Quoted from Mr68:Go to the person who created this thread and you will find he's a Kaneda hater. Nothing wrong with that and I respect his right to his opinion. And believe me, I understand it too as Chris and I have had our private pissing matches. (Haggis for the win, Chris, ha ha)
So lets recap the events here..
Wow, glad to hear I'm a Kaneda hater!! I wasn't aware!
What I am is a person who is tired of one person in this hobby causing all sorts of toxicity and drama, just as he has done in multiple other hobbies and on multiple other boards. Somehow the people in this hobby haven't figured it out yet and continue to tolerate him.
I'm tired of that same person doxxing others when he gets upset, see the Whysnow thread here: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/kaneda-podcast-dead/page/2#post-5715469 and here https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/kaneda-podcast-dead/page/13#post-5719300 (oh, look...it was you defending him then too!!).
Now Colin has said he's released his private email address, threatened to release his personal cell phone, threatened to "destroy him" and said he would release details of his personal employment history with a company. Let's be clear, that reaction was all over the removal of a database that everyone admits was rarely used on a website everyone admits isn't the go to site for news anymore. How is any of that ok with you??
I'm tired of that person going on unhinged drunken rants on his facebook live stream and bashing others in the hobby, causing more drama.
I'm tired of that person threatening others in the hobby if he doesn't get his way (he's admitted to such just recently on the livestream), his apologists are once again excusing it as "Well, he can be an a-hole sometimes but that's just him, lol".
And lastly, I'm getting tired of people on this forum making all sorts of excuses for his toxic behavior and even encouraging it. It's not good for the hobby and it's not good for the hobbyists. What would be lose if Chris went away? Drama and leaks, that's it.
So, I'm not a hater of Chris, I could care less about Chris.
What I am is TIRED of Chris and the drama he causes in a hobby that I happen to love.