We are very excited to unveil our new and improved website. It's been a long few weeks, and many, many hours, but we think the effort was worth it.
We listened to your suggestions, and tried to incorporate as much as possible to make you experience a pleasant one.
The short version:
Easier ordering (doesn't leave product page when adding to cart), better cart management, flat rate shipping option, better payment integration, easier to navigate, one-click ordering for kits from our kit database with rewards for kit creation.
The long version:
We are on a completely new platform, so most of the issues we had should be a thing of the past.
You are no longer moved to the cart page after adding an item. Your cart is persistent, and will no longer disappear after a time period, or exiting your browser (provided you are logged in).
Shipping options are in place for international orders.
Payment integration is tighter; this should eliminate double orders and login issues.
Lots of small tweaks here and there to make the experience smoother.
The integration with the Kit Database was a tough one. We had intentionally kept it separate because I did not want to directly monetize from the community's effort to fill a public database. But, we have received a large number of requests to provide a "one-click" ordering option. We think we have found a solution that will encourage participation while rewarding kit creation. A "Buy this kit" button has been added which will automatically place all line items in your cart. Upon checkout, the site checks to see who created the kit, and will award them with a store credit which is a percentage of the kit price. This means that you are rewarded EVERY time someone buys a kit you created (even if you buy it!). We feel this is a better option than a onetime 15% discount, and it's a lot less clunky to take care of (no more having to email us after you make a kit).
We really hope you like it, and we are always open to suggestions on how to make it better.
All credit goes to Pinsider Compy for making this happen. He did all of the complex coding and feature addition, while I did the grunt work and made strange noises.
The site will be down tonight (6/27) for a few hours while we migrate over.
Thanks again,
-Matt and Eve
Titan Pinball