I know this is the hype thread, I just wanted to opine about why some people seem down on this pin or why it’s not a bigger seller.
1) poor sales out of the gate is not uncommon. Look at JJP Potc spinning disc gate. Now less than 700 people on Pinside list Potc (all 3 versions) in their collection.
Stranger Things (less than 800 of all 3 versions listed in Pinside collections).
TS4, Godfather BKSoR and so on, it’s just as likely for a pin to be a ‘sales flop’ as for it to be average or big seller.
Godzilla almost 4000 listed in people’s collections.
I’m sure some will say the big sellers are much better pins but it’s subjective. Also sometimes a pin won’t catch on until after they’re out of production.
On top of that the new pins like bond and foo as well as the delivery of back orders like DP, Godzilla, JP, Elvira and Maiden.
Venom is not simply competing with Foo Fighters or Bond but a lot of heavy hitters from the back catalogue as well as the softening used pin market.
I think Venom had an uphill climb from the start. As well as the high price $13K LE and 1000 not a small number compared to a lot of earlier pins like DP or JP etc.