(Topic ID: 284330)

** The Next Spooky Pin(s) **

By SantaEatsCheese

3 years ago

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“Will Spooky's Next Game In Production Be TNA 2.0?”

  • Yes 65 votes
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#13151 9 months ago
Quoted from Jagrmaister:

Waiting to see more of LT before making that call. TCM looks like a total win after watching the Bug stream but I have a 4 and 6 year old and they're too impressionable and too in love with pinball for me to feel comfortable with the theme of playing as a murderous family tormenting/killing women and the handicapped. So that's definitely out much to my chagrin.
Like you, sitting on the sidelines at the moment, leaving room for Evil Dead/AoD.

The plan in my house is to turn the volume down and cover the screen when my littles play. I can’t resist this theme lol. It’s worked so far with Halloween.

#13152 8 months ago

So getting some good time on a friends Scooby and I gotta say-it is really growing on me. At first I was not sure about the big upper blocking shot trajectories and the upper with bookcase-but it has proven me wrong with the fantastic mode integration. What I like about the modes is how special they are and unique. Instead of cookie cutter modes it switches it up with unique gameplay features. The hit the pink/green altering shots as they change colors with timing and the advancement of the pinks with hit shots-flippin brilliant. The building a sandwich and having to keep it centered with flippers-flippin awesome! Scooby is really growing on me for the unique gameplay unlike any other game. I really like it when a game grows on you and makes you want to play it more-good stuff.

#13153 8 months ago
Quoted from dragdaily12:

Wow I really think Spooky should did a fantastic job with these 2 licenses. I still don't understand why other companies haven't did 2 themes 1 lay out.

Quoted from dragdaily12:

Good news you can go buy Stern pros/premiums over and over as they whore out the same garbage lol. I have a whole room of Stern also this is jab at them is not from a fan boy mindset.

I feel like these two comments are very contradictory. If you feel that strongly about Stern designs why do you have an entire room full? Myself I am glad we have all the companies. When is the last time Stern made a copied layout, GotG? If you are talking about the emptiness of Sterns have you played Godzilla, Foo, TMNT, EHoH, JP, IMdn, or 007? You could easily argue that some of those aren't great games but you would have a hard time calling them empty, especially the premiums which is the price level that matches up with most of the other companies. I am just a teacher so my budget for games is limited but I really liked Scooby but it's not quite in my wheelhouse as far as what I am willing to spend that much money on to put in my house.
I really like the idea that Spooky will continue to go the Saturday morning cartoon route and if they hit something like Cary Hardy suggested in the X-Men cartoon or something like Batman the animated series I think that it would be interesting to see what they could do with those licenses. I would however like to see one of those as a stand-alone machine though and done specifically for those themes a lot like Scooby Doo. Then we can have a comparison to Stern unlike Godzilla and Ultra Man. If done right and on par with a Scooby Doo, I would definitely be in on the X-Men. I really hope Spooky continues to improve the way it seems they have done with these last two outings.

#13154 8 months ago
Quoted from CoachBacca:

I feel like these two comments are very contradictory. If you feel that strongly about Stern designs why do you have an entire room full? Myself I am glad we have all the companies. When is the last time Stern made a copied layout, GotG? If you are talking about the emptiness of Sterns have you played Godzilla, Foo, TMNT, EHoH, JP, IMdn, or 007? You could easily argue that some of those aren't great games but you would have a hard time calling them empty, especially the premiums which is the price level that matches up with most of the other companies. I am just a teacher so my budget for games is limited but I really liked Scooby but it's not quite in my wheelhouse as far as what I am willing to spend that much money on to put in my house.
I really like the idea that Spooky will continue to go the Saturday morning cartoon route and if they hit something like Cary Hardy suggested in the X-Men cartoon or something like Batman the animated series I think that it would be interesting to see what they could do with those licenses. I would however like to see one of those as a stand-alone machine though and done specifically for those themes a lot like Scooby Doo. Then we can have a comparison to Stern unlike Godzilla and Ultra Man. If done right and on par with a Scooby Doo, I would definitely be in on the X-Men. I really hope Spooky continues to improve the way it seems they have done with these last two outings.

Batman the animated series would be awesome! It just has huge potential. I’d 100% be buying that.

#13155 8 months ago

I get most stern pinballs because I love all things pinball. Even if I feel they are becoming a cash grab. Re runs of games they see bringing over new prices is a fine short term play for THEM but will continue to hurt the sales of ALL new titles. Killing the secondary market on all games not just stern. I personally think Spooky is making awesome games and like each in there own way. No longer a boutique company making 2 games with separate code games sharing a layout is awesome. I love Stern JJP Spooky even American. We have had awesome games from each. If Spooky announced they would remake AMH I would be a bummed as when Stern released more Stranger Things. If you had a Stranger Things Le im guessing you would be upset also. Are we to think everyone wasn't pissed when JJP did similar with WOZ? I'm not being contradict I think it BS whoring out titles instead of pushing new games and fixing code.

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#13156 8 months ago

@Spook AMH aren't selling don't remake them. Lol Don't need them getting any funny ideas.

#13157 8 months ago


#13158 8 months ago
Quoted from dragdaily12:

I get most stern pinballs because I love all things pinball. Even if I feel they are becoming a cash grab. Re runs of games they see bringing over new prices is a fine short term play for THEM but will continue to hurt the sales of ALL new titles. Killing the secondary market on all games not just stern. I personally think Spooky is making awesome games and like each in there own way. No longer a boutique company making 2 games with separate code games sharing a layout is awesome. I love Stern JJP Spooky even American. We have had awesome games from each. If Spooky announced they would remake AMH I would be a bummed as when Stern released more Stranger Things. If you had a Stranger Things Le im guessing you would be upset also. Are we to think everyone wasn't pissed when JJP did similar with WOZ? I'm not being contradict I think it BS whoring out titles instead of pushing new games and fixing code.
[quoted image]

You and I are on different ends of the spectrum when it comes to this hobby. I respect that you don't like what happens to the value of the games when new releases come out, but as someone who never plans on selling the ones in my collection, all I think about your entire post here is I like what you are complaining about. That's not to say that you don't have a legitimate complaint, but when prices come down, that's great for someone like me with a smaller budget. When new games of older titles are made that either means I have a better chance of playing them in the wild or get to buy a new game of one I may have missed out on the first time. I am not in this hobby for the "investing" side of things so when prices come down across the board, I see it as more beneficial to me and really to the pinball community as a whole. When prices come down I think it allows more people to participate/buy or own games and only further promotes this amazing hobby of ours.

#13159 8 months ago

Value of my games irrelevant to me. The market can only consume X amount of NIB games. As companies continue to struggle to sell through runs what do you think will happen? All the distributors will have games sitting not selling. As those games sit and they have $ tied up do you think they will take more or less of the next games?

#13160 8 months ago

Bug said on a stream that Spooky will never do another run if a game they have after it sells out.

#13161 8 months ago

really, so the remake of TNA never happened?

#13162 8 months ago
Quoted from simpswho:

really, so the remake of TNA never happened?

It happened. I do believe it’s also sold out now.

#13163 8 months ago
Quoted from dragdaily12:

Value of my games irrelevant to me. The market can only consume X amount of NIB games. As companies continue to struggle to sell through runs what do you think will happen? All the distributors will have games sitting not selling. As those games sit and they have $ tied up do you think they will take more or less of the next games?

I think the market can only consume X amount of NIB games at current prices, I think if they lower the prices the consumers will buy more. That's basic economics. I believe they will bring the prices down like they have already shown to get rid of the excess stock, which once again goes back to my point. Stern has already shown they are willing to do this with their distributors. Sorry, I know this is a Spooky thread but I think the other companies will follow suit, except for maybe JJP.

#13164 8 months ago
Quoted from simpswho:

really, so the remake of TNA never happened?

Ya, I knew someone would mention that. I thought the same. It was a different model, but then that’s no different than what Sterns been doing. I suspect he was confident in saying this due understand how the licensing is done. TNA is a bit different in that regard. He did make the comment in the context of not doing other runs to protect the collectibility for the original buyers.

#13165 8 months ago
Quoted from simpswho:

really, so the remake of TNA never happened?

Well many on this board claim that TNA is not a Spooky game either so.....

#13166 8 months ago
Quoted from simpswho:

really, so the remake of TNA never happened?

It wasn’t a remake.

It was never limited.

Unlike all their other production games, which had a stated limit (150 AMH, 300 RZ, 500 ACNC, 750 RnM, 1250 HW, 500 UM, 1969 Scooby) TNA *NEVER* had a limit.

They might make more TNA one day.

They will never make more than the numbers stated above for the other games.


#13167 8 months ago
Quoted from simpswho:

really, so the remake of TNA never happened?

On the stream they said they would never make more of a limited pin than the number they stated as the max at the start. TNA was never limited to a number. Even with the most recent run they said more could be made in the future. They are basically the manufacturer of Scott Danesi’s pin… and he could have more made through them or another parter at any point.

#13168 8 months ago

If every company lowers the price on each game by $1000.00 over all sales wouldn't change much at all. Games won't significantly drop and shouldn't. Everything cost more right now in the US. Why would we want pinball companies to lower the price of our adult toys? Just so we could buy 1 or 2 new games? Seems awfully selfish to me. After owning 100s of games new and used it only makes sense to have more competition between all the pinball companies. What Sterns doing will lead to less companies being in the game. No economic preaching will convince me otherwise.

#13169 8 months ago

It's odd people hijack threads with random negative comments when im guessing they could care less what Spooky current next or down the road titles are. I stand with a ton of owners and supports when I say we're are dam lucky to have Spooky. The awesomeness and passion that team has is top notch. I hope 20 years from now they are still killing it.

#13170 8 months ago
Quoted from dragdaily12:

It's odd people hijack threads with random negative comments when im guessing they could care less what Spooky current next or down the road titles are. I stand with a ton of owners and supports when I say we're are dam lucky to have Spooky. The awesomeness and passion that team has is top notch. I hope 20 years from now they are still killing it.

i damaged my side sticker raising the playfield. i reached out and offered to buy a new one since it was user error. they sent a new decal, paid for shipping, and didnt charge me a thing. they should have charged me to at least pay the shipping, let alone the human hours and cost to print.

i will be a spooky fan from here on. they really are amazing, and i appreciate them. spooky…. thank you and keep it up.

#13171 8 months ago

JJP and Stern both sent me PFs with lifting clear issues and told me to go fly a kite Everytime with Spooky they fixed everything. Powder coating issued on Halloween. Without question a full set of armor. I offered to buy it and pay for shipping neither would they accept. Tech problems other than flying to my house and doing it for me I was walked through everything and parts sent out free. Now do I think people who have 0 desire to pull there glass should buy a Spooky? No. Games have issues stuff breaks but without question the 1# company in the game is Spooky for customers service.

#13172 8 months ago
Quoted from blaskoa:

i damaged my side sticker raising the playfield. i reached out and offered to buy a new one since it was user error. they sent a new decal, paid for shipping, and didnt charge me a thing. they should have charged me to at least pay the shipping, let alone the human hours and cost to print.
i will be a spooky fan from here on. they really are amazing, and i appreciate them. spooky…. thank you and keep it up.

They did the same for me, for R&M, which I bought second hand. Best customer service!

#13173 8 months ago

Spooky…we need a Metalocalypse pin.

IMG_0405 (resized).pngIMG_0405 (resized).png
1 week later
#13174 8 months ago

Lucky - JJP Doesn’t do that anymore and hasn’t in a long time

Quoted from dragdaily12:

JJP and Stern both sent me PFs with lifting clear issues and told me to go fly a kite Everytime with Spooky they fixed everything. Powder coating issued on Halloween. Without question a full set of armor. I offered to buy it and pay for shipping neither would they accept. Tech problems other than flying to my house and doing it for me I was walked through everything and parts sent out free. Now do I think people who have 0 desire to pull there glass should buy a Spooky? No. Games have issues stuff breaks but without question the 1# company in the game is Spooky for customers service.

#13175 8 months ago

Aqua team hunger force needs a pin, has them written all over it.

#13176 8 months ago
Quoted from hockeymutt:

Aqua team hunger force needs a pin, has them written all over it.

If they want to make a 3rd theme out of this, I'll put my down payment down.

#13177 8 months ago

Scream will be next year!!

#13178 8 months ago

Spooky Needs to acquire the Porky's rights. If anyone can push the theme to limit and not cross the line it is Spooky.

#13179 8 months ago

Time for a steamboat Willie pin?

#13180 8 months ago

Porkys…no thanks. No one is throwing money at pre teen horny dumbshit 80’s schlock.

Better picks for 80’s alt comedies / spookies include Better off Dead, Revenge of the Nerds, Dead Alive (Braindead) Night of The Comet, After Hours Repo Man, Heathers, Pump up the Volume Lost Boys Monster Squad and Return of the living dead.

Quoted from VoodooPin:

Spooky Needs to acquire the Porky's rights. If anyone can push the theme to limit and not cross the line it is Spooky.

#13181 8 months ago
Quoted from mpdpvdpin:

Porkys…no thanks. No one is throwing money at pre teen horny dumbshit 80’s schlock.
Better picks for 80’s alt comedies / spookies include Better off Dead, Revenge of the Nerds, Dead Alive (Braindead) Night of The Comet, After Hours Repo Man, Heathers, Pump up the Volume Lost Boys Monster Squad and Return of the living dead.

From your list I think the most likely to be released would be
1) Lost Boys (huge bonus for this title because it’s very popular with women)
2) Monster Squad
3) Revenge of the Nerds

What I think is actually going to be released Is Ash Vs Evil Dead. This could be really cool but I’d much rather play/buy Killer Klowns from Outer Space or Escape From New York.

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#13182 8 months ago

Revenge of the nerds is in my top 5 of all movies. Would be a great pinball.

#13183 8 months ago
Quoted from mpdpvdpin:

Porkys…no thanks. No one is throwing money at pre teen horny dumbshit 80’s schlock.
Better picks for 80’s alt comedies

Sheesh!!! Please tell me how you really feel!

#13184 8 months ago

it’s not personal, I’m just a c*nt. don’t mind me lol

Quoted from VoodooPin:

Sheesh!!! Please tell me how you really feel!

#13185 8 months ago
Quoted from VoodooPin:

Spooky Needs to acquire the Porky's rights. If anyone can push the theme to limit and not cross the line it is Spooky.

I don’t think we will ever see a Porky’s Pin but the Graveyard Gloria sequence from Porky’s 2 is Hilarious! On my God Pee Wee you humped her to death!

The scene where the guy bursts thru the door with the machete at the hooker shack in the woods from Porky’s 1 is just as funny !

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#13186 8 months ago

I remember the scenes your are talking about in Porkeys 2. Probably the best part of the movie.

Porkys 1 had so many classic scenes. That one is hilarious for sure!

#13187 8 months ago

This would make a good spooky pin too!

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#13188 8 months ago

If they dual theme this with Evil Dead 2 I’m gonna have a real dilemma on my hands.

Quoted from BobTheDegen:

This would make a good spooky pin too!
[quoted image]

#13189 8 months ago

I am really impressed by Spooky. Pretty amazing what they built and the quality of their games.

I hope their next themes cater to the 90s kids. I want to love Looney Tunes, but I have no connection to the brand. I understand. Older licenses are easier to get.

Goonies would be amazing and spooky would do it justice.

#13190 8 months ago
Quoted from puristish:

I am really impressed by Spooky. Pretty amazing what they built and the quality of their games.
I hope their next themes cater to the 90s kids. I want to love Looney Tunes, but I have no connection to the brand. I understand. Older licenses are easier to get.
Goonies would be amazing and spooky would do it justice.

100% agree.

Goonies is my #2 dream theme… only behind Pee-Wes’s Big Adventure.

#13191 8 months ago
Quoted from Boycer:

Revenge of the nerds is in my top 5 of all movies. Would be a great pinball.

There's a scene in there that hasn't aged well. No one is touching that IP with a ten foot pole and rightfully so.

#13192 8 months ago

New Spooky Topper for Scooby Doo:


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#13193 8 months ago

that topper is pretty cool. nice job spooky. now for the question we all actually want to know. Price. lol

#13194 8 months ago
Quoted from Zablon:

that topper is pretty cool. nice job spooky. now for the question we all actually want to know. Price. lol


#13195 8 months ago

Given what toppers seem to cost these days, that's not bad.

#13196 8 months ago
Quoted from TheGodfather:

New Spooky Topper for Scooby Doo:
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

Well I guess that’s where that prototype bookcase part came from they showed when they were teasing TCM and LT.

#13197 8 months ago

I like this topper way more than the villains topper. And I really like the villians topper.

#13198 8 months ago
Quoted from Zablon:

Given what toppers seem to cost these days, that's not bad.

Yeah I think considering it's a sculpt, mech, lcd, rgb light shows synced to game, 10+ minutes of licensed clips from New episode, custom animations, and a video mode on the mini lcd you play with the action button. Plus we can continue to update the topper. It updates right along with the normal game. We really threw the kitchen sink at this thing as far as value to the customer as best we could.

#13199 8 months ago
Quoted from SpookyLuke:

Yeah I think considering it's a sculpt, mech, lcd, rgb light shows synced to game, 10+ minutes of licensed clips from New episode, custom animations, and a video mode on the mini lcd you play with the action button. Plus we can continue to update the topper. It updates right along with the normal game. We really threw the kitchen sink at this thing as far as value to the customer as best we could.

Looks Awesome!
How tall is it ?

#13200 8 months ago
Quoted from ultimategameroom:

Looks Awesome!
How tall is it ?

11 inches it's actually a touch shorter than the existing topper.

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