Ok Wonka fans! As you know, besides movies I produce books and magazines. Issue #6 of SPFX has The Making Of Willy Wonks & the Chocolate Factory! Interviews with cast and crew! (yes, and all the kids) (Magazine contents below) I also helped make arrangements for them to get together for their first convention! In the USA if anyone wants a copy it's $15 Postpaid Priority Mail. (My PayPal is [email protected]) Always include your address.
MAKING WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY Interviews with producer, director, dialog coach, costume designer, stars, and more!
CHRIS WALAS Chris talks about his work on Scanners, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Gremlins, Enemy Mine, winning the oscar for The Fly and directing Fly II.
JOAN WELDON The star of Them! talks about acting, working with giant ants, and opera!
SEAN McCLORY Them! co-star shoots from the hip.
KEVIN McCARTHY From Death of a Salesman to the sci-fi classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
TRIBUTE: FAY WRAY We celebrate Fay's 90th Birthday with pictures.
MAD MONSTER PARTY A look at the creation of the children's stop-motion classis.
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