(Topic ID: 264520)

The official Coronavirus containment thread

By Daditude

4 years ago

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Topic index (key posts)

161 key posts have been marked in this topic, showing the first 10 items.

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Post #1 Important warning Posted by Daditude (4 years ago)

Post #6 Coronavirus website with up-to-the-moment stats Posted by Daditude (4 years ago)

Post #172 Key posted, but no summary given Posted by PantherCityPins (4 years ago)

Post #193 Name of disease and of the virus Posted by PantherCityPins (4 years ago)

Post #209 Explains why you need social distancing Posted by PantherCityPins (4 years ago)

Post #239 Comment on seasonality Posted by PantherCityPins (4 years ago)

Post #251 Avoid ibuprofen Posted by PantherCityPins (4 years ago)

Post #370 Info on chloroquine Posted by PantherCityPins (4 years ago)

Post #530 News from Italy Posted by Pedretti_Gaming (4 years ago)

Post #693 Important info and advice Posted by ForceFlow (4 years ago)

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#1 4 years ago

This will be the official coronavirus thread. All others will be closed and redirected here. This decision has been made unanimously by the entire mod team.

This is being done for 2 main reasons:

1) There are too many threads on this subject and we would like to gather them together in one place to learn, talk about, and share info about this pandemic.

2) There have been untold rule violations, abuse reports, and complaints about other threads and users talking about this subject. We would like to limit/eliminate them.

First of all, I will post the official pinside.com rules below:


Secondly, I would like to be very clear that the moderator team would like to encourage discussion, information, and experiences concerning the coronavirus and discourage political speak, personal attacks, and other such website violations.

We realize that it can be hard for many to divide politics from this subject, but please read the rules and follow them. It is not our wish to constantly moderate posters. We genuinely want everyone to be able to enjoy this thread, converse, and hopefully learn more together.

This thread will be monitored closely. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to reach us in the moderator feedback subforum. If you feel there are rule violations, please report the abuse as well.

We wish everyone a safe and healthy future, along with many interesting/enjoyable discussions ahead.

[edit]: Please see this post for a new rule specific to this thread: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/the-official-coronavirus-containment-thread/page/108#post-5563878

#2 4 years ago

Thank you.

#3 4 years ago

Everyone good luck and keep clean

Also isolate your elderly loved ones. My parents are in 'lock down' for their own safety. No visits from children or grand children.

#4 4 years ago
Quoted from Daditude:

This will be the official coronavirus thread. All others will be closed and redirected here. This is being done for 2 main reasons:
1) There are too many threads on this subject and we would like to gather them together in one place to learn, talk about, and share info about this pandemic.
2) There have been untold rule violations, abuse reports, and complaints about other threads and users talking about this subject. We would like to limit/eliminate them.
First of all, I will post the official pinside.com rules below:
Secondly, I would like to be very clear that the moderator team would like to encourage discussion, information, and experiences concerning the coronavirus and discourage political speak, personal attacks, and other such website violations.
We realize that it can be hard for many to divide politics from this subject, but please read the rules and follow them. It is not our wish to constantly moderate posters. We genuinely want everyone to be able to enjoy this thread, converse, and hopefully learn more together.
This thread will be monitored closely. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to reach us in the moderator feedback subforum. If you feel there are rule violations, please report the abuse as well.
We wish everyone a safe and healthy future, along with many interesting/enjoyable discussions ahead.

Finally!! Good call. I was getting pretty chapped over who and what was getting moderated, but it’s understandable since they were all blowing up like mad.
Although it pains me, I’m strong enough to admit I was wrong about the level of this situation and more importantly just how serious it has become

Let’s face it, this pandemic is pretty unprecedented. The last REALLY big scare on this level was over 100 years ago when your grandparents/great grandparents were alive, I think that’s around when Lloyd opened SS Billiards

Stay safe everyone and try to keep a level head!

#5 4 years ago
Quoted from Isochronic_Frost:

I think that’s around when Lloyd opened SS Billiards


#6 4 years ago

This is a great website for anyone who wants current updated numbers:


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#7 4 years ago

Current U.S.A. numbers:

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#8 4 years ago

My work sent out a email last night. Looks like today is my last day till next week some time. I will probably be working a line real soon. Hopefully everyone saved that money for a rainy day

#9 4 years ago

Shockingly, Bing (yes, THAT Bing.) has a pretty great COVID-19 tracker that links to current news for the regions as you drill down in it.


#10 4 years ago

everyone in china wears masks to this day, wonder when the USA citizens will do the same?

#11 4 years ago
Quoted from silver_spinner:

everyone in china wears masks to this day, wonder when the USA citizens will do the same?

As soon as the production of them gets caught up with the nations need right now.

#12 4 years ago

italy is at 9% death rate, thats scary, not to mention that does not include people who have died before testing so its "official".
also, then figure how many people are serious enough to need hospital attention (if avail) even if they finally recover.
baffling numbers.
right now, the CDC stated in the USA, people ages 24 to 54 , 40% are ill enough to need hospital attention.
That is much higher than what was led to initially believe.

#13 4 years ago
Quoted from silver_spinner:

italy is at 9% death rate, thats scary, not to mention that does not include people who have died before testing so its "official".
also, then figure how many people are serious enough to need hospital attention (if avail) even if they finally recover.
baffling numbers.
right now, the CDC stated in the USA, people ages 24 to 54 , 40% are ill enough to need hospital attention.
That is much higher than what was led to initially believe.

US has a lot of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes relative to much of the world, and all of which are complicating factors that make it more likely you will have a harder time if you get infected. I haven't seen that CDC stat, but that may partially explain why.

Also, if you're taking NSAIDS (ibuprofen, advil, aspirin, etc) for pain relief/headaches, use something else like Tylenol until this passes. There's strong anecdotal evidence taking shape that the blood-thinning effect of NSAIDS somehow makes it more likely that the infection will take stronger hold and put people in the serious/dead category. Blood thinners are the same problem, but I can't recommend stopping those since that would be medically irresponsible as those are often needed for heart patients, etc. However, people on those blood thinning meds need to know that their risk of death is increased because of blood thinners and triple-down at avoiding getting exposed at all costs.

#14 4 years ago

The old Malaria pill Chloroquine seems to be showing promise of preventing this virus from infecting people.
I had to take this back in the 60's to prevent malaria when I was in Southeast Asia for two years.
The only problem with it is you had better stock up on toilet paper if you take it.

#15 4 years ago
Quoted from 0geist0:

The old Malaria pill Chloroquine

Very bitter tasting and makes your urine smell very strongly. lol

#16 4 years ago

Thank you!
Now off to work at the death store I mean grocery store.

#17 4 years ago
Quoted from arcademojo:

Now off to work at the death store I mean grocery store.

Try to be as safe as you can be brother.

#18 4 years ago

Glad you started this new thread. Hopefully it will remain politics free!

#19 4 years ago

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#20 4 years ago

https://Reddit.com/r/coronavirus is a well stocked site. Also has sites specific to different states for local information.

#21 4 years ago

When did daditude become a moderator?

#22 4 years ago
Quoted from dirkdiggler:

When did daditude become a moderator?

Dont know but glad he is one.

#23 4 years ago

I was laid off on Monday, originally we thought it would be until May 1st. I was told yesterday from a coworker that we will be closed until June 15th now.

That means I’ll be off for 12 weeks. I’d rather be working then not working, but it’s not even like anyone will be hiring in this climate.

I sold my GoT pre a month age because in 2019 I took a significant financial hit. I’m glad that I didn’t wait until now to sell, because I think it would be more difficult now. 2020 is shaping up to be another tough year for me.

#24 4 years ago

Wow lock every thread about the subject but yours.

#25 4 years ago
Quoted from Brtlkat:

Wow lock every thread about the subject but yours.

Yeah he is making the sacrifice to keep the coronamouthvirus quarantined. Stay safe daditude!

#26 4 years ago
Quoted from Luckydogg420:

I was laid off on Monday, originally we thought it would be until May 1st. I was told yesterday from a coworker that we will be closed until June 15th now.
That means I’ll be off for 12 weeks. I’d rather be working then not working, but it’s not even like anyone will be hiring in this climate.
I sold my GoT pre a month age because in 2019 I took a significant financial hit. I’m glad that I didn’t wait until now to sell, because I think it would be more difficult now. 2020 is shaping up to be another tough year for me.

It is beginning to become a scary place out there in our area with all the shutdowns. I have been fortunate to keep all my guys working but that will only last so long if the supply chain gets disrupted. The orders are already starting to slow so we will likely be on the back end of the wave with a bunch of others that have managed to stay active I wish you all good luck and stay safe as possible. WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!

#27 4 years ago

My wife works in media and had to fashion a boom out of a swiffer cleaning poll in order to interview people from a safe distance.

I saw someone using a hockey stick too.

#28 4 years ago
Quoted from Brtlkat:

Wow lock every thread about the subject but yours.

I have to agree, what was the point of locking the other threads? I was enjoying some of them. I get that this is a pinball forum....are you going to lock all other non-pinball threads?

#29 4 years ago

Should have at least used the thread with the earliest, largest post count...

#30 4 years ago

So we shut down the entire US over 200 deaths?

#31 4 years ago
Quoted from wolfemaaan:

So we shut down the entire US over 200 deaths?

If we don't get our collective shit together now, there will be a lot less of you around in 6 months to bitch about it.

#32 4 years ago

The damage from shutting down the entire US will far outweighs 200 deaths let alone 2000

#33 4 years ago
Quoted from wolfemaaan:

The damage from shutting down the entire US will far outweighs 200 deaths let alone 2000

Most people who don't understand science are just shutting up right now.

#34 4 years ago

The good thing about having a single thread now is that once the troublemakers are ejected we're going to have a nice civil discussion here.

#35 4 years ago
Quoted from wolfemaaan:

The damage from shutting down the entire US will far outweighs 200 deaths let alone 2000

Think millions.......that’s the reality if we don’t isolate now.

#36 4 years ago
Quoted from EricHadley:

Think millions.......that’s the reality if we don’t isolate now.

You’re just making up numbers now. Send the proof. Based on the numbers above, not going to even match the flu deaths

#37 4 years ago

Italy had nearly 400 deaths in one day. This ain't your typical flu people!!

#38 4 years ago
Quoted from EricHadley:

Think millions.......that’s the reality if we don’t isolate now.

7.7 billion world population, 70% infection rate, 2-10% die without (and often with) adequate treatment. 107 million - 539 million worldwide deaths. That's what we'd see by making no changes from typical daily life.

#39 4 years ago
Quoted from Brtlkat:

Wow lock every thread about the subject but yours.

Should have only been one thread in the first place. To easy to break the rules then just jump to another thread. This affects the entire world so to important to be ruined be a few.

#40 4 years ago

Arguing about whether it's real or not will be construed as political bickering by the hidden enemy, eager to report.

#41 4 years ago

From one of my Oldest Vendors this morning....

now do you need the face masks?
we can ship you some face masks,usd750 for 1000pcs, 3-5days delivery..
any reply will be highly appreciated..

#42 4 years ago

The best scenario I see right now is that they have adequate proof that the drugs they are testing now are enough to mitigate the symptoms, lessen duration, and more or less eliminate deaths. Then they'll free everybody to go about their normal lives, with the expectation that everybody will get sick, get the medicine, recover, and this will be over with. Kind of like a seasonal flu without a vaccine. We'll hit the peak of the crisis mid to late April, then be back to normal by June.

#44 4 years ago

That’s clear as mud

#45 4 years ago

So you complain no one shows you the numbers. I show you the numbers and then you complain the numbers are confusing.

Summary = it’s bad

If that doesn’t do it for you, look at Italy and keep in mind northern Italy healthcare system is equal or better than USA and comparable to majority of Europe, Canada, etc.

#46 4 years ago
Quoted from Oaken:

So you complain no one shows you the numbers. I show you the numbers and then you complain the numbers are confusing.
Summary = it’s bad
If that doesn’t do it for you, look at Italy and keep in mind northern Italy healthcare system is equal or better than USA and comparable to majority of Europe, Canada, etc.

I can’t read it, it’s illegible. Post a better copy. You can adjust the resolution for pictures when you attach them you know right?

#47 4 years ago

Read the reports.

#48 4 years ago

Lockdown Day 5 here.

Not too bad, got plenty of food and supplies, a garden with a terrasse and beautiful weather for the first day of Spring. Over 70°F today and we had lunch outside. No car noise around besides a few ambulances in the distance (living 4 km away from Paris where the population density is much higher).

As long as we have tap water, electricity and internet, we can last for weeks. I can work from home for some time.

It's fine for me but not for everyone. Hospital staff is under heavy stress and poorly equipped. I may be asked to help eventually. Feeling as if I am in the eye of the storm.

#49 4 years ago

Here’s what a clear copy looks like.


It’s mice nuts on the chart. Let me know when Covad passes swine flu and I’ll be interested. They didn’t shut down the US for SARS

#50 4 years ago

I am going to bookmark this thread for the next time I need an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect for someone.

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