Finally got a chance to watch M4 this weekend. Fell asleep after a half hour, woke up after ??? long and couldn't tell if I'd missed anything. Didn't care either. It was like a 5th graders attempt at Matrix fan fiction. Didn't bother with the rest, what a turkey.
FWIW I really liked M2 & M3, A/Resurrection, Prometheus, Covenant, and T/Salvation, even though they all take a lot of crap.
What I couldn't stomach was an alternate, or re-imagined, or whatever the eff it was, take on Alien 3 I recently saw, with completely rewritten scenes like (spoiler) the alien coming from an ox instead of a dog. The day after watching, I actually thought I had imagined or dreamed the whole thing, had to look up online to make sure that I actually saw what I saw.