Check out my Turtles score cards on Pinside Marketplace:
These cards are focused on the information side so that you can remember important things from complicated rulesets. They take me months of learning the game and narrowing what can fit on the apron cards.
Left side card (Premium "Mean Ver."):
SystemJPinball.ca_1_TMNT-LeftCard-Prem-Mean1.1_example (resized).jpg
Right "Menu" card:
SystemJPinball.ca_1_TMNT-MenuCard-PremLE-Mean1.1_example (resized).jpg
All cards are printed at 600pdi (double standard print resolution) and are on thick cardstock.
I'm also offering an oversized "XL" version of all my cards. Here's a pic of them installed on a Prem. apron:
TMNT2_Prem_SystemJ-Cards_web_cropped1 (resized).jpg
The standard sized cards come double sided with an Intermediate side and an Advanced side. The intermediate side has more basic information for anyone who walks up to the game but also has some crib notes like the Ingredients. The Advanced has less info on the basics and more crib notes like the April hurry-up increase values and the TUMB perks. All versions have a QR code to link you to a page of links, tips, strategy and videos for more info on the rules.
See my website for a breakdown of the score cards and a free legacy version of the cards to try out:
All versions have a QR code that links to a dedicated strategy page for quick reference when you want it:
I maintain and updated these pages with tips and links as I find and also allows others to add info and comments if they wish:
My Pinside shop again:
I also have updated versions of Avengers: Infinity Quest (AIQ) and Godzilla (GZ) with plans for more games in the future.