Quoted from Markharris2000:Doug, the more I think about it, the more I am convinced they must have decided to use a USB to Serial adapter plugged into the spare USB port on the CPU board in the backbox which would cost them next to nothing, and then they can drive the minimal data needed for WS2812B strips using the main software thread. The only other alternative is to design a barebone node board (like toppers have) but with s BOM of $15 or so, which simply terminates the RS485 as a comm channel and then loads local LED code on the microprocessor, triggered by game code events.
I want to see the kit...
Strange that you mention the topper node board as that IS the same node board they use for the cabinet Expression lights and the Jaws LE and John Wick LE speaker lights, as well as the Jaws and Godzilla toppers. You just set the dip switches in different configurations to let the board know what it is supposed to be doing, I guess. The model number has been 520-5370-72 on that node board for the past few games. In earlier cases like Led Zep and Rush cabinet Expression lights, I believe they had a different revision, but I believe they are compatible.
I really have no idea where and how they can grab different types of game code and I was just going off the assumption of them using that node board for all of those type of uses, up to now and suspecting the speaker lights they are selling separately would be the same as what they had in Jaw LE and John Wick LE.
I believe I have seen where some people have got the Stern add-on speaker lights already...so we should see soon.