Quoted from zacaj:
It looks like the pyramid actually uses a dual wound coil and EOS, like a flipper, so that it doesn't overheat? If so, maybe there's a problem with the eos, or one of the windings is bad?
Well I'm totatlly lost there...
In tests, the pyramid goes up, and the glider goes forward, and on the sides too. But in game, the pyramid doesn't move.
What's also pretty weird is that the glider moves on the sides, behind the pyramid, but it doesn't go forward.
I've looked at the EOS, but it looks ok. I couldn't find a way to test it though, as it's not recognized in the switch test (like the ones for the guards).
I mean, when open, the pyramid doesn't open in tests. When normal, the pyramid reacts. So i assume it is fine.
I wish someone had encountered the same issue.
I might create a thread, as it's probably not the place......