This will be the official coronavirus thread. All others will be closed and redirected here. This decision has been made unanimously by the entire mod team.
This is being done for 2 main reasons:
1) There are too many threads on this subject and we would like to gather them together in one place to learn, talk about, and share info about this pandemic.
2) There have been untold rule violations, abuse reports, and complaints about other threads and users talking about this subject. We would like to limit/eliminate them.
First of all, I will post the official rules below:
Secondly, I would like to be very clear that the moderator team would like to encourage discussion, information, and experiences concerning the coronavirus and discourage political speak, personal attacks, and other such website violations.
We realize that it can be hard for many to divide politics from this subject, but please read the rules and follow them. It is not our wish to constantly moderate posters. We genuinely want everyone to be able to enjoy this thread, converse, and hopefully learn more together.
This thread will be monitored closely. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to reach us in the moderator feedback subforum. If you feel there are rule violations, please report the abuse as well.
We wish everyone a safe and healthy future, along with many interesting/enjoyable discussions ahead.
[edit]: Please see this post for a new rule specific to this thread: