time. Some people complain about the rules that you only go for the multi balls, but they fit me. I don’t play it the same way every time. I enjoy the modes. I love metal habit rails and this has a lot. In my opinion, it has the best ramps of any pinball machine. I like the handles too. Sometimes I use them and other times I feel like using the cabinet buttons. Great variety to this game. My current favorite.
2 years ago
I've been looking for a Demolition man ever since I first played the machine in an arcade bar prior to Covid. With the price of pins going through the roof it took me a while to locate one for a decent price. Drove 12 hours to pick one up. The machine is great and my kids love it - the wide body and the easy playfield layout. The rules are are decent - and so is the flow of the game. I think the one thing I love the most are the triggers on the pin - its just stands out among all of my other pins. Won't be leaving my collection anytime soon.
2 years ago
ramazing game are wide body allowed to have a lot of shooting trajectory and he has a good flidity very good pinball the theme is nice for his futuristic vision of the time and is well represented in the game
2 years ago
I bought this game and planned on selling it quickly. But man, did I fall in love… I loved the shots right away. The combos are endless and even the scoop gets the ball back to your right flipper quickly. Two captive toys shots offer some fun interactive shots, and the cryo claw is fun. The handles bring a whole new dynamic and I live all the secret bonuses.

The backglass is bad, but there are terrific alternate options available that turn the backglass into a strength. And if you add the H-6 sound Roms this game gets a huge boost in personality. If you go watch this fun, cheesy action movie that is 100% 90’s nostalgia… you’ll be sucked into this sci-fi world and this fantastic Williams game.
2 years ago
Underrated game. The flow and shots are phenomenal. Watching the ball whip through the wireforms is a blast. Shots are fairly easy, and don't punish you too greatly for a miss. The claw is a nice feature, and hitting demolition time is one of the easier wizard modes available. Racking up combos (especially with the use of the upper flipper) feels rewarding, especially when you finally cash in at the computer. The callouts and repetitive sound effects can get annoying. Most notably, the multiball where Stallone yells absurdly after every jackpot (almost every shot qualifies). This is offset by having the actual actors featured in the film doing voices, though. A pleasant surprise they are included here. The game's biggest drawback has to be the handles. It takes alot of getting used to, and can affect your ability to nudge. There is a learning curve, but once you get a feel for the game and buttons, it's very addictive. High replayability due to the awards given, coupled with high scoring, assures this one deserves its place in your lineup.
2 years ago
Bad music
2 years ago
This was my first pin and the first time I restored/upgraded a machine. It's a big job to remove all the playfield and remember how it all goes back together. But once it was done the game played like new. I have really enjoyed the game-play and scoring. The game is addictive (in a good way) and keeps you wanting to try again. I've scored over 5 billion points in my best game and I still want to play it again. The flow of the game is good and all ramps are easily accessible (though the right ramp is a little tricky and the left loop is a tough shot. I like that there are two ways to win at the game - complete all multiballs OR complete all missions + demo time. It's a relatively easy game to explain to a new player and all who play it seem to enjoy it right away. I love the Williams wide body cabinet and all the room that gives to the playfield. Most parts are readily available too, that makes it easy to own and repair. The playfield artwork has been called out as boring... but I think it fits the theme and helps the player know what to shoot and when. I have played many other pins rated higher than DM that I didn't find as fun or engaging. I would think this game should rank higher given the rarity of the widebody design and the fun flow of the game.
2 years ago
Demolition Man is overall a very satisfying machine..It’s really just a ‘hit the ramps’ machine, which is good and bad..Good if you have other machines to offset this aspect..Bad if it’s your only machine. Artwork really doesn’t bother me like other folks..Yes, the backglass is crappy, but I don’t stare at it when I’m playing it. I’d say the worst aspect of this machine is the music..ALTHOUGH, I fixed that with a pinsound+ soundboard, and actually created my own mix from the OST from the movie (it can be found on the pinsound community forum). When you throw a different ST on this machine, it really shines! And the flipper button handles really make this machine VERY UNIQUE and different from any pin out there..and a choice to play the machine with the gun handles or the traditional way. The CyroClaw feature is very cool, if you understand how the modes work. This machine really keeps you on your toes..It’s a keeper. The movie is kinda lame, but TOTALLY ON PAR with todays’ world.
2 years ago
I played Demolition Man a couple of times at FlipOut in London.

This is a brilliantly flowing pin ruined by a naff 1990s film licence. The pin I played was well illuminated in a dark room, which made it look cool and futuristic, but the playfield art on Pinside shows it’s not especially attractive.

I loved the triggers and I loved the claw. The flow was great. Probably one of the most enjoyable pins to shoot I played all afternoon - on par with Avengers: Infinity Quest.
3 years ago
This is a great game with awesome flow. As the ball comes through the ramps to the inlanes, the next shot is natural and this repeats and the whole game just flows great in this way. The shots off of the top flipper are fun. I personally like the theme and the actors of this time. The way you can lock different numbers of balls for the multiballs is also different and fun.
3 years ago
This is one of my favorites to play on location. I have almost purchased it on more than one occasion. Many will argue that the movie sucked, but I thought it was perfect for the times, and the machine really does capture the kitsch of the movie. In spite of having a few shots that truly seem useless, this machine really does feel packed to the gills with options. And using the upper handles for flippers adds a whole new level of skill. I could see this one ending up in the collection, purely for the goofy 90's theme.
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