(Topic ID: 305377)

Unpopular Opinion Thread

By truemagoo102

2 years ago

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    #51 2 years ago
    Quoted from truemagoo102:

    I'll go first. As much as I LOVE the theme I feel Funhouse has the most boring Lawlor design. Want to get the ball to your upper left flipper? Don't shoot it through the pops, shoot the lock shot, and it's a much safer and you can hit the side shots better. Theres no reason to target the right side of the playfield at all. Lawlor, much love, but thank god for Rudy- without him the game would be a snoozefest.

    I own FH and agree, the right side sucks. You have basically two useful shots: the lock, and off the hotdog into the scoop.

    #52 2 years ago
    Quoted from gdonovan:

    I agree on GnR, if I wanted that much multiball I would have never sold Spring Break.

    Spring Break has a ROM version that gives it single ball play and normal multiball start rules, just FYI.

    #53 2 years ago

    I cannot understand the love for TWD

    #54 2 years ago

    Sound and music is more important to pinball than art and animations. I don't care how good a game looks, if the sound is bland (Or the operator has it turned down way too low...) it's hard for me to get hooked on a new game.

    #55 2 years ago

    I own several pinball machines that are now worth twice as much as the 22 year old truck that hauled them home.

    I hate newer games. Will never own anything newer than 1982. (Maybe TZ or AF but I doubt it, too expensive).

    I use magic eraser and alcohol on EM PF's. They look great and then I wax the hell out of them.

    #56 2 years ago

    LZ is more fun than AIQ and GNR

    #57 2 years ago

    13 ball multiball is too goddamned many.

    #58 2 years ago

    I had a dozen guys gathered round kicking the shit out of me when i said that i wished the smaller pinball companies at least would offer pinball machines with an option to delete the coin door. I will never put a coin in any of my games and a thumblock to release the lockdown bar is all i need.

    Then i get the full artwork on the front instead of an ugly coin door.

    #59 2 years ago

    90% of all mods are ugly and a waste of money

    #60 2 years ago
    Quoted from metallik:

    Spring Break has a ROM version that gives it single ball play and normal multiball start rules, just FYI.

    Yup, I was aware of it when I sold it.

    #61 2 years ago

    Pinside secretly likes price bubble posts

    #62 2 years ago

    People like grampa rock pins more than they will admit.

    #63 2 years ago

    The hammer on a Metallica Premium is the best ball lock in the history of pinball.

    #64 2 years ago

    “What Should I Buy” threads are stupid.

    #65 2 years ago

    Any slope set higher than 5.5 degrees is too steep.

    #66 2 years ago

    "Help needed to get an EM up and running"
    After opening the thread and responding to look at the schematic in this area....
    " I do not have a schematic..."
    " How do I get one?"
    And then " How do I read it?"

    #67 2 years ago

    I like BK2K

    #68 2 years ago

    I'd rather play Gilligan's Island over Scared Stiff.

    #69 2 years ago

    Centaur 2 cabinet is pretty cool.

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    #70 2 years ago

    Baywatch is pretty damn fun.

    #71 2 years ago

    Fish tales is way better than Cirqus Voltaire.

    #72 2 years ago

    Pinball was Perfected with Firepower, Fast, Furious, Mutiball, Lane change, And the greatest sound package ever.
    Everything pinball should be.

    Pinball got more complicated after,.....but not better.

    #73 2 years ago

    Toppers are pointless...

    #74 2 years ago
    Quoted from sixgill:

    Toppers are pointless...

    E89AD998-E656-4824-AB29-2F843257B9AE (resized).jpegE89AD998-E656-4824-AB29-2F843257B9AE (resized).jpeg

    #75 2 years ago
    Quoted from beelzeboob:

    Pinsound with the reorchestrations on IJ absolutely transform the game. I don't think there's any other game that is more improved by that card.

    I completely agree with this. I would also say DE JP is a close second. There are definitely some games that can be improved greatly with pinsound, but its not good in every game.

    #76 2 years ago
    Quoted from dyopp21:

    [quoted image]

    Did you say something?

    #77 2 years ago

    I prefer DE GNR to JJP GNR

    #78 2 years ago

    Alice Cooper is one of the best pins ever made

    #79 2 years ago
    Quoted from jitneystand1:

    Alice Cooper is one of the best pins ever made

    I would say “best upper playfield”

    #80 2 years ago

    I don’t care for the style of art used on Godzilla.

    #81 2 years ago

    I have no issues seeing the ball on Popeye and think it is a fun game.

    #82 2 years ago
    Quoted from ralphs007:

    The hammer on a Metallica Premium is the best ball lock in the history of pinball.

    The Shadow is my favorite ball lock

    #83 2 years ago

    I thought Squid Games sucked.

    #84 2 years ago

    JJP GnR has the single worst plunge in all of pinball (that I've played at least). And doesn't get better from there.

    #85 2 years ago
    Quoted from pinzrfun:

    I thought Squid Games sucked.

    I no longer feel alone in this world. What did I miss that others saw? I am never getting that time back.

    Unpopular opinion-
    Royal Crown soda is better than Pepsi and Coke.

    #86 2 years ago
    Quoted from ralphwiggum:

    I no longer feel alone in this world. What did I miss that others saw? I am never getting that time .

    I thought it was intriguing but hardly groundbreaking.

    The story has been told before. There was good character building, I'll give it that.

    #87 2 years ago
    Quoted from ralphwiggum:

    Royal Crown soda is better than Pepsi and Coke.

    I totally agree with you there- Byproduct of years of dive bars.

    #88 2 years ago

    I want more rock themed pins (give me a Black Sabbath, Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix, The Black Crowes, etc...) and fewer child-themed games such TMNT and Hot Wheels.

    I've been flamed hard for having these feelings.

    #89 2 years ago

    The rising price of new pins is out of proportion to my spending money and I will be buying fewer new games in the future.

    #90 2 years ago

    As time goes on you are paying more money for less quality of mechs and code.

    #91 2 years ago

    Medieval Madness doesn't deserve to be in the top 50, let alone number #2.

    #92 2 years ago

    Sticking scale action figures and toy cars and shit all over your playfield is just the nine year old girl playing dolls houses coming out in some people.

    offset_541978 (resized).jpgoffset_541978 (resized).jpg

    That's not mods, mods are sound, lighting and code changes.

    #93 2 years ago

    This could go on for a while...

    These pins are no damn fun at all and are all way overpriced:
    TOM, Fish Tales, AC/DC premium, Aerosmith, Led Zepplin, Asteroid Annie A.T.A., Voltan E.C.D., ROCKY, Banzai Run, CV, Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie, Domino's Pizza, The Jetsons, Thunderbirds, X-Files, Fireball, BTTF!, ALL "Homepins" including Vacation America and... last but not least, the infamous "Supreme" of a turd game.

    These pins are no damn fun at all BUT, at least the prices typically reflect that fact:
    SFII, Fire!,Silverball Mania, Lost World, Space Invaders, Goldball, and Meteor.

    These are all GOOD games: Mr/Ms Pac-man pinball, Cyclopes, Andromeda, Monte Carlo (both the EM and the SS Gottlieb!), Goldeneye, Spirit, Torpedo Alley, Elektra, Ali, Argosy, Sharkey's Shootout, Gamatron, Superman, and Silver Slugger.

    Pop bumpers are way overused in pinball and spinners are way underused in pinball.
    Flashers are way overused in pinball and accent lighting or GI is way underused and a non-designed "afterthought" in nearly every machine.

    Pinball needs more bass in it's soundtracks and better sound engineers. The cabinet is essentially a giant subwoofer and that fact has been used well by exactly 1 game design... TNA. That is an utter shame and quite embarrassing.

    Mr/Ms Pac-man is so poorly understood and underrated by pinball people. I wish it was themed something like Robby Rotto because then it would not have that "Pac-man helped to kill pinball in the 80's" negativity associated with it. The other odd thing I still don't get is that pinball people will spend 5 hours studying the rules of a game like Pirates of the Caribbean LE so they can "compete" and "have a grasp of what's going on" but those same players say "pac-man pinball" is a game where "I just don't get what is going on" and they give up on it in 30 seconds.

    When people consider buying a new pinball machine for their home, they never consider the games that are potentially available for them to play whenever they want before they commit to buy one. For example, when other members of a local pinball community already own one on location or in a private collection that is available to play in league, at a show, or in another environment.

    This happens with both old and new games BUT, I see this happen with EVERY SINGLE NEW Release. LOTS of people in my state/pinball circles order a new Stern game, wait months for it to show up, most often WAY past the time their local barcade or place to play pinball already has it, then they set it up and by the time it's code is up to par and they have time to play it 50 times or more, the game is a year or two old, and it is literally EVERYWHERE to play and they just get tired of it and then dump it to roll the dice again. WHY THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE LIKE THIS? I will never understand it so, essentially I stopped trying to understand this behavior 10 years ago. I think that pinball demand is so high recently that people are just buying new and, if a game sucks, they feel like they could just sell it to some other sap for exactly what they paid it or even more. I understand this mentality/practice of the hobby but, I don't really think it is healthy to participate in such foolishness.

    #94 2 years ago

    Stern Jurassic Park is trash.

    #95 2 years ago
    Quoted from Frax:

    Stern Jurassic Park is trash.

    Had a mates here on loan, i rang him after a week and told him to come get it.

    Every time you nudge....

    maxresdefault (4) (resized).jpgmaxresdefault (4) (resized).jpg


    #96 2 years ago

    Beatles is pinball perfection.
    The right spinner on Flight 2000 is the best in all of pinball.
    Maverick the movie pinball machine is the most under-appreciated pinball machine.

    Flash Gordon pinball should be reproduced.

    #97 2 years ago

    I don't care what anyone says, the Beatles is awesome. The theme is average for me, the music just "ok" for pinball. There are no ramps. But it is oh so fun to play, I can't stop, I don't want to stop. It is also way overpriced so I'll probably never own it, but my instincts for fun pinball are telling me to get one. For a simple ramp free game I like it much more than TNA.

    #98 2 years ago
    Quoted from truemagoo102:

    I'll go first. As much as I LOVE the theme I feel Funhouse has the most boring Lawlor design. Want to get the ball to your upper left flipper? Don't shoot it through the pops, shoot the lock shot, and it's a much safer and you can hit the side shots better. Theres no reason to target the right side of the playfield at all. Lawlor, much love, but thank god for Rudy- without him the game would be a snoozefest.

    For those looking to get rid of Funhouse, let me know, I am looking.

    #99 2 years ago

    If new games were half the price I'd still spend the money on Ems.

    #100 2 years ago

    The remakes look and play better than the originals and are superior in every way.

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