So I have them in all of my games, and the magnetic ones would be TAF, Dialed In, Metallica, and Dr. Dude.
I don't anticipate Dr. Dude being an issue as it only has a single small magnet that isn't used frequently.
TAF's power magnets never touch the ball and will not create magnetism. The only time they touch a magnet is Thing's hand and it's infrequent, so I don't suspect any issues. Also, the ball doesn't rub the magnet, it's simply picked up and dropped. I have several hundred games on TAF with them and have no issues nor do I expect any prior to their periodic replacement.
Metallica and Dialed In both use magnets pretty heavily and do cause the ball to rub them frequently. On Metallica, no issues after hundreds of plays except if multiple balls are caught by Sparky at once, they stay there once the magnet turns off. A slight bump breaks them free. No other issues.
On Dialed In, I am finally starting to see magnetism issues after several hundred long plays. Because QED guy has a metal base they occasionally stick to it if they happen to rest near it. A gentle bump frees them. They are at the point where I'd replace them though so that issue will be reset when I do.
Bottom line is if your game doesn't cause the ball to rub on the magnet core often, it's far less likely to occur. If you change your balls every few hundred games or less, magnetism shouldn't be an issue in most games. If you tend to keep the balls in your game for a while, chrome balls will eventually magnetize.