(Topic ID: 208576)

[DISCONTINUED] Rob Zombie 3D Gas Station Pumps and Awning - Medisinyl Mods

By Medisinyl

6 years ago

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#1 6 years ago


These will be made to order and ship in the order received. As I'm unsure as of this initial posting how many orders I will receive, please expect some delay. I'll update estimates once I know more (possibly separating these into timed runs).

Pricing offers increasing discounts based on the amount of the set that is purchased (shipping also being under actual cost to accommodate those that just buy the pumps).

The pumps are based off those seen in the film (I used additional photos of the Four Aces film-set to help achieve accurate scale and detail). The hoses are real rubber, and there's a plastic window on the face (with an angled gap between the decal and window as seen on the actual pumps). They consist of 9 separate parts to achieve this level of detail.

The Store-front/Awning mod is lighted to match the color as seen in the film (if another color is desired, feel free to request it after ordering). Unfortunately my camera doesn't seem to capture this color properly, but it looks nice and eerie in the machine

The Pumps simply install using the factory post screws (paint-matched caps are included to conceal the hole). The Awning hooks over the backboard and can be positioned as the user desires (there's leeway for any amount of left/right movement between Captain Spaulding and the Right sign). There's a rubberized coating added to the back of the mirrored window to help protect from scratches. The awning will have mounting tape that can be peeled for better adhesion.

No permanent modification necessary.

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#2 6 years ago

Looks great. Will definitely purchase after my pin funds are replenished.

#3 6 years ago

Totally cool and will be interested once my funds are back up as well.

#4 6 years ago

I’m in

#5 6 years ago

I appreciate all of the interest thus far. Just going to note that new orders likely won't go out until next week and I'll be working to get as many of the current orders out this week as possible.

#6 6 years ago

Looking to get 4 sets shipped out by late tonight.

That would leave the following order afterward, and as noted, I'll be getting these built and shipped as soon as I can rather than set run dates.

1) wcbu64
2) jeffspinballpalace
4) trevorm
5) bgwilly31
6) Deafcon
7) Rockrand

EDIT: 8 ) Racerx61
9) RebelGuitars

Nearly all orders are from repeat customers, and I greatly appreciate that

#7 6 years ago

Instructions as they currently stand (really a very simple installation to figure out with the mods in hand, but let me know if something should be more clear):

RZ gas inst (resized).pngRZ gas inst (resized).png

#8 6 years ago

Update to the current list. I've been building parts daily and am hoping to get at least 5 sets out this week. Pic below is of the Four Aces film set (not set up for H1kC, but one of the photos I used to make a hybrid for these pumps between the film images and set images), also a pic of some completed pumps (minus caps) near the largest of the printed pieces (these have wound up taking more hours than anticipated--I never notice the time when prototyping ).
1) wcbu64
2) jeffspinballpalace
4) trevorm
5) bgwilly31
6) Deafcon
7) Rockrand
8 ) Racerx61
9) RebelGuitars
10) Volkdrive
EDIT: 11) Zuel
Untitledfdfd (resized).jpgUntitledfdfd (resized).jpg

Added over 7 years ago: EDIT: 12) pballinhd

#9 6 years ago

I'll have these 5 ready to ship on Friday:

1) wcbu64
2) jeffspinballpalace
4) trevorm
5) bgwilly31

#10 6 years ago
Quoted from Medisinyl:

I'll have these 5 ready to ship on Friday:
1) wcbu64
2) jeffspinballpalace
4) trevorm
5) bgwilly31

Going to have to get these out at noon tomorrow (I'm close to done). I've been putting an incredible amount of days/nights/hours into these to try to get these out on in a reasonable time-frame (even each decal is made from scratch--hand-cut cardstock, laminated, add adhesive, then clear them right in with the parts [drying time between several steps as well]) . Seems I significantly underestimated what goes into producing these, and as a fair warning, I will honor the current prices up to tomorrow night, but will increase the price on these after that point.

On a positive note, I have 8 additional pumps painted from this run, so I'll have a bit of a head-start on the next chunk (by tonight I'll have the rest of the parts printed and ready for paint for the next run as well).

Sorry for the delay, but know that I've been working constantly on these (in addition to other outstanding mod orders).

#11 6 years ago

Great . . . thanks for the update! I hope you get caught up soon on these so you can start working on the next awesome mod for RZ.

#12 6 years ago
Quoted from wcbu64:

Great . . . thanks for the update! I hope you get caught up soon on these so you can start working on the next awesome mod for RZ.

You and I both . Not sure if another for RZ will be next, but I do have ideas I'd like to get to at some point to enhance at least the left habit-trail area.

Otherwise, here's the updated list. The last 5 sets shipped out earlier today and tracking numbers were sent through the order pages. Below are pics of the units that shipped (minus the included caps).

1) Deafcon
2) Rockrand
3) Racerx61
4) RebelGuitars
5) Volkdrive
6) Zuel
7) pinballinhd
EDIT: 8 ) The Crow

gas1 (resized).jpggas1 (resized).jpg
gas2 (resized).jpggas2 (resized).jpg

#13 6 years ago

After seeing this my RZ seems so empty. I can't wait to make my order once funds catch up. Awesome mod and a must have for me anyways.

#14 6 years ago

I'm a good chunk of the way through 7 of the awnings and just shipped the last of the non-RZ orders, so I'll be 100% on these tonight and tomorrow. Will ship on Saturday whatever I have completed by then.

Eight of the ten shipped sets should have arrived by now I expect, so I'll assume no news is good news. Otherwise, I'm always up for suggestions on instructions, etc. or to see pics of these in another machine

#15 6 years ago

Can't even describe how nicely the awning and pump look with the mausoleum mod. Fantastic attention to detail. I mounted pump on the center post and it is great to watch as I shoot ball around it on either side. Easy to install. More mods to be added.

IMG_2268 (resized).JPGIMG_2268 (resized).JPG

#16 6 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

Can't even describe how nicely the awning and pump look with the mausoleum mod. Fantastic attention to detail. I mounted pump on the center post and it is great to watch as I shoot ball around it on either side. Easy to install. More mods to be added.

Incredible . I need mirror blades... Thank you for the photo. [Do Bally blades fit, or is RZ specific?]

#17 6 years ago
Quoted from Medisinyl:

Incredible . I need mirror blades... Thank you for the photo. [Do Bally blades fit, or is RZ specific?]

Standard blades fit - either B/W or Stern. One of which has holes for hinges and the other does not. Had some laying around without holes and added them to increase light. I used a screw on each end to hold them in place. Lots of side clearance with playfield.

Was hoping they might be magnetic, but they are not. If you look closely you'll see a 2x3 inch magnet Velcro'd on them.

#18 6 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

Standard blades fit - either B/W or Stern. One of which has holes for hinges and the other does not. Had some laying around without holes and added them to increase light. I used a screw on each end to hold them in place. Lots of side clearance with playfield.
Was hoping they might be magnetic, but they are not. If you look closely you'll see a 2x3 inch magnet Velcro'd on them.

Thank you (as PSM has RZ listed separate, at a premium price, and always out of stock, I wasn't sure if it was possible).
Otherwise, these 4 are packaged and getting shipped out in a moment (tracking numbers will be sent out soon).
1) Deafcon
2) Rockrand
3) Racerx61
4) RebelGuitars
The current list is below (includes a LDG mod I'm almost done with).
1) Volkdrive
2) Zuel
3) pinballinhd
4) The Crow

Added over 7 years ago: 5) BackAlleyMatt

#19 6 years ago

Slight delay this week as my home A/C failed earlier in the week (troubleshooted and repaired myself [blower motor died]). Also 2 of 3 printers decided to fail this week (the better of the 2 repaired thus far).

I'll be working to get 3 of these sets out tomorrow, then the rest on this list out sometime next week.

1) Volkdrive
2) Zuel
3) pinballinhd
4) The Crow
5) BackAlleyMatt
6) c508

Otherwise, slowly figuring out how to get my last idea for RZ to work (may or may not come to fruition, but I know how to make it possible at this point [would be my first mod to incorporate a rollover switch]).

#20 6 years ago

Volkdrive, Zuel, and Pinballhd shipped today (with a LDG mod today as well). Tracking will be sent within the next few hours when I'm back home (EDIT: tracking sent through the order pages).

Current list:

1) The Crow
2) BackAlleyMatt
3) c508

#21 6 years ago
Quoted from Medisinyl:

Slight delay this week as my home A/C failed earlier in the week (troubleshooted and repaired myself [blower motor died]). Also 2 of 3 printers decided to fail this week (the better of the 2 repaired thus far).
I'll be working to get 3 of these sets out tomorrow, then the rest on this list out sometime next week.
1) Volkdrive
2) Zuel
3) pinballinhd
4) The Crow
5) BackAlleyMatt
6) c508
Otherwise, slowly figuring out how to get my last idea for RZ to work (may or may not come to fruition, but I know how to make it possible at this point [would be my first mod to incorporate a rollover switch]).

AC broke! I’m jealous. Haven’t needed my ac in six months. Why do I live in cold weather?

#22 6 years ago
Quoted from SilverBallz:

AC broke! I’m jealous. Haven’t needed my ac in six months. Why do I live in cold weather?

Ha! Hadn't needed the AC for months, then just as it started getting hot again...

I wouldn't mind the colder weather back, but I suppose there tends to be some weather/natural disaster trade-off for most locations if lived at year-round (hurricanes will be here again soon enough).

#23 6 years ago
Quoted from Medisinyl:

1) The Crow
2) BackAlleyMatt
3) c508

Planning to have these shipped out by tomorrow night (Thursday).

#24 6 years ago

Final Gas station mods have shipped and tracking has been given through PM or the order page.

I have some non-mod work to attend to this month, but should my last idea for an interactive RZ mod work out, I'd hope to have it done by the end of the month.

1 week later
#25 6 years ago

Thanks to Wes (RebelGuitars), I have photos showing the awning fitment with Tim's (Outcida) mods (sign lamp, etc.). They look great together

RZ cust (resized).jpegRZ cust (resized).jpeg

#26 6 years ago
Quoted from Medisinyl:

Otherwise, slowly figuring out how to get my last idea for RZ to work (may or may not come to fruition, but I know how to make it possible at this point [would be my first mod to incorporate a rollover switch]).

Seems to be coming to fruition Just some teasers to hide in this thread for now. Perhaps a reveal by the end of the month (hoping to create some stock of my others mods before offering this for sale so that I'm not juggling orders in case there's a waitlist).

teaser 1 (resized).jpgteaser 1 (resized).jpg

Teaser 2 (resized).jpgTeaser 2 (resized).jpg

#27 6 years ago

That is interesting. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

#28 6 years ago

Ok I see a switch and some vertebra? Give us another hint!

#29 6 years ago

Teaser 2 reminded me I shouldn't have drank so much this weekend.

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#30 6 years ago
Quoted from snakesnsparklers:

Ok I see a switch and some vertebra? Give us another hint!

Robot's Eye View? The switch/capacitor is cased in a mirrored archway that's slightly taller than the robot. An LED strip runs the length of the vertebrae/spine (Scared Stiff inspired) and it's activated by the switch, then the capacitor fades it out smoothly as the ball passes through the tunnel (currently I'm testing it as solid red for a blood splash effect and it works as intended thus far, but Pink to Red and White to Red fades could be interesting as well with more initial pop). Matches the Scared Stiff flippers well

Teaser 3 (resized).jpgTeaser 3 (resized).jpg

#31 6 years ago

Well that’s cool as hell!

#32 6 years ago

I'm liking what I see so far

#33 6 years ago

Couple more pics to reveal the arch this time. Mirroring process is a bit different on this one and looks more antique (the previous mirrors I had would have been too hard to cut into this shape, but I dig the aged looking result). The LED interaction will be revealed sometime next week I expect--this makes ramp shots way more satisfying

20180320_221519 (resized).jpg20180320_221519 (resized).jpg

#34 6 years ago

Just placed an order for the awning and one gas pump. Can I get the Leaded version? Thanks!

#35 6 years ago

I'm liking the new mod, I think. The vertebrarch

#36 6 years ago

That ramp is awesome! Can’t wait to see the lights!

#37 6 years ago
Quoted from Mudflaps:

Just placed an order for the awning and one gas pump. Can I get the Leaded version? Thanks!

Leaded it will be Thank you.

#38 6 years ago

Going to post a video and sales page later today (along with a separate thread). For now, a glass on pic of the full view and the gas set with recently installed mirror blades (the bally blades weren't a perfect fit, and I had to grind out the hinge bolt holes on the mirrors to fit at all [would have been over the glass channel], so I'm not sure I'd recommend bally cut for RZ, but the game does look good with them).

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#39 6 years ago

That looks awesome! I think over the course of many many months I’m going to be buying your mods. I want them all now, but I also want to continue saving for another machine! Good work

#40 6 years ago
Quoted from davijc02:

That looks awesome! I think over the course of many many months I’m going to be buying your mods. I want them all now, but I also want to continue saving for another machine! Good work

Thank you, I'm glad you like them . I certainly agree with another pin before mods when there's that choice to make, and I likely wouldn't recommend mods to those that don't keep games long, but for anyone that finds their RZ to be a keeper for awhile, I do believe these mods are a worthy upgrade in appearance and fun factor. Perhaps some bias there , but as a fan of the source material/theme, I'm just glad some others in the pin community have been able to appreciate my vision for a premium version of the game, and I hope I've done it some justice in the process.

#41 6 years ago

^^^ you did a great job with the mods, yet one of my favorites is missing from pic. The ball stop fix may not be glamorous but serves necessary function. Will be ordering a vertebrarch later today.

#42 6 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

^^^ you did a great job with the mods, yet one of my favorites is missing from pic. The ball stop fix may not be glamorous but serves necessary function. Will be ordering a vertebrarch later today.

Awesome, I'll reserve a spot for you in the first run, which is now tentatively full at this point (presuming I do about 5 per run). The video I'll post today will show the LED interaction with solid red, but I'll later make videos with pink to red and white to red--both seemed promising in bench testing for those that want a more significant flash on initial trigger (other colors could always be requested, but didn't seem to fit this mod as well).

#43 6 years ago

Obligatory ‘pictures don’t do this mod justice’ picture.

Seriously, this thing looks super badass!

image (resized).jpgimage (resized).jpg

#44 6 years ago
Quoted from Mudflaps:

Obligatory ‘pictures don’t do this mod justice’ picture.
Seriously, this thing looks super badass!

Looks awesome! I'm digging the pop bumper lights as they go well with the clown/murder ride/Funhouse theme (will likely get those for mine). Thank you for the feedback and photos

#45 6 years ago

Where did the target decals come from? Wow I'm going to be spending a lot of cash with you hopefully soon. Great job on yet another mod to make this pin great.

#46 6 years ago
Quoted from Buzz:

Where did the target decals come from? Wow I'm going to be spending a lot of cash with you hopefully soon. Great job on yet another mod to make this pin great.

I appreciate the compliment

The decals were found on eBay after seeing them in a pic on Pinside. Looks like they're still available: ebay.com link: ROB ZOMBIES SPOOKSHOW INTERNATIONAL Pinball Target Cushioned Decals

The extra cushion seemed to cut down airballs almost entirely.

#47 6 years ago

One more question of help if you will please. What mirror blades to get and the old school light over the sign and the lit red hot pussy lickers sign. Thank you for your mods and I'm going to buy them all for sure.

#48 6 years ago

I'd like to come across a set of mirror blades as well. Pinball Side Mirrors shows them being sold out, I've sent them a message asking when they will be in stock. Would love to get a set of them before I toss on the pinstadiums......that I seem to always be waiting on.

Mausoleum mod ordered today.



#49 6 years ago
Quoted from Buzz:

One more question of help if you will please. What mirror blades to get and the old school light over the sign and the lit red hot pussy lickers sign. Thank you for your mods and I'm going to buy them all for sure.

I got the Bally blades, and as noted, had to grind the hinge bolt provision to get them to fit in RZ (not so much that it shows at all, as the bolt flange is large, but perhaps nearly 1/4"). PSM used to have stock of a blade that was supposed to be Spooky/RZ specific, but it's always been out of stock since I had been checking (which has been quite awhile). So I suppose I'm at a loss on what I'd really recommend. Jeff above seems to have the Stern style installed on his.

Otherwise, Outcida (Tim) has the lamp and Red Hot sign mod (I know he at least lists those on eBay). Both very cool mods.

#50 6 years ago

Screw it I couldn't wait to get all so I just ordered the gas station with two pumps. Little by little I will get the rest, but would appreciate the help with others. Again great job and thank you for doing these. I'm so excited to get my mods.

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