
Pinside rating

This game has received 6 approved Pinsider ratings. 44 more approved ratings are needed to get a rating and for it to be eligible for the Pinside Pinball Top 100 ranking.

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Found 5 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 5 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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1 year ago
Had a rare chance to play one of these. One you get past the very cringe-inducing sounds, the game is decent.
As mentioned, the layout is fast and brutal, with the strange roto-carousel right in the middle often leading to an immediate drain.

The orbit and horse-shoe lane are incredible fun to shoot, and overall the game is surprisingly smooth. If anything, despite the language barrier, the game seems a bit shallow and simplistic.

Play it if you get a chance!
3 years ago
Fun time killer.
6 years ago
Another Zacc game from 1986 that is laid out like a Gottlieb game from 1976.

The Pros:
A solid layout that has a serious dose of rish/reward with the roto-target in the middle of the PF. Fantastic geometry and an orbit to the lanes at the top as well as a horseshoe loop on the right means that the ball is always moving dangerously. Mileage on this table will give you the subtleties of the game's ruleset.

The Cons:
Sounds are straight out of a grainy Shaw Brothers movie. The PF and BG artwork are horrid.

The Takeaway:
A good game that will make you think more than you thought it would while you enjoy the action. Play one and enjoy the pin-fu!
11 years ago
The central roto target is a nice toy, until you realize how dangerous it is - many of your shots will end in the outlines. So after a few games, I adopted a different strategy, aiming for Black Belt drop targets (to increase red special) and Kata (green special). Depending on settings, you will then be awarded an Xtra ball, or millions of points. Art is OK, and both PF and BG seem to age well.
The weakest part of that pin is its sound, kind of a caricature of "asian style" music.
12 years ago
Bit dissapointing to play, but I've only had a few games... the sounds/music also let it down.

After a few more games on this, I have a better feel for how it plays... It's a bit like an add-a-ball, you can rack up extra balls on a counter on the backglass, and that's how to play the game: Max out your extra ball count and then go for things that score points. More enjoyable than I originally thought.
There are 5 ratings (that include a comment) on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 1.

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