(Topic ID: 284330)

** The Next Spooky Pin(s) **

By SantaEatsCheese

3 years ago

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“Will Spooky's Next Game In Production Be TNA 2.0?”

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#5151 3 years ago
Quoted from TreyBo69:

I’m still pretty surprised by the whole two game thing
Is it two games on one machine or a reskin variation?
Will there always be 1,000 Halloween variations (standard, BS, CE) or will some of the other theme cut into this number? What’s the cap on the other game?
And then of course, how different is it really? All new art, sound, video content, playfield cosmetics etc. seems expensive if it’s a niche title.
Are we getting Bela Lugosi Haunted House Party?

With my luck, they would make a Big Trouble in Little China and a separate Beetlejuice game with the same layouts. What the hell would I do then???

#5152 3 years ago
Quoted from Var1AbL3:

With mine, 99.9% of shot issues were resolved by fine tuning the pitch of the game. Try adjusting your back legs up or down till it works right.
As for the "second skin" I want Futurama!

Futurama deserves it's own build IMHO.

#5153 3 years ago
Quoted from Var1AbL3:

With mine, 99.9% of shot issues were resolved by fine tuning the pitch of the game. Try adjusting your back legs up or down till it works right.
As for the "second skin" I want Futurama!

Futurama deserves it's own build IMHO. Thought at this point it might be a bit of a niche title.

#5154 3 years ago
Quoted from Zablon:

Um what? RZ is completely different than the original. And inferior IMO.

Which is a good reason to have the dual option in this machine. I am a fan of the Zombie version. So having a choice kinds of makes it more appealing to more buyers.

#5155 3 years ago
Quoted from Zablon:

Unless it's The Thing, where it's a good thing

There are exceptions to every rule, of course! The Thing From Another World is great too, but JC's vision is what made that property so popular.

#5156 3 years ago
Quoted from rai:

I have an open invitation to anyone who would like to help me fix my R&M shots. Im not a master pinball builder so it’s a bit overwhelming to receive a pin that doesn’t shoot properly. I can make the left orbit maybe one in 10 tries maybe less.

Unless you have a local R&M friend, your best bet is probably to check the R&M thread. There’s a lot of great “picture posts” there where people have outlined various fixes:
* In most cases some bending of the rail helps
* In some cases moving the spinner up/down/left/right helps (it can brick on the spinner if it’s positioned badly)
* A few people have had to adjust the diverter under the house
* Some people have had to do more serious adjustments to the “outer” rail on the left orbit.

Take the glass off, shoot it a bunch, and make small adjustments as you go. You should be able to make a significant improvement without serious adjustment. Or you could drive yourself crazy making it perfect.

You end up fixing this kind of sample variation with any NIB pin… I’ve never had a game that didn’t have to be dialed in when we bought it. Many games you pick up used are already set up by a previous owner, but from the factory you’re victim of sample variation.

R&M’s orbit is clearly a problematic one. More than most. But it’s far from the only game with a tough-to-tune shot. I’m sure everyone in this thread could rattle off a hate list! (Looking at you, Taxi skill shot!)

#5157 3 years ago

Everyone is still guessing too mainstream for the 2nd theme. Think of something super obscure that Charlie would like - some old TV show from the 70s on a UHF station that no one remembers…or something local like Svenghoulie. Something family friendly.

#5158 3 years ago
Quoted from Rarehero:

Everyone is still guessing too mainstream for the 2nd theme. Think of something super obscure that Charlie would like - some old TV show from the 70s on a UHF station that no one remembers…or something local like Svenghoulie. Something family friendly.

Saturday_the_fourteenth (resized).jpgSaturday_the_fourteenth (resized).jpg

#5159 3 years ago

Shifting from what Spooky will build to what I want …. .

Futurama would be good but there is not a big enough fan base. Spooky could sell 300, but more would be questionable, so not a good pick. I’d buy one if they built it.

How about a redo and capturing 30+ years of the Simpsons? Chances for that are slim, but shouldn’t be. With thousands of scenes to randomly select from and h. u. m. o. r.. Treehouse of Horrors is another excellent way to go. Build it and I will buy it.

I could use an updated / adult version of South Park capturing 20+ years. Id prefer a superheroes edition, but know that one won’t happen as it is superniche. But South Park build, South Park buy.

#5160 3 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

Shifting from what Spooky will build to what I want …

You basically summed up this entire thread

#5161 3 years ago
Quoted from Zablon:

The main gripe about RZ's version is just that. He tried to get you to empathize with him as an abused kid. The original had nothing like that - he was just pure evil. The movie was much more in your face violent, no doubt....but it had no suspense or horror. If he'd have just named it something else unrelated to Halloween, it probably would have been received better overall.

Interesting take, can see some points. However RZ version of abused kid just makes it more realistic. The original Halloween Myers just is boring to me... so I see both points of views... however I think RZ version gave the story a much needed kick in the pantzzzz. IMO

#5162 3 years ago
Quoted from Palmer:

You basically summed up this entire thread

That's pretty much every pinside thread.

#5163 3 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

Futurama would be good but there is not a big enough fan base. Spooky could sell 300, but more would be questionable, so not a good pick. I’d buy one if they built it.

Futurama has a passionate fanbase…I think it’s similar to R&M fans and has a good crossover with pinball. Sci-fi comedy works well with pinball. It may seem too late to do the license since the shows been dead for a while, but I think it’s iconic & nostalgic at this point, which always works for pinball sales.

John DiMaggio would do custom callouts for sure - “Kiss my shiny metal balls!”

#5164 3 years ago
Quoted from Venom77:

Interesting take, can see some points. However RZ version of abused kid just makes it more realistic. The original Halloween Myers just is boring to me... so I see both points of views... however I think RZ version gave the story a much needed kick in the pantzzzz. IMO

Often the allure of a slasher is that they do not have a backstory. Abuse doesn't make someone invincible or super human. In the worst case it makes them fragile and vulnerable and in the best case empowers them to be better than their environment. Most people who kill are weak and vulnerable. Thanks for listening. - Dr. Shit Thunder

#5165 3 years ago
Quoted from mpdpvdpin:

ALSO, gonna say what no one is trying to say...

its hard to be wrong when you name virtually every possibility

Quoted from Rarehero:

Everyone is still guessing too mainstream for the 2nd theme. Think of something super obscure that Charlie would like - some old TV show from the 70s on a UHF station that no one remembers…or something local like Svenghoulie. Something family friendly.

Svenghoulie doing Plan 9 from outer space - I'd buy that - plus i believe plan 9 is in the public domain and features Bella Lugosi.

#5166 3 years ago

So just some more random BS while we all wait...

The Simpsons HOH actually does make a lot of sense. I can totally see some Pinball company taking advantage of that LISC... and you know every pinball company has spy's in this thread... so someone better jump on that one before its its gone.

I could totally see Spookey pulling off for the lesser known theme, Creepshow... or even Tales from Crypt \ Outer Limits where you could have various short story episode's in the machine much like how Elvira HOH pulled it off with the B-rated movies.

#5167 3 years ago
Quoted from Chuckwebster:

its hard to be wrong when you name virtually every possibility

I don't know Kaneda, but I don't think it's right to toss him under the bus with these "guesses". I can almost guarantee that he had some insider information. I feel as though he might have tossed out a few red herrings as a favor to Spooky.

#5168 3 years ago
Quoted from lpeters82:

I don't know Kaneda, but I can almost guarantee that he found some insider information. I almost feel as though he tossed out a few red herrings as a favor to Spooky to avoid them getting in trouble from their license.

Didn’t he also say the other title was Nightmare on Elm ?! If not WTF is the other title ?

#5169 3 years ago
Quoted from shlt_thunder:

Often the allure of a slasher is that they do not have a backstory. Abuse doesn't make someone invincible or super human. In the worst case it makes them fragile and vulnerable and in the best case empowers them to be better than their environment. Most people who kill are weak and vulnerable. Thanks for listening. - Dr. Shit Thunder

Hummm not sure I agree on the backstory I would say its 50/50 in most movies. Agree but neither the Original or RZ version play by really by the believable rules here so have to take that with a grain of salt. The original Myers is a real Ninja if so.

Disagree on people who kill are weak and vulnerable.. Some people find strength in compassion.. outward feelings.. other people find strength in solidarity and the ability to separate\suppress their weakness hence inward feelings. No human mind is the same in all honesty we truly are all wired different. It truly is a fascinating subject when you throw in variables as guilt, morals, life experiences and or just no thought process on one particular feeling, and nature bakes a cake...

However agree no human takes 6 rounds to the chest and gets up and disappears. Unless they under influence of PCP lol.. So in Horror some imagination is required.

#5170 3 years ago

He guessed three titles and with the announcement that spooky is actually making two games he may go 2/3. He said Scooby, Nightmare and Halloween. Some of these dudes on here like to pretend that he threw out 100 themes and hoped one stuck. He threw out three soooo...

Quoted from mrclean:

Didn’t he also say the other title was Nightmare on Elm ?! If not WTF is the other title ?

#5171 3 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

Rob Zombie has NOTHING to do with this machine. Nor does his remake.

Thanks for the info. I like RZ but have enough of him in my RZ game, no need for an encore. Hoping this one is all about horror!

#5172 3 years ago

HellRaiser - Halloween - Crossover that never was?

#5173 3 years ago
Quoted from CKrueger:

You end up fixing this kind of sample variation with any NIB pin… I’ve never had a game that didn’t have to be dialed in when we bought it.

The drops on my new AIQ Pro wouldn't drop. The bank was installed too close to the rubber and the targets had no room to fall back. Completely screwed up the game til I reinstalled the bank 1/8" further out.

Maiden needed tweaks to rails to get the loops correct. ACDC chopped a wire in half with the rear kickout on the 2nd game because the wires were dressed incorrectly. Buddy's XMen was a complete basket case of ball hangups and targets that weren't even screwed all the way in the playfield.

I had to take my fucking WOZ ECLE backbox *completely apart* to replace the bottom sill because the glass channel was too narrow for the BG to fit. Yes they actually shipped it that way.

R&M was rather below average regarding after-unboxing work. Adjusted flippers and two rails, regapped targets and now it shoots awesome.

Stop paying attention to attention-whoring podcasters and make your own opinions.

#5174 3 years ago
Quoted from metallik:

The drops on my new AIQ Pro wouldn't drop. The bank was installed too close to the rubber and the targets had no room to fall back. Completely screwed up the game til I reinstalled the bank 1/8" further out.
Maiden needed tweaks to rails to get the loops correct. ACDC chopped a wire in half with the rear kickout on the 2nd game because the wires were dressed incorrectly. Buddy's XMen was a complete basket case of ball hangups and targets that weren't even screwed all the way in the playfield.
I had to take my fucking WOZ ECLE backbox *completely apart* to replace the bottom sill because the glass channel was too narrow for the BG to fit. Yes they actually shipped it that way.
R&M was rather below average regarding after-unboxing work. Adjusted flippers and two rails, regapped targets and now it shoots awesome.
Stop paying attention to attention-whoring podcasters and make your own opinions.

Conversely...I've never had to do anything to my MBrLE (I know some have). It spoiled me.

#5175 3 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

Shifting from what Spooky will build to what I want …. .
Futurama would be good but there is not a big enough fan base. Spooky could sell 300, but more would be questionable, so not a good pick. I’d buy one if they built it.

No way, no how. Assuming it's not done with hand drawn art by Charlie, soundalike callouts from bug, and video recreations of beloved scenes by the entire spooky family, Futurama would sell better than 95% of the titles mentioned in this thread. (Though the version I described would have its own special charm and with the spooky fanbase could maybe do AMH numbers?)

#5176 3 years ago

Agreed I would pay 10k collectors edition price for a Futurama. Freaking Bender call outs 100% gold! Bite my shiny metal ass multiball.

#5177 3 years ago

People keep saying 'sell better' as if they aren't going to sell out before anyone gets their hands on one. As I've said many times, it would have to be a very bad theme with what appears to be a very bad playfield reveal to not sell out ~1000 at this point.

#5178 3 years ago
Quoted from Thenewguy1337:

Agreed I would pay 10k collectors edition price for a Futurama. Freaking Bender call outs 100% gold! Bite my shiny metal ass multiball.


#5179 3 years ago

Futurama, Simpsons Treehouse of Horror and Batman: The Animated series would sell out faster than Spookys server could handle. It would be goddamn feeding frenzy if these were produced in a limited capacity. For this reason, I actually prefer that Stern or JJP tackle these IPs and for Spooky to continue to fill the niche market by actually making games with themes THEY love.

Quoted from blueberryjohnson:

No way, no how. Assuming it's not done with hand drawn art by Charlie, custom callouts from bug, and video recreations of beloved scenes by the entire spooky family, Futurama would sell better than 95% of the titles mentioned in this thread.

#5180 3 years ago

Cheers to those people who own pinball machines and never need to adjust or repair them, because that has most certainly not been my experience with either nib or otherwise.

Kanedas popularity is largely centered around the drama he creates by blowing things he doesn’t understand out of proportion or by peacocking. That being said his show is still entertaining people just need to learn that it’s just that an entertaining show.

Quoted from metallik:

The drops on my new AIQ Pro wouldn't drop. The bank was installed too close to the rubber and the targets had no room to fall back. Completely screwed up the game til I reinstalled the bank 1/8" further out.
Maiden needed tweaks to rails to get the loops correct. ACDC chopped a wire in half with the rear kickout on the 2nd game because the wires were dressed incorrectly. Buddy's XMen was a complete basket case of ball hangups and targets that weren't even screwed all the way in the playfield.
I had to take my fucking WOZ ECLE backbox *completely apart* to replace the bottom sill because the glass channel was too narrow for the BG to fit. Yes they actually shipped it that way.
R&M was rather below average regarding after-unboxing work. Adjusted flippers and two rails, regapped targets and now it shoots awesome.
Stop paying attention to attention-whoring podcasters and make your own opinions.

#5181 3 years ago
Quoted from mpdpvdpin:

Futurama, Simpsons Treehouse of Horror and Batman: The Animated series would sell out faster than Spookys server could handle. It would be goddamn feeding frenzy if these were produced in a limited capacity. For this reason, I actually prefer that Stern or JJP tackle these IPs and for Spooky to continue to fill the niche market by actually making games with themes THEY love.

true, Spooky is best suited for the themes like Evil Dead and BTILC, themes that wouldn't sell Stern levels, but would easily sell out for Spooky's capacity.
but yeah I'm looking forward to the playfield reveal(s) and the pinside feeding frenzy.

#5182 3 years ago
Quoted from Venom77:

Hummm not sure I agree on the backstory I would say its 50/50 in most movies. Agree but neither the Original or RZ version play by really by the believable rules here so have to take that with a grain of salt. The original Myers is a real Ninja if so.
Disagree on people who kill are weak and vulnerable.. Some people find strength in compassion.. outward feelings.. other people find strength in solidarity and the ability to separate\suppress their weakness hence inward feelings. No human mind is the same in all honesty we truly are all wired different. It truly is a fascinating subject when you throw in variables as guilt, morals, life experiences and or just no thought process on one particular feeling, and nature bakes a cake...
However agree no human takes 6 rounds to the chest and gets up and disappears. Unless they under influence of PCP lol.. So in Horror some imagination is required.

John Carpenter and Debra Hill have always stated that Michael Myers was a "Force of nature". What made him scary was not knowing the entire back story. Carpenter has always hated the RZ remakes and has even said as much because Tyler Mane was too big of a guy to play him at 6'-8" The RZ remakes are decent on their own but should have never taken up such a holy grail of horror. I still enjoy them but in a different light.

My favorite is the original 1 & 2 with the recent remake of 2018. Taking the nostalgic route with doing the original 1978 version is the smart move.

#5183 3 years ago

Man, the artist Spooky chose for Halloween has some awesome artwork on his site:

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#5184 3 years ago

How about “Groovy Goolies” for the niche theme?

But a neighborhood layout?

Children of the Damned?

Or what if it just happened to be Halloween III: Season Of The Witch?!

#5185 3 years ago
Quoted from johnnyutah:

Man, the artist Spooky chose for Halloween has some awesome artwork on his site:
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

This is my favorite.

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#5186 3 years ago

my bet is the other will be Halloween III: Season Of The Witch. Spooky has the licence for halloween, halloween 3 would not be to far of a stretch seeing as they know who has the licence. also Halloween 3 has a BIG cult fallowing and the Licence is most definitely cheeper and could be packaged with the halloween agrement.

#5187 3 years ago

I am less enthused about Halloween, but I might have to really consider one if it is Halloween III. Strange I know, but I love that movie more than the original.

#5188 3 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

Futurama would be good but there is not a big enough fan base. Spooky could sell 300, but more would be questionable, so not a good pick. I’d buy one if they built it.

I would also love a Futurama pin

#5189 3 years ago

Now that they have a layout to do it justice. Maybe the other game is their first concept ?

LTG : )

pz (resized).JPGpz (resized).JPG
#5190 3 years ago
Quoted from Zablon:

I am less enthused about Halloween, but I might have to really consider one if it is Halloween III. Strange I know, but I love that movie more than the original.

Yeah, III always got a bad wrap, but it's actually one of my favorites as well. Tom Atkins FTW

#5191 3 years ago

Has anyone heard of a show or niche’ series called Ultraman?

Cult following?

#5192 3 years ago
Quoted from rdonohue13:

Has anyone heard of a show or niche’ series called Ultraman?
Cult following?

Huge in Japan wasn't it? Not so sure here, Godzilla and the like overshadowed it.

#5193 3 years ago
Quoted from rdonohue13:

Has anyone heard of a show or niche’ series called Ultraman?
Cult following?

I remember that one, it’s a little vague though since I was usually trying to sneak around to watch Speed Racer…which my mother deemed “too violent”

#5194 3 years ago

Check out my latest Laserdisc score!

I agree on Futurama. That would make a great pin. Tubes, gadgets, aliens, humor... Plus the delivery service premise allows endless modes. That's why they based the show around a delivery service - so the plot could go, quite literally, ANYWHERE.

PXL_20210630_172221502 (resized).jpgPXL_20210630_172221502 (resized).jpg
#5195 3 years ago
Quoted from LTG:

Now that they have a layout to do it justice. Maybe the other game is their first concept ?

LTG : )

Have that poster as well. Nothing wrong with some zombie T&A.

#5196 3 years ago
Quoted from rdonohue13:

Has anyone heard of a show or niche’ series called Ultraman?
Cult following?

This, and Space Giants were big back when I was a kid followed by Gilligan's Island and the Godzilla cartoon with Godzooky. Dam now I'm feeling old as dirt....

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#5197 3 years ago
Quoted from MolecularChick:

I remember that one, it’s a little vague though since I was usually trying to sneak around to watch Speed Racer…which my mother deemed “too violent”

Speed Racer was .....violent?

speed (resized).JPGspeed (resized).JPG
#5198 3 years ago
Quoted from Pinstym:

This is my favorite.
[quoted image]

It was a great image. I had the print Mondo did for it and the print job was horrendous unfortunately.

This one is one of my favorites and still on the wall.

I'm sure the art on the machine will look great. Just not a huge fan of the theme but I get the appeal and I won't complain. Hopefully it's a killer game (pun intended).

9a9a6353d43dd0249f04b7d4177e5415 (resized).jpg9a9a6353d43dd0249f04b7d4177e5415 (resized).jpg
#5199 3 years ago
Quoted from hAbO:

Taking the nostalgic route with doing the original 1978 version is the smart move.

Absolutely 100%. Same reason I went with original film. Carpenter was subtle, and it was still creepy as hell without straight blood and gore.

And the prolonged camera shot through the mask eyes with Michael stabbing his sister to death? Iconic.

Finished or not, at least as of today I can take solace that I’m the only person with a Halloween game in their lineup.

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#5200 3 years ago
Quoted from Zablon:

Speed Racer was .....violent?[quoted image]

So said my mom, I wasn’t buying it though

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