I just gave one away. But Zizzle is a drain monster and just not fun. Not only that, they aren't are hardy as you would like (wear around rollover buttons after very few plays etc..). My daughter got bored with it real fast, but I have yet to ever hear the end of the complaints that I got rid of Party Zone (or that I should get another one).
I am getting a players condition WCS94 going for her from Xmas, and hopefully that fills the void, and it could be a good starter pin with a little depth for her to grow into.
I had the same thoughts as you with the Zizzle, but it turned out to be a dud, waste of time, money lost, and a space hog gathering dust.
Zizzles are only selling for big bucks on Flea Bay because buyers don't realize they aren't getting a real pin, and are either too embarassed to file a Pay Pal claim for being scammed, or don't know they can.
I say get a real pin for them later, or a consolized Neo-Geo if space is really a concern (my daughters favorite thing to play is our Neo-Geo arcade machine)
I wouldn't want a Zizzle after playing a real pin, and even kids can tell what sux and what doesn't too...
Bob C
PS - a day at your local amusement park would be a great gift and a big hit also