(Topic ID: 278791)

The Official JJP GnR Owners Thread

By Dallas_Pin

3 years ago

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#28801 3 months ago

My son is telling me the piano is not registering as it should. Says it's killing his ability to finish a specific mode. Any ideas on how the piano registers and what to check?

#28802 3 months ago
Quoted from insight75:

My son is telling me the piano is not registering as it should. Says it's killing his ability to finish a specific mode. Any ideas on how the piano registers and what to check?

They're opto sensors, 2 I think, in the keyboard graphic just below the scoop. Take the glass off and test while in diagnostics with a ball rollover. I guess you could do a brief test in a game with the glass off as well But you'll only get one test. If you touch them with your finger that's not always a good test because there is the scenario where it works with your finger but not with a ball.
Basically I think it's the left side of that keyboard graphic and the right side.

#28803 3 months ago
Quoted from TigerLaw:

Thank you! That worked!

glad that it is fixed for you.

#28804 3 months ago

Installed a HerculEASE Hero kit on my GNR. First off, it’s a very well made mod and super easy to install. Flipper response feels noticeably better and this is after playing my first game with the mod on the latest beta which resets flipper power settings (mine were cranked up a bit before install the mod).

#28805 3 months ago
Quoted from altan:

Hey November Rain folks...
JJP has heard and addressed.
[quoted image]

This is beta?

I updated to 3.01 and the November rain audio issue was still there.

Is the fix only in beta? The issue makes NR basically unplayable.


#28806 3 months ago

Hey all

Scoop issue, just starting to get a few scoop drops where the ball is not registering, waits for ball search.

Sometimes it registers, is that just a switch alignment from below?


#28807 3 months ago

Ummm… so went to turn in my game last night and I hear the initial hum, but no lights and screen is black. Don’t hear the typical JJP “pop.” I did update it no long ago but I’ve played it several times since without an issue. Any ideas on where to start? Thanks.

#28808 3 months ago
Quoted from Ecw0930:

This is beta?
I updated to 3.01 and the November rain audio issue was still there.
Is the fix only in beta? The issue makes NR basically unplayable.

Yes, it'll be released in prod next

Quoted from HornerSyndrome:

Ummm… so went to turn in my game last night and I hear the initial hum, but no lights and screen is black. Don’t hear the typical JJP “pop.” I did update it no long ago but I’ve played it several times since without an issue. Any ideas on where to start? Thanks.

These days with the age of these machines when I see posts like this I always start thinking check your motherboard 2032 battery... If it's never been replaced That might be it. Or maybe you just need to jump start the motherboard.
But now that I'm thinking about it I'm wondering if No lights mean something different.

#28809 3 months ago

Just repairing my GnR spotlights, done the left one, but struggling to get the right one back in.
The photos I took are not that clear.

Can someone please post a few pictures of the right spotlight, I'm trying to see how it sits on the metal guide as struggling to get it back in without fouling on the plastic ramp.

Many thanks

#28810 3 months ago

Can someone tell me / show me how the wire to the action button switch is routed?

I removed my coin door to have it powder coated to match, and now the wire to the switch seems like it's just hanging across the opening, but I don't see anything made to route the wire. I must be missing something obvious.


#28811 3 months ago

At least these scores are balanced….

IMG_6763 (resized).jpegIMG_6763 (resized).jpegIMG_6765 (resized).jpegIMG_6765 (resized).jpeg
#28812 3 months ago

The new software DOES make a difference. Scoring becomes easier and better. The risks and rewards are getting bigger and higher.
Thanks JJP.

#28813 3 months ago

I haven't seen this mentioned here yet, but with the latest code update, you can now trap up and time out the Desert Demolition/UYI1 mini wizard mode. That makes three out of four mini wizard modes you can do that for (I haven't tested Tear Down The Wall/UYI2 yet).

Between that, and the opportunity to earn an extra ball with zero risk during Slash's Solo, it's become a bit easier to reach Not In This Lifetime mode, for anyone who is so inclined.

#28814 3 months ago
Quoted from jrawlinson_2000:

Just repairing my GnR spotlights, done the left one, but struggling to get the right one back in.
The photos I took are not that clear.
Can someone please post a few pictures of the right spotlight, I'm trying to see how it sits on the metal guide as struggling to get it back in without fouling on the plastic ramp.
Many thanks

Not the best but hope it helps some.

GNR Right Spot (resized).jpgGNR Right Spot (resized).jpg
#28815 3 months ago
Quoted from Cheeks:

Can someone tell me / show me how the wire to the action button switch is routed?
I removed my coin door to have it powder coated to match, and now the wire to the switch seems like it's just hanging across the opening, but I don't see anything made to route the wire. I must be missing something obvious.

Goes right on top of the lock bar mech:

Action Button (resized).jpgAction Button (resized).jpg
#28816 3 months ago

3.02 code just dropped.
Fixed November Rain

#28817 3 months ago
Quoted from usafstars:

Goes right on top of the lock bar mech:[quoted image]

Awesome, thanks!

#28818 3 months ago
Quoted from dug:

3.02 code just dropped.
Fixed November Rain

#28819 3 months ago

You always come through Chaka

#28820 3 months ago

I didn't know there was anything wrong with November rain. That song is for chicks! One of the only songs my wife has the high score on, ya bunch of soft ass wussies......

#28821 3 months ago
Quoted from CoolCatPinball:

I didn't know there was anything wrong with November rain. That song is for chicks! One of the only songs my wife has the high score on, ya bunch of soft ass wussies......

#28822 3 months ago

And to think he is from Indiana lol

#28823 3 months ago
Quoted from Maurice:

The new software DOES make a difference. Scoring becomes easier and better. The risks and rewards are getting bigger and higher.
Thanks JJP.

Oh yeah. Between the new big update and my flipper response being much better (HerculEASE kit) I feel like I have a new game.

I'm done complaining about the code guys. Now with the new code I can finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe lol.

#28824 3 months ago
Quoted from PanzerFreak:

Oh yeah. Between the new big update and my flipper response being much better (HerculEASE kit) I feel like I have a new game.
I'm done complaining about the code guys. Now with the new code I can finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe lol.

OMG! Planets have aligned!

#28825 3 months ago

I left the club today. I've had a lot of great times in this thread so I hope you'll allow me a farewell post.

I bought the game because it delivered an experience I'd never had before in pinball. The shots flowed. The multiballs were fun and strategic. The song experience was indescribable: truly something unique in pinball. The honeymoon settled to a happy marriage to something less over time. It was clear -- always -- that the bones of the game were strong, there was just "death by a hundred papercuts". The scoring. The song issues. The lack of a clear song value anywhere! I'd stop playing for months, then play intensely for a few days, then put it aside. Gripes went unanswered. Contempt fomented. The game was still the game I fell in love with but it seemed that the company was resigned to not make the small improvements that it needed.

Years (yes -- YEARS) passed. This past few months was a ray of sunshine. All the edges rounded. All the issues -- if not addressed, at least touched. Improved. Given a pass. The game we have now is truly a miles-beyond, not earth shattering change but improvement of all the things that were there all along. It's the game we deserved and that JJP always saw it to be. It is good.

But it was time. I'd done what I wanted to do. I'd played what I wanted to play. It's going to a good place where it will be loved and rocked on for people who have yet to have the experience we all have had with this game. I'm happy it will shine a good light forward to a new set of players to enjoy.

I wanted to acknowledge two things:

* Thanks to JJP for finally righting and fixing a lot of the underlying code issues. The game I've played in the last month is fantastic and you should be proud of what it's become. For me personally, I've gone from "I'll never buy a JJP again" to "I'll buy one if the code is in a good spot". The neglect for years left a sour taste in my mouth. Yes, it's been made good, but it really shouldn't have taken as long as it did.

* To the community in this thread: I don't think I've experienced a more positive, welcoming, hopeful group on Pinside. I'm super excited for all of you to continue to experience the game in this state. I'm excited to see the new scores, and people experiencing this awesome and unique experience for the first time. You all kept the flame high in the darkest of times, and I'm excited that the games bolted to your floors are empirically better than they were even 4 months ago. Keep rocking and enjoying this super unique game!

So if y'all will allow I'll lurk for a bit and enjoy the enthusiasm. And hey, would I join the club again? Who knows? Not in this lifetime? Carry forward the rock, friends

Edit: Just went back and read #26166 in this thread and boy, it's awesome to see JJP crushed it on all my complaints. Again, good job to the entire JJP team!

#28826 3 months ago

Did they make all 5000 LEs? Who's got lucky number 5000? Hahah

#28827 3 months ago
Quoted from MutterFudder:

I left the club today. I've had a lot of great times in this thread so I hope you'll allow me a farewell post.
I bought the game because it delivered an experience I'd never had before in pinball. The shots flowed. The multiballs were fun and strategic. The song experience was indescribable: truly something unique in pinball. The honeymoon settled to a happy marriage to something less over time. It was clear -- always -- that the bones of the game were strong, there was just "death by a hundred papercuts". The scoring. The song issues. The lack of a clear song value anywhere! I'd stop playing for months, then play intensely for a few days, then put it aside. Gripes went unanswered. Contempt fomented. The game was still the game I fell in love with but it seemed that the company was resigned to not make the small improvements that it needed.
Years (yes -- YEARS) passed. This past few months was a ray of sunshine. All the edges rounded. All the issues -- if not addressed, at least touched. Improved. Given a pass. The game we have now is truly a miles-beyond, not earth shattering change but improvement of all the things that were there all along. It's the game we deserved and that JJP always saw it to be. It is good.
But it was time. I'd done what I wanted to do. I'd played what I wanted to play. It's going to a good place where it will be loved and rocked on for people who have yet to have the experience we all have had with this game. I'm happy it will shine a good light forward to a new set of players to enjoy.
I wanted to acknowledge two things:
* Thanks to JJP for finally righting and fixing a lot of the underlying code issues. The game I've played in the last month is fantastic and you should be proud of what it's become. For me personally, I've gone from "I'll never buy a JJP again" to "I'll buy one if the code is in a good spot". The neglect for years left a sour taste in my mouth. Yes, it's been made good, but it really shouldn't have taken as long as it did.
* To the community in this thread: I don't think I've experienced a more positive, welcoming, hopeful group on Pinside. I'm super excited for all of you to continue to experience the game in this state. I'm excited to see the new scores, and people experiencing this awesome and unique experience for the first time. You all kept the flame high in the darkest of times, and I'm excited that the games bolted to your floors are empirically better than they were even 4 months ago. Keep rocking and enjoying this super unique game!
So if y'all will allow I'll lurk for a bit and enjoy the enthusiasm. And hey, would I join the club again? Who knows? Not in this lifetime? Carry forward the rock, friends
Edit: Just went back and read #26166 in this thread and boy, it's awesome to see JJP crushed it on all my complaints. Again, good job to the entire JJP team!

Great post and summary man! I too agree that this forum is a standout on Pinside in being a fantastic representation of what this hobby can (and should) be all about, people loving their games, helping others solve issues, sharing awesome upgrade ideas and methodology, and celebrating one helluva of a rock band in the process! Hope you keep visiting and that you’ll use the proceeds from the sale to get another awesome pin!

#28828 3 months ago

I downloaded the last code (I'm in Beta 49) and I always like to choose and collect patches according to the 1st song I want to hear in the 1st ball (Train for Nightrain, Condom for Rocket Queen.etc)... I just played and collected the Revolver but when I was going to choose the song the revolver was not illuminated in the song menu (like the Condom next to Rocket Queen), is it a bug? It has happened to anyone or why was it not lit if it was already collected?

Thanks GNR fine fellas

#28829 3 months ago
Quoted from Rolls-Royce:

I downloaded the last code (I'm in Beta 49) and I always like to choose and collect patches according to the 1st song I want to hear in the 1st ball (Train for Nightrain, Condom for Rocket Queen.etc)... I just played and collected the Revolver but when I was going to choose the song the revolver was not illuminated in the song menu (like the Condom next to Rocket Queen), is it a bug? It has happened to anyone or why was it not lit if it was already collected?
Thanks GNR fine fellas

It would be nice when running thru the game presentation before pressing start, showing each patch and what they do. Adds more depth to the game and will help newbies..

#28830 3 months ago

I’ve finally taken the plunge and bought the Herculease kit. Really hoping it helps improve my scores on this because I suck lol

#28831 3 months ago
Quoted from Rolls-Royce:

I downloaded the last code (I'm in Beta 49) and I always like to choose and collect patches according to the 1st song I want to hear in the 1st ball (Train for Nightrain, Condom for Rocket Queen.etc)... I just played and collected the Revolver but when I was going to choose the song the revolver was not illuminated in the song menu (like the Condom next to Rocket Queen), is it a bug? It has happened to anyone or why was it not lit if it was already collected?
Thanks GNR fine fellas

For Welcome to the Jungle & Paradise City, you need to have both the gun patch and the rose patch to receive the bonus and for those song-list icons to illuminate.

#28832 3 months ago
Quoted from Jaygee77:

For Welcome to the Jungle & Paradise City, you need to have both the gun patch and the rose patch to receive the bonus and for those song-list icons to illuminate.

Thanks Jaygee77 … for a long time I used to start with Fender, Rose, Duff Skull and decided to scramble that so forgot about that big detail.

I appreciate the response man, thank you.

#28833 3 months ago

Joined the "Sub Club" yesterday. Highly recommended. Found the powered sub at the thrift store for $12.99.

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#28834 3 months ago
Quoted from STVPIN:

Joined the "Sub Club" yesterday. Highly recommended. Found the powered sub at the thrift store for $12.99.
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

At first I'm thinking oh my God please don't drill a hole in the bottom of your cabinet. Then I saw the adapter that you mounted in there. That's awesome. Makes for moving the machine a lot easier and cleaner.

#28835 3 months ago

Well my friends; 3 1/2 years of ownership is a long time by my standards. Sadly, I’ll be exiting the club tomorrow. I’ll check in from time to time, Love this pin. But, it’s time to get something new in the rotation.

#28836 3 months ago

What was the flipper combo to restart a game?

#28837 3 months ago
Quoted from Eskaybee:

Well my friends; 3 1/2 years of ownership is a long time by my standards. Sadly, I’ll be exiting the club tomorrow. I’ll check in from time to time, Love this pin. But, it’s time to get something new in the rotation.

Thanks for all of your wisdom. We’ll be here when you return

#28838 3 months ago
Quoted from thechakapakuni2:

What was the flipper combo to restart a game?

To restart, you just hold the start button. But ball 2 has to be at least sitting in the shooter lane. Hitting start before that adds a player. To end game immediately and not start another game hold left flipper then start simultaneously. Just like Stern if I'm not mistaken.

#28839 3 months ago
Quoted from Eskaybee:

Well my friends; 3 1/2 years of ownership is a long time by my standards. Sadly, I’ll be exiting the club tomorrow. I’ll check in from time to time, Love this pin. But, it’s time to get something new in the rotation.

Can't wait to hear what you get.
The owners club for it will be the winner.
Thank you skb. You're a North Star here.

#28840 3 months ago
Quoted from thechakapakuni2:

What was the flipper combo to restart a game?

To end the current game hold the left flipper and hold start at the same time.

#28841 3 months ago
Quoted from thechakapakuni2:

What was the flipper combo to restart a game?

I also believe you have to enable the option in the settings for both game end and game restart.

#28842 3 months ago
Quoted from CoolCatPinball:

To restart, you just hold the start button. But ball 2 has to be at least sitting in the shooter lane. Hitting start before that adds a player. To end game immediately and not start another game hold left flipper then start simultaneously. Just like Stern if I'm not mistaken.

Thanks! cybevenom Merendino CoolCatPinball

#28843 3 months ago

One more time before I install my hero kit on my IO board.
Has there been any issues from using this mod?

#28844 3 months ago
Quoted from romulusx:

One more time before I install my hero kit on my IO board.
Has there been any issues from using this mod?

Just higher scores for me!

#28845 3 months ago
Quoted from romulusx:

One more time before I install my hero kit on my IO board.
Has there been any issues from using this mod?

There has been nothing but very positive feedback on this mod. Go for it.

#28846 3 months ago

Cool thanks for encouraging comments!Monday morning Im upgrading Willy and GnR !

#28847 3 months ago
Quoted from Vespula:

Can't wait to hear what you get.
The owners club for it will be the winner.
Thank you skb. You're a North Star here.

Looks like he went with Jaws.

#28848 3 months ago
Quoted from CoolCatPinball:

To end game immediately and not start another game hold left flipper then start simultaneously. Just like Stern if I'm not mistaken

That is handy to know…do all JJP’s have that same end game without starting a new one feature?

#28849 3 months ago

Hey all. Been away from the forum for a bit….trying to catch up and seeing all the buzz on this new HerculEASE mod/upgrade for the flipper. So, here’s my question. Is pinmonks flipper fans still needed in addition to the HerculEASE ? I have it but haven’t installed it yet , pinmonk fans.

#28850 3 months ago
Quoted from Trindawg:

Hey all. Been away from the forum for a bit….trying to catch up and seeing all the buzz on this new HerculEASE mod/upgrade for the flipper. So, here’s my question. Is pinmonks flipper fans still needed in addition to the HerculEASE ? I have it but haven’t installed it yet , pinmonk fans.

Don't know yet, but I'm assuming yes because the new board or mod is just powering over fade, so that means the coils are likely getting even hotter than they were before cooling before. Some JJPs had coils that were over 249F within 2 hours of play, which is crazy, and will probably be hotter now. I have a new JJP board to test in GnR that just came in, but I haven't had time to test it yet. It's on my to-do list.

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