I just got three Hi-Hands. The plan is to get one working table from the three.
I'm starting this thread as a place to ask questions, and to document my work on them, unless someone tells me that the machine is so basic there's no real need for it. (MODs: If this would be better posted elsewhere, just let me know.)
The three back glasses are different, although two may have been the same color originally and one faded. One machine has brown trim and the head is brown. I don't know if that was original.
Starting Questions:
The plastics are in pieces. The larger pieces break almost as soon as I touch them.
I'm afraid to move anything until I get the plastics organized / put back together.
Is there a recommended fixative or glue or tape that I can apply to the back side of the pieces to strengthen and reassemble them?
Anyone know what the brass piece in the picture goes to? There is a "1" stamped on it.
Hi-Hand is not in the Pinside database. If a MOD wants to add it, I can update with info as I learn it.
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