Attack From Mars (Remake - LE)

Chicago Gaming Co.

Attack From Mars (Remake - LE)

Pinside Rating

This game received 419 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 8.787 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks 1st in the game group "Attack from Mars". The group itself ranks #4 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 8.893

Artwork: 8.608

Sounds/Music: 8.47

Other Aspects: 8.956

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) staff & moderators rate this game. 3 of us have rated this game.


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Found 202 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 202 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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28 days ago
Wow one of the best always a challenge with terrific mods ..updates not necessary
68 days ago
Played a few times, the vibrating green men are great. Overall the machine comes across as very solid to me, very well built. I just find it less dynamic compared to more modern pin designs, which is to be expected. Still an all time classic.
3 months ago
Topper intergrates very well with game. Family and friends love this game. I feel it is above average just not as a top 5 game. Very random chance of draining with constant shots at the space ship. Find the lock ball shot does not flow. Callouts are great!
3 months ago
Man I thought this was my dream pin to have at home after playing it every chance I could get in the wild.

But after a month in the home it got pretty boring. The music just keeps playing with little to no variation.

The topper is awesome!

Looking back I'm bummed I traded The Big Lebowski for this game.
5 months ago
Hasn't held the test of time
6 months ago
The CGC LE remake of this game is just gorgeous. Hard to judge which game is better between MM and this.
7 months ago
What a great game to own and play
7 months ago
Attack from mars is a Classic! It never gets old blowing up the flying saucer!
7 months ago
Fun Game, Played on location around 10 times. I enjoyed the theme, and the shots were decent. I think its a fun game and would play again on location but not one I would add to my collection.
10 months ago
All around great game and family will love it too.
10 months ago
Close to perfect, would benefit from an alternative (deeper) rule set.
10 months ago
Its a fun game but the theme doesnt register or do anything for me. I prefer Stranger Things!
10 months ago
I love that the remake shoots and plays like the original game but with updated hardware.
10 months ago
When I first got into pinball I was blown away by this pin, had so much fun with it, the ruleset is super easy to understand and execute on. Break down the wall and blow up that spaceship! As I get better and pinball and understand deeper rulesets, the less interested I am in this one. Yes, the ramps are fun to hit, and yes there are some good shots in there, but many pins have taken what they did will and perfected it. A legendary pin and one that anyone should be able to pick up and get into.
11 months ago
Great all around game. Fan play field that is hard to master, but great for beginners. The LE topper is so so so great. This game singlehandedly hooked my wife to pinball. Which allowed me to put a 2nd machine in my!
1 year ago
Come già detto per MM remake questo titolo ha un fascino incredibile ma non merita di essere in top10 e soprattutto di costare così tanto..magari fino all avvento di spike1 o ancor più di spike2,questi titoloni anni 90 avevano tutto il diritto di essere ai piani alti di una classifica,ma adesso non capisco in che modo possano tenere testa alla varietà alla complessità ed alla qualità dei gameplay delle macchine odierne.
1 year ago
One of the best 90s games - probably the game that pulled me back into pinball. Callouts and theme are perfect. Game appeals to all levels of players.
1 year ago
Cool pin! Always enjoy taking down aliens. The shots are smooth. Inviting theme. A good time playing. The display graphics are excellent.
1 year ago
This game is just average for me, so many better options in the market !
1 year ago
Played on location and man what a fun game. This pin definitely earns its spot in the top ten of all time. Its fun to shoot and has amazing moments even for novice players like me. That first "saucer kill" is amazing. Found myself feeding it quarters again and again.
Gameplay is fast and its not a very "code-deep" machine, its a blast. CGCs remake was amazingly well made and slick. The color DMD adds alot to the gameplay experience and fun factor.
1 year ago
This one is just endless fun and a perfect layout.
1 year ago
I don’t own this game and have only played it on location and a friends. It’s a pure fun and stimulation while playing it. Great for a beginner or experienced player.

The lights and sounds are very stimulating. The game also has that make you want to play one more time feel. Code is very easy to understand so you can jump right in and play.

Definitely lacks flow when comparing it to a Godzilla or FOO Fighters.
1 year ago
Hate to rate games that I don’t own, but..

I have played a lot of AFM.

Classic game and layout.

Easy to understand and get suckered going up the middle all day bashing the saucer.

Great art and lights, but limited as this is a 90s game.

If I didn’t own ST or CCr, this would be in my home.
1 year ago
What can I say that hasn't been said... the game is likely the best remake ever made. The theme is fantastic, the animations are amazing and funny. Also, like all the CGC remakes it's an easy pickup for friends and non-pinball players
1 year ago
Top 5 90’s machine. Very similar layout to MM (fan layout) but game play is faster due to the lack of ramps. Theme is excellent. Call-outs are funny. Rules are not as deep compared to todays standards but they are easy to follow and achievable for both novice and pro players.
There are 202 ratings on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 9.

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