It's snowy-cold here in the Northwest. Where are you and what's the indoor temp in your garage... basement... shop game room?
It's snowy-cold here in the Northwest. Where are you and what's the indoor temp in your garage... basement... shop game room?
Quoted from clodpole:It's snowy-cold here in the Northwest. Where are you and what's the indoor temp in your garage... basement... shop game room?
73°, In Eastern WA, 10° outside
80 degrees. Got a little warmer than it was supposed to. No pins though. They are downstairs
Cleveland Ohio
Quoted from transprtr4u:No pins in the garage but -32C this morning ....
Jeez! I presume you keep your ice cream in the freezer so it doesn't get too solid!
55 degree garagecade in Northern part of Cali. Without space heaters in the Winter and fans in the Summer, pinball is a Seasonal sport.
58 degrees in the garage here in Texas. Outside is 33. I've got a small space heater and an air-cooled daily driver that keep the garage relatively warm.
Quoted from FlippyD:Alternative question: What's the smell in your garage like right now?
Well, we got a rat who got caught inside and went on a fertilizer diet. Our garage smells like poultry-based fertilizer.
How 'bout yours?
Quoted from pinballaddicted:Beaitiful and sunny in Australa!
[quoted image][quoted image]
If you don't watch out, we'll all be headed your way!
Quoted from FlippyD:Alternative question: What's the smell in your garage like right now?
Mine smells like old cars. I.E. engine oil with a hint of gasoline
Quoted from clodpole:Have you seen these old photos? Not indoors, but still evidence that players and games were tough way back when.[quoted image][quoted image]
Where did you find these old photos?
First photo one is a Liberty Bell, the next are Bobby Orr Power Play and The Atarians. Both of those definitely ended up in the garbage right quick after spending time outside! Poor back glasses probably didn’t last long.
Probably around 35 in my garage, N. CA. I won’t play them until I warm up the space above 50 deg. I’m mostly worried about cracking plastics and drop targets.
Quoted from Pinzap:On our way to a low of -23F by morning. Basement gameroom is around 65 currently, with the detached and insulated shop gameroom running around 60.
[quoted image]
Mine isn't heated so I'm at 32. However, only 1 game is currently playable but is unshopped
64F in the garage, and 25F outside with snow on the ground. Garage is insulated and I have a small radiating space heater that keeps the temp fairly consistent.
Mid 50's in my unheated basement but 2 little propane heaters get it comfortable enough to play. The beer helps to ignore the cold too.
26F outside in central Indiana this morning, but a decent 58F out in the 30x40 Game room/shop. Its insulated fairly decent, I have a bigmaxx 50000 btu propane heater up in the corner. In the summer as long as I keep the doors shut it stays about 75F in there. I do need to get a nice dehumidifier for the summer times though.
-5 C outside, 19 C in the garage. I'm not super concerned about the temperature as long as it's above 10 C or so.
It’s -20 outside here in Minnesota now. I keep my garage at 55 throughout the winter. My pins are all inside in my basement though.
Heading out ice fishing here in a couple hours. You must embrace the weather!
Currently 69F in a tuck under garage that is half concrete wall underground and half un-insulated garage door & exterior wall. The annual range is 55F to 82F. The garage also doubles as a gym and car storage so I keep a small space heater in there if I want to warm it up a few degrees when it's the coldest. Dehumidifier keeps the humidity between 40-45%. I'll be getting an insulated garage door and adding insulation to the walls and finish them this year, which should narrow the range of temps even further. I'll see where things are at after those passive enhancements and then add a mini split AC/heat-pump if needed.
In St. Louis
Garage, 17
Basement where the pins are, 70
Watched the winter classic last night -10 degrees F. Man it gets cold up there!
Quoted from Da-Shaker:Probably around 35 in my garage, N. CA. I won’t play them until I warm up the space above 50 deg. I’m mostly worried about cracking plastics and drop targets.
Get any playfield issues yet such as raised inserts? I was concerned about pins in the garage when I moved here, so I put in a 1.5 ton mini split. Set to hold at 60 in the Winter. And I'm thinking 75 in the Summer.
Augusta ga
64 degrees outside
72 degrees in game room.
We have some cold weather coming our way next week.
Quoted from codered9394:Augusta ga
64 degrees outside
72 degrees in game room.
We have some cold weather coming our way next week.
Um really? How cold are we talking about? I know 2 guys with extreme frostbite from last week working on roof top units.
Quoted from IdahoRealtor:Get any playfield issues yet such as raised inserts? I was concerned about pins in the garage when I moved here, so I put in a 1.5 ton mini split. Set to hold at 60 in the Winter. And I'm thinking 75 in the Summer.
To be be honest, I have 3-4 locations for my machines. The one I was speaking of isn’t my garage, but a new warehouse I’m putting them in. This is the first year with temperatures that low. However, my downstairs does get into the mid 40’s and I’ve never noticed a problem. The temperatures aren’t ideal, but I’ll utilize the space when I can find it. Hopefully the machines will be ok in the new warehouse space as long as I get the temperatures above 50 degrees before playing. I’m planning on having 7 pins in that space from different decades. Hopefully I don’t screw them up. I only have 4 now, TSPP, TSPP, Data Simpsons and Jet Spin. LW3 just left.
Quoted from rwmech5:Um really? How cold are we talking about? I know 2 guys with extreme frostbite from last week working on roof top units
We have a chance of snow Sunday. Getting down to 29 tonight. Still getting around 45 to 50 during the day though. In ga these temps are pretty damn cold for us.
Curious if anyone has concerns or have a perspective to share on humidity. I keep my game room at 40% humidity. I am being a dork?
The thermopen says 24C (75F) in my 480sqm (5ksq') shed at 6am here on the North Coast of New South Wales. Sitting here shirtless with a fan blowing the air inside my container house.
It's suppossed to get to a balmy 28C (82F) this afternoon, so the hot tub looks like an option. If not then to the beach i go.
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