Quoted from EZ-Rhino:All - I need some advice on fixes for a really "loose" trap door meaning that the pivoting from side-to-side is getting really excessive and just feels like there is way to much play in the hardware. I believe all ToMs have this issue to some degree (I've seen this issue on a lot of machines) but mine is getting extremely loose and is creating, in my opinion, excess playfield wear at the edges of the trap door. I was considering the Cliffy protector (carbon fiber piece) but that (1) won't cover the existing damage (or further protect the areas at issue) and (2) otherwise doesn't do anything to address the underlying issue. I'm thinking the entire trap door assembly probably needs to be rebuilt including new coils and sleeves but was hoping for a less labor-intensive fix. Also, if anyone has advice on the best manner to touch up the affected playfield areas and a means to further protect those areas in the future that would be much appreciated. See attached photos. Thanks!
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I would use a good pen or paint to redo the outlines and then cut some mylar and put it around the hole to prevent further wear.
I'm not sure rebuilding the trapdoor assembly will make anything better as most if not all games have the same behavior.