(Topic ID: 150014)

X Pin displays for Pinbot Out of Stock?

By Neverendz

8 years ago

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  • 4 posts
  • 4 Pinsiders participating
  • Latest reply 8 years ago by Borygard
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#1 8 years ago

Hello everyone!

I'm in need of displays for my Pinbot and it seems that the X Pin displays are out of stock everywhere. Would anyone have an idea of when they will be back?

I'm in no real rush. Just trying to get my ducks in a row.

Oh, and sorry if this topic has been brought up before.


, Bill

9 months later
#2 8 years ago

Bringing this back to life. Been waiting months for these to come back in stock. No one has them. Xpin or Pinscore. Anyone know if they ever make more?

#3 8 years ago

XPIN product has been trickling out ever since they got acquired. They are getting away from producing anything color specific. Everything being produced now is either orange or white.

#4 8 years ago

I have LED sets of at least the combo red/blue for Pinbot. Not sure about the plasma orange, I'd need to check.

Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

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