(Topic ID: 155103)

Superman hum

By Magickeith

8 years ago

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Linked Games

#1 8 years ago

My Superman hums fairly loudly during attract mode. It seems quiet during game play but whenever the high scores show it hums heavily. Is this a "normal" Superman thing or something I need to fix? I've never been around another SM machine to listen. Thanks in advance!

#2 8 years ago

Perhaps he does not know the words

Where is it coming from? The transformer?

#3 8 years ago

Well played!

Just from the speaker...if I unhook the speaker it goes away.

#4 8 years ago

Same problem on my Superman too. Could it be the speaker itself or the volume knob? Mine crackles quite a bit when I turn the volume up and down but the hum is always there.

#5 8 years ago

Ok, it must be a SM thing. I have tried different speakers and it's the same "hum" when the machine is in attract mode...it gets louder when the high scores show. Thanks for the intel!

#6 8 years ago

Atari games buzzed when they were new too. The more lighting or more digits lit on the LED displays, the more noticeable the buzz was. It was obviously not a concern in a noisy arcade back in the day. Just something you noticed and lived with.

Not looking at a schematic but if both the LED displays, and the sound circuits are run off the 5 volt logic, it is possible that a fresh filter cap for the unregulated 5v input may help reduce it.


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