My ringmaster stopped registering hits a while ago so I ordered the auto-eddy board from Pinbits. It still didn't work so I traced the wires and it turns out the ground wire to the board has a disconnect under the playfield that had gone bad. I replaced the disconnect with a single crimp connector and tested the eddy sensor and now it works. Perfectly! In switch tests. Once I start a game the eddy sensor stops registering hits and the game says "Check top eddy sensor". I checked the driver board and it's got voltage at 139-2 like it should during a game.
I'm at my wit's end on this one. It was a short trip to be sure but any help would be welcome.
One thing I noticed with the Pinbits board is the label silk screened on the board differs from the stock Bally eddy boards. The pins labeled Row & Column are reversed. I checked the original board in CV & the 3 boards in my ToM and they are all the same. Do I need to swap the wires? Could it still register the proper switch in a test then fail in the game because of that?