This is it right here.
Stern would absolutely love nothing more than to be able to sell everyone their machines, including your Elvira, but the reality is that they are swamped between 3 but factors:
1. Pandemic
2. Supply chain issues
3. Resurgence in pinball’s popularity
But Spooky and Jersey Jack and American Pinball and some kid working on a white wood in their parents’ basement are all subject to these factors.
It’s easy and quite understandable to be frustrated. Hell, I feel you personally because every day when I look at my Elvira with the topper, shooter rod, art blades, I’m extremely thankful I got it when I did, and not one day later. I was contemplating preordering like you, because I heard about that December run too… glad I ended up nabbing a HUO. Paid less than MSRP too.
You can find these deals, because not everyone is trying to flip. You just have to be vigilant and patient. The single biggest factor in pinflation is FOMO. Full stop. But people just love blaming anything else in order to justify their addiction to politicizing uncontrollable factors.