Quoted from newpinbin:What will happen when it starts to melt?
Not sure. We have an overhang and it has never drifted to the door before. Never seen anything like what just happened. They called it a ground blizzard.
Quoted from newpinbin:What will happen when it starts to melt?
Not sure. We have an overhang and it has never drifted to the door before. Never seen anything like what just happened. They called it a ground blizzard.
Quoted from newpinbin:Hopefully it wont leak inside.
Yeah, I may need to dig it out to be safe.
Yes! It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. I could go on for hours. Flew into Anchorage, drove through Denali to Fairbanks. Stayed for a few days there. Took the 12 hr train ride back. Then day trips to Seward, Whittier (I think thru the tunnel ?) and moose/glacier photo hunts - just an amazing adventure! Everyone should go there at least once (we’re already planning the next trip up!)
0BD8C321-7F24-42C7-B3C2-2D3B50802C54 (resized).jpeg1B37749E-D07F-4E6E-9C98-DDFF40DBC45D (resized).jpeg271094D2-34EB-4C31-BE84-5A0233CF9E7B (resized).jpeg3A6E8B82-2522-4752-A4F3-9C987FAE0B75 (resized).jpeg66D7B906-66A3-45DE-A783-7A033032276B (resized).jpeg7126DCCD-14C8-4B09-BDF6-90884F1D24AD (resized).jpeg89B83CE9-C818-4435-AF64-1D0F5BAECABF (resized).jpeg91B43499-669E-4CA9-BAF6-8575DE80DCB8 (resized).jpegA6B75F19-E730-4210-9313-6CD1DC16BEB1 (resized).jpegI worked up in Alaska for a little over a year back in 2007-2008,
on a rotational commuting basis 2weeks on, 2weeks off.
Actually was working on the North Slope Prudhoe Bay area.
Way up there it is not quite so majestic and beautiful
mostly just flat and barren except for the tundra.
Here are a couple photos from around July August
when a herd of caribou came thru camp and also the midnite sun during summer.
Quoted from pinwiztom:I worked up in Alaska for a little over a year back in 2007-2008,
on a rotational commuting basis 2weeks on, 2weeks off.
Actually was working on the North Slope Prudhoe Bay area.
Way up there it is not quite so majestic and beautiful
mostly just flat and barren except for the tundra.
Here are a couple photos from around July August
when a herd of caribou came thru camp and also the midnite sun during summer.
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]
Nice. The tundra is pretty cool too though, and the 24hrs of sun. The Brookes range is nice on the way up to the slope. Thanks for sharing.
Quoted from Tomass:24hrs of sun
The flip side in winter is that there is 24hrs of no sun
and -20'F to- 40'F for a lot of that time.
Ironically not a lot of snow,
just the same few inches of snow being blown around everywhere and back.
Quoted from pinwiztom:The flip side in winter is that there is 24hrs of no sun
and -20'F to- 40'F for a lot of that time.
Ironically not a lot of snow,
just the same few inches of snow being blown around everywhere and back.
Yeah thats crazy cold. We hit -20 but usually only about 1 week out of the year. You probably saw -60 and below.
Quoted from Tomass:We hit -20 but usually only about 1 week out of the year. You probably saw -60 and below.
I was fortunate that my job had me working inside most of the time, during the winter, i rarely left the office/barracks/workshops.
Though there were guys on our work crews that did have to go outside to work in the freezing cold on a regular basis.
This photo is not mine, but it is fairly iconic of Alaska.
It was published in the Anchorage Daily News in the winter of 2007
when I work working on the north slope
and I remember it getting emailed around.
It is hard to believe that it is real.
It is a once in a lifetime photo.
Taken just outside Nome, while the musher and team
were on a training session in prep for the Iditarod.
FYI: the encounter turned out OK in the end without anyone getting hurt.
Quoted from pinwiztom:This photo is not mine, but it is fairly iconic of Alaska.
It was published in the Anchorage Daily News in the winter of 2007
when I work working on the north slope
and I remember it getting emailed around.
It is hard to believe that it is real.
It is a once in a lifetime photo.
Taken just outside Nome, while the musher and team
were on a training session in prep for the Iditarod.
FYI: the encounter turned out OK in the end without anyone getting hurt.
[quoted image]
Wow, that's crazy!
We are up to 6 hours and 15 minutes of sun up! After February the hours Start increasing rapidly. Around mid March it hits 12/12 and then it won't be long before things melt.
Quoted from atpcfiaim:The Aurora this winter in the vicinity of Sitka in SE Alaska. We usually don’t see it until Northway (ORT) VOR quite a bit further north in eastern Alaska.
[quoted image]
That's awesome!
Quoted from sbmania:The digital displays on your airplane are even cooler! What kind of plane are you flying?
Boeing 737-900
Quoted from atpcfiaim:The Aurora this winter in the vicinity of Sitka in SE Alaska.
You should share some of your magnificent views here (if you dont already):
Quoted from atpcfiaim:The Aurora this winter in the vicinity of Sitka in SE Alaska. We usually don’t see it until Northway (ORT) VOR quite a bit further north in eastern Alaska.
[quoted image]
That’s not an Aurora it’s where all the lost luggage goes!
Quoted from newpinbin:Are you able to catch any salmon?
Tons. Easy to fill the freezer. I don't keep any pink or chum salmon, mainly stick to sockeye and coho. I fish for kings, but my favorite area is catch and release for kings only. Counting down the days waiting for king season now. They are the first species to hit the rivers. I could go to other spots to keep kings but I would rather catch a bunch for the fight. You can only keep 1 king per day where allowed and 5 total per season.
Some of the best northern lights I've seen
IMG_20230227_084228 (resized).jpgIMG_20230227_084231 (resized).jpgIMG_20230227_084233 (resized).jpgIMG_20230227_084236 (resized).jpgIMG_20230227_084238 (resized).jpgIMG_20230227_084240 (resized).jpgIMG_20230227_084242 (resized).jpgIMG_20230227_084243 (resized).jpgIMG_20230227_084245 (resized).jpgIMG_20230227_084247 (resized).jpgIMG_20230227_084248 (resized).jpgQuoted from mtn-:Got any spring yet? We've almost a month extra winter here too, but now its finally coming around.
Last 2 days it seems to have broken. Supposed to hit 50 today. Hard to believe I will be fishing in a few weeks. Still covered in snow at my house.
Starting to think we are not going to have a summer this year. We are getting more snow today and it's covering the ground. Still had some that hasn't melted yet from the winter.
On a positive note we have a group taking a halibut/rockfish/salmon charter out of Valdez in early June. I will definitely get some pics from that. Don't need the salmon but the halibut and rockfish will be worth it.
Seems like we skipped spring and went straight to summer. Been in the mid to upper 60s and the lakes are finally thawed out. In Anchorage dropping my son off. He leaves for boot camp tomorrow morning. Gonna miss him!
Quoted from newpinbin:Must be getting a lot warmer there.
Yeah. We just got to Valdez for our charter tomorrow. We did see snow around Glennallen and over the pass before valdez. Was 42 when we left home. Got to see a bear at least.
20230602_152955 (resized).jpg20230602_160932 (resized).jpg20230602_160936 (resized).jpg20230602_160938 (resized).jpgimage000000 (resized).jpgimage000000(1) (resized).jpgQuoted from Tomass:Ended up with 140# of halibut,
halibut, I always referred to this as the "white steak". Absolutely love this fish!
My time in Anchorage we would go to a place called the Double Musky Inn. They made a stuffed halibut. Piece of halibut wrapped around a crab stuffing.
Tomass, seeing your post about the long winter, in CA we had one of the heaviest winters/snowfalls on record. Up in the mountains (Mammoth Mountain) the ski season just closed down on the 8th of August.
Anyhow, reviving the thread!
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