My adjusted settings (A MUST) are posted below my review.
I thought Cactus Canyon would be an "okay" game that wouldn't last long. I was wrong! After some much-needed adjustments, it has become a classic B/W game worth keeping in my collection.
-- The skill shot can be fun. I wish the rewards were different, but it can still be fun and challenging.
-- The playfield is a fan layout with a jump-bash toy on the middle-right side, which generally works well.
-- It is a stop-and-go game for sure, but I don't find the flipper posts and drop targets (gun fights) redundant.
-- This game forces you to utilize all of the shots in the game, both the easy and difficult. This is great.
-- I find that if you're not on your game, it can be a post-fest. On the other hand, it can have great flow.
-- The game employs clever use of pass-throughs and stops for the loops. These changes can/will offer surprising speed.
-- The pops are put to good use in this game, which is refreshing. You need them for your bonus x lanes.
-- The topper is probably the best in pinball. I've not seen one that's better. The integration is like a video mode but better.
-- This is where this machine shines: the theming and integration are absolutely wonderful.
-- The callouts are done by excellent voice actors and have a ton of humor.
-- The lighting is good, and the change with Bionic Bart is cool.
-- They've done a great job in using all the cliché music and sounds from duster movies.
GAMEPLAY (Remake code)
-- The modes are quick, like many games of the era, but each is pretty fun to play.
-- The progression is quick in this game, so your always thinking about completing small tasks that lead to big ones.
-- I really enjoy the gunfights and quick draws. They are crazy dangerous, always feeding you risk/reward
-- Goldmine multiball has a very simple design but its soooo effective. Nail the jackpots then get the motherload.
-- Overall, I love the sheriff badge of achievements: you have five things to get done, a good variety.
-- My biggest gripe isn't code; it's a lack of adjustments. You can't adjust difficulty for modes, MBs, skill shot etc. etc.
-- Stampede multiball could be a little more interesting and complex.
-- After you beat Bionic Bart, the Bart Pit offers nothing. It's a dead toy after that. It should reset like other modes do.
-- While the sounds are great, they do lack in variety. There could be way more.
-- I wish the train was used way more. It's a big toy and barely used.
-- Surprisingly, that's about it... It's mainly just missing adjustments, which is a pretty big problem.
To wrap up, if you're thinking about getting Cactus Canyon, I'd say go for it. If you're a newb, it's a great as-is. If you're not a newb, you MUST adjust your machine to taste; otherwise, you'll finish the game on your first or second try. It'll give you 5 extra balls!
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---- C A C T U S ~ C A N Y O N ~ S E T T I N G S -----
Original settings are in parentheses ()
-- Set PF to 8.5 degrees. Very steep. This is VERY important.
-- Set all sling leaf switches to 1mm
-- Max EX B Count: 1
-- Game restart - Never - just say no to ball one restarts!
-- Ball save time - 7 (4) - Skill shot sucks up a bunch of time.
-- Q-Draw Difficulty: Extra Hard
-- Light Quick Draw Difficulty: Hard
-- Q-Draws for EXB: Off
-- Combos for star: 12 (10)
-- Num bart bros: 4 (3) - This makes a huge difference
-- Polly EXB: No
-- Gun Fight Time: 3 (6) - You get ONE shot, two if you get an instant rebound. Waaaaaaay better.
-- Bart Bros EX B: Off
-- PF LED Brightness: -1
-- Backbox Brightness: -2
-- Gun Flasher Brightness: -3