The game won't start if the machine has a malfunction like "I can't see any balls".
Open the coin door, press the service button (furthest from the door, maybe press twice), and read what the error messages say.
If you had lost your battery settings (and game had gone off free play), I'd expect it to take two credits to start a game. If somehow your programming was changed, or scrambled (VERY RARE), there is a "factory setting" under Utilities. The game will complain after you factory reset it that time and date aren't set... that's also in Utilities.
There may be other things that the game knows "If this isn't working, there is no point starting a game". So check your error messages, check that the game knows that it has balls.
Let us know what you find.
Common problems here include: Ribbon cables that need to be unplugged and plugged back in (with power off). Big square chip on the CPU needs to be pressed firmly with your thumb (with power off). Fuses blown (this usually will allow you to start a game, but won't kick a ball out). Opto board for switches having a bad 100uf 35v capacitor and the opto switches malfunctioning. Broken wires to critical coils that don't allow a ball to clear, and the game needs that coil to work.
Lots of things, but finding out if you have any error messages is the first thing to look at.