


Circus is a pinball machine from July 1957, manufactured by Bally Manufacturing Co.

Design team

Sorry, but we don't seem to have any information about the design team of this machine.

Game details

Bally Manufacturing Co.
July 1957
(Electro) Mechanical
Wide body
Backglass Lights


There don't seem to be any flyer images for this machine.

Price history

Price estimate

We have never seen this game listed on the Pinside Market.

Pinside rating

This game has received 1 approved Pinsider rating. 4 more approved ratings are needed to get a rating and for it to be eligible for the Pinside EM Top 100 ranking.

Rating comments

There is 1 rating comment for this game.

Owners / Wishlisters / Places to play

4 Pinsiders have this game in their collections.

9 Pinsiders have this game on their wishlist.

3 public locations to play this machine.

Gallery - Featured images

Related shop items!

Sorry, no game specific items available in Pinside Shop for this game.

Market value

There are currently no ads for this game on the Marketplace.

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