(Topic ID: 257038)

Stern Stranger Things

By pinmister

4 years ago

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“Are you interested in a Stern Stranger Things pinball machine?”

  • Yes, I am interested if it plays well and has polished code 492 votes
  • No, I am not interested 439 votes
  • Maybe, not a huge fan of the franchise but maybe if it plays well 100 votes
  • I like pizza 202 votes

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13 key posts have been marked in this topic, showing the first 10 items.

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Post #972 Stranger things video Posted by halflip87 (4 years ago)

Post #975 Stranger Things screen shots Posted by Rascal_H (4 years ago)

Post #1751 Feature matrix from Stern. Posted by ChromeCandy (4 years ago)

Post #1774 Pro features video. Posted by proco (4 years ago)

Post #1775 Trailer with intro from Duffer Bros. Posted by johnnyutah (4 years ago)

Post #1793 First shipping confirmation photo. Posted by Tilt (4 years ago)

Post #1829 Pics of official Stern accessories. Posted by RebelGuitars (4 years ago)

Post #1835 Brian Eddie podcast link on game. Posted by C2CPinball (4 years ago)

Post #3236 Nice game review Posted by delt31 (4 years ago)

Post #3275 This Week In Pinball deep dive. Posted by pin2d (4 years ago)

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#1 4 years ago

Stern Stranger Things from Netflix

Are you interested?

What would you like to see?

Stranger Things Poster.pngStranger Things Poster.png
#2 4 years ago

This could very well be my next NIB if it’s my kind of layout and code.

#3 4 years ago

I like that Stern has teamed up with Netflix and I think this game could be stellar. Will they incorporate the upside down? I would like to see a full size playfield under the main playfield with an ocular lens to allow viewer to see well. What also excites me is the potential sounds from the epic soundtracks from the series. I have not been this excited about sounds on a pinball machine since TNA was released. The keyboard synth gives me goose bumps when I listen to it, and really gets me excited about this theme. If this machine plays well and is fun for me, I think the first thing I would do is add a Polk sub to it. I can already picture the low bass tones punching through the sub speaker giving the player a great vibe while playing.

#4 4 years ago

Is it really confirmed yet? Ive been waiting for the announcement. Im either getting a stranger things premium or a star wars comic premium. So itching to see this

#5 4 years ago
Quoted from mbrave77:

Is it really confirmed yet? Ive been waiting for the announcement. Im either getting a stranger things premium or a star wars comic premium. So itching to see this

It’s just a strong rumor at this point. I think we should know by the end of the month.

#6 4 years ago
Quoted from Krupps4:

It’s just a strong rumor at this point

The hype is strong with this one.pngThe hype is strong with this one.png
#7 4 years ago
Quoted from pinmister:

Will they incorporate the upside down?

I sure hope so! I originally thought a black hole or haunted house like lower playfield but that sacrifices too much of the main level of the game.

I say get VERY creative with artwork and lighting and diverters to create the upside down. Transform the entire game when you’re in it.

#8 4 years ago

I love the show, but not sure I am excited about the idea of it being a pinball theme. I am more excited to see what Brian Eddie does.

#9 4 years ago

I posted this about a month ago in the Next Stern Pin....

IF and when a STRANGER THINGS Pinball comes out :

Should have :
-Iconic creepy score plays at power up / ball launch
-Demogorgon mech opening ball swallowing / spitting out feature.
-LED blinking Christmas lights that WILL communicates with you
-Lower Playfield which represents the "Upside Down" (or entire Playfield becomes grayscale, perhaps flippers are reversed )
-Magnetic levitating ball / save feature that Eleven saves you with her powers
-Waffle / Eggo pop bumpers
-The Clash - Should I stay or should I go needs to play at some point as a music clip
-Spinner which rotates / activates the kids bike tires
-Dustin And Suzie Sing 'The NeverEnding Story' when having a long balltime / wizard mode
-Need to collect items like Steve's Spiked bat to battle
-Scoops Ahoy flavor mode call outs with Erica serving as she puts the ERICA in AMERICA
-Save / Find Barb mode
-Final Battle Mode with The Mind Flayer
-Star Court Mall escalator ramp for the ball to slide down
-Murray Bauman hidden hide out spot on the playfield
-Chief HOPPER call outs
-Billy mode heavily featuring the shaker as he's a pretty intense character
-Gather Friends Lucas, Dustin, Will, Mike, increase multipliers
-Hurry up mode Close the gate
-Joyce Byers cracking her axe as the playfield rumbles from the shaker
-Initials / name "Mad Max" score should be the highest score from factory
-Dr Martin Brenner gather test subject modes
-Bob Newby aka Sean Astin Ball Save
-Chief Hopper SHOOT Again!
*Beat MAD MAX Dig Dug score or mini Hawkins Arcade mode on LCD screen
*Other 80's references throughout the playfield
*Walkie Talkie communication / call outs

#10 4 years ago
Quoted from chuckwurt:

I sure hope so! I originally thought a black hole or haunted house like lower playfield but that sacrifices too much of the main level of the game.

It really depends if they could do it right. If you had an ocular lens to displace then you should be able to squeeze a larger playfield in there. I did not care for the mini-playfield they did on Munsters, especially with the mini-pinballs. Would really want full size balls, and some kind of multi-layer?

I also think color changing RGB if incorporated right could be awesome for Christmas light bulbs? Probably incorporated into playfield inserts?

#11 4 years ago

Im not a fan of lower playfields and it would be hard to match what the virtual pin version does there. Id rather have more up top and use effects to create the upside down. Id actually like an upper playfield of the livingroom where you light xmas lights to say things. I could kind of be like sword of fury upper playfield. Im guessing itll have a central bash toy of a demigorgon as well.

#12 4 years ago

The more I think about it, the more I don’t want a lower playfield. Even if they did it like Krull (which they won’t).

When has a game used artwork and crazy lighting to transform the game? I don’t think it ever has been done.

#13 4 years ago
Quoted from thedarkknight77:

I am more excited to see what Brian Eddie does.

I too am excited to see what Brian does. I guarantee it will not be a typical Stern fan layout rehashed design-or at least I hope it's not.

#14 4 years ago
Quoted from chuckwurt:

crazy lighting to transform the game?

That actually sounds interesting to me, they could totally do both worlds with just the change in GI lighting

#15 4 years ago

Stranger Things is one of my favorite movie/tv shows of all time.

Brian Eddy has only hit home runs, going 3/3 with some of the best games of all time.

I just hope Stern didn't kill, due to budget, a lot of his ideas.

#16 4 years ago
Quoted from pinmister:

That actually sounds interesting to me, they could totally do both worlds with just the change in GI lighting

Go dark mode in upside down with projection similar to blackout mod in ST except have the lasers white to look like the Upside down snow/ash or whatever that is.

#17 4 years ago

A section of the playfield rotating to reveal the "upside down" would be cool. It won't happen, but it would be cool.

#18 4 years ago
Quoted from Rockytop:

A section of the playfield rotating to reveal the "upside down" would be cool. It won't happen, but it would be cool.

That is what I thought would be amazing but I don’t think stern would eat the bom to do so.

#19 4 years ago

Im not a huge fan of magnets but would probably fit in this one

#20 4 years ago
Quoted from PinRush72:

Go dark mode in upside down with projection similar to blackout mod in ST except have the lasers white to look like the Upside down snow/ash or whatever that is.

I was thinking this exact same thing the other night. That could look sweet.

#21 4 years ago
Quoted from mbrave77:

Im not a huge fan of magnets but would probably fit in this one

If there are magnets hopefully they are no where near the flippers.

#22 4 years ago
Quoted from chuckwurt:

If there are magnets hopefully they are no where near the flippers.

I know some people are not fans of magnets near the flippers, but some of my favorite games incorporate magnets near flippers. I love the randomness from magnetic sligns on Ghostbusters and other games like Ripley's, X-MEN, Houdini, etc. where the ball is projected in a manner that makes you flail to keep control. I love randomness-it adds a whole other dimension to game play.

#23 4 years ago

It adds something that’s for sure! Haha. But seriously no magnets.

#24 4 years ago

It should have a Billy mode where you have to “collect” Hawkins Housewives to complete the mode.

F603782F-37F7-420D-B3E3-269AB20EDC26 (resized).jpegF603782F-37F7-420D-B3E3-269AB20EDC26 (resized).jpeg
#25 4 years ago
Quoted from Sinistarrett:

It should have a Billy mode where you have to “collect” Hawkins Housewives to complete the mode.[quoted image]

Dont think stern will let you “collect” women but i hear you. A cool billy mode is needed. Maybe billy multiball.

#26 4 years ago

Ambivalent until I see it. Love the theme, but Stern’s approach to BoM and profit margin has been known to compromise a good theme one way or the other. Kaneda is dead on when imploring Stern to charge extra to make the game right (getting the licensed music for example). People will pay up for these things so long as they receive a quality game.

Hopefully my theory about young IP comes to fruition, and the show fully supports the game with as many assets as it controls, and that Stern delivers an inventive, fun pinball machine. I know they can do it. But will they?

#27 4 years ago

I think that they will wait with a release until the release of Spooky’s R&M.

#28 4 years ago
Quoted from TheFamilyArcade:

BoM and profit margin has been known to compromise a good theme one way or the other.

I disagree. I think it is hit or miss for Stern. Ghostbusters, Star Wars, and Jurassic Park-all turned out fantastic.

I really want to stay positive and optimistic on this one. I am really excited for Brian and think he has had some good time to get this one right. I have high hopes I guess and am excited to see what he came up with.

#29 4 years ago

They licensed the music and everything fir star wars right? Maybe they will here as well. Though with STrsnger things its a lot of different owners for the music. May be harder.

#30 4 years ago

I’ve been saying for a long time and I hope Stern is listening, “Put ALL the designer assets in the game and charge accordingly”!

Quit charging the same amount for every game

I give Stern credit for raising up quality since IMDN which was a piece of shit top to bottom despite being a good game

I’m thinking Eddy is gonna kill it. A lot of built up creativity to unleash over the yrs

#31 4 years ago

There can be a bttf mode

#32 4 years ago

As long as the playfield quality is good.

#33 4 years ago
Quoted from Rockytop:

Stranger Things is one of my favorite movie/tv shows of all time.
Brian Eddy has only hit home runs, going 3/3 with some of the best games of all time.
I just hope Stern didn't kill, due to budget, a lot of his ideas.

Star Wars?

#34 4 years ago

I'll never buy a NIB due to quality-control concerns. But if I did and this game is awesome, this would be the one for me. It's taken me a while to stop being bitter at Stern for completely mucking up the greatest theme of all time (The Beatles), but this could be the game.

#35 4 years ago

Bet it has two ramps, three pops and thin ass clear coat.

#36 4 years ago

Upside Down is key to this game.

Curious to see what Eddy came up with.

#37 4 years ago
Quoted from Deez:

Bet it has two ramps, three pops and thin ass clear coat.

Don't squash the dream already, for crying out loud! Haha. But you're probably right. Don't forget the Eleven bash toy and no upside down for the pro edition.

#38 4 years ago

Im thinkin the upside down would be rad if it was a lower pf, black hole style but harder.

#39 4 years ago

Stranger Things have happened. bad joke

#40 4 years ago
Quoted from usandthem:

Don't squash the dream already, for crying out loud! Haha. But you're probably right. Don't forget the Eleven bash toy and no upside down for the pro edition.

I heard only one ramp, pops, a VUK, one spinner, a demogorgon on a spring, and the premium/le with a small lower playfield

#41 4 years ago
Quoted from mrclean:

-LED blinking Christmas lights that WILL communicates with you

I keep thinking the Christmas lights will be the inserts running up the playfield and you have to make certain shots to advance message up the chain of lights in order to communicate with the other side?

#42 4 years ago
Quoted from pinmister:

I keep thinking the Christmas lights will be the inserts running up the playfield and you have to make certain shots to advance message up the chain of lights in order to communicate with the other side?

They could use the backboard. That would be sweet.

#43 4 years ago

No question this game has Christmas lights in it which Stern is just dying to get to the market in time for Christmas.

It sells itself!

#44 4 years ago

Just locked in my spot for an LE. BOOM

#45 4 years ago
Quoted from corvair61:

Just locked in my spot for an LE. BOOM

Going in blind

-I like your style!

Live Dangerously..jpgLive Dangerously..jpg
#46 4 years ago
Quoted from corvair61:

Just locked in my spot for an LE. BOOM

Hell yea i wana get a ninja turtles LE 2 I’m gonna send my deposit on Monday

#47 4 years ago

Besides rumours any real info this will see the daylight?

#48 4 years ago

50/50 right now.

#49 4 years ago
Quoted from pninja005:

Besides rumours any real info this will see the daylight?

Quoted from ThisNotes4U:

50/50 right now.

Confirmed announcement within a few weeks. My distributor wouldn’t be taking my deposit otherwise.

#50 4 years ago
Quoted from corvair61:

Confirmed announcement within a few weeks. My distributor wouldn’t be taking my deposit otherwise.

Has your distributor confirmed to you it’s Stranger Things then? I’m hearing all sorts over this side of the pond.

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