These will be made to order and ship in the order received. As I'm unsure as of this initial posting how many orders I will receive, please expect some delay. I'll update estimates once I know more (possibly separating these into timed runs).
Pricing offers increasing discounts based on the amount of the set that is purchased (shipping also being under actual cost to accommodate those that just buy the pumps).
The pumps are based off those seen in the film (I used additional photos of the Four Aces film-set to help achieve accurate scale and detail). The hoses are real rubber, and there's a plastic window on the face (with an angled gap between the decal and window as seen on the actual pumps). They consist of 9 separate parts to achieve this level of detail.
The Store-front/Awning mod is lighted to match the color as seen in the film (if another color is desired, feel free to request it after ordering). Unfortunately my camera doesn't seem to capture this color properly, but it looks nice and eerie in the machine
The Pumps simply install using the factory post screws (paint-matched caps are included to conceal the hole). The Awning hooks over the backboard and can be positioned as the user desires (there's leeway for any amount of left/right movement between Captain Spaulding and the Right sign). There's a rubberized coating added to the back of the mirrored window to help protect from scratches. The awning will have mounting tape that can be peeled for better adhesion.
No permanent modification necessary.
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