Observations: (please forgive any rookie misconceptions)
1. It appears none of the one-point switches on playfield are unintentionally closed. (Checked all eight)
2. One-point relay in head is not stuck at game start - it sticks after manually activated. (Unplugging playfield does not release it) It only releases when entire machine is powered down.
3. Also, when this relay is stuck, the solenoid on the 0-9 unit (continuous rotation unit?) also energizes and will not release until machine is powered down. (Not sure if this is normal with a stuck point relay)
4. While the one-point relay is stuck, the ten and one hundred relays are able to manually advance score reels, while the one-point relay remains stuck.
5. Also removed player one score reel (ones) and manually advanced with internal solenoid - movement/advancement seemed normal.
6. New game resets all score reels correctly at start up.
7. Also noticed that pop bumper relay below playfield is energized (and stays energized/does not release) at game start. (Maybe this is normal, (?) but it sounds a bit louder than it should.)
Thanks for all of your help - I’m really trying to take my steps carefully here and not bark up the wrong tree.