(Topic ID: 135979)

Pinsider Talent Directory

By Glarrownage

9 years ago

Topic Heartbeat

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  • 135 posts
  • 57 Pinsiders participating
  • Latest reply 8 years ago by labnip
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#1 9 years ago

I've said it many times, there is so much talent on Pinside. If you need something, there is almost always someone who provides a particular product or service to suit your needs. The problem is, it's not always easy to find out who does what. Also, I've found that some people that come recommended, don't want/need the work. I always like to support the guys who want/need the work.

What I would like to do is compile a directory made up of the talented and skilled people we have here on Pinside. Here is how it will work; you recommend people on Pinside, list their expertise, and I will keep this first post updated with all the necessary info. I can also list preferred contact information or any other miscellaneous information next to their name.

If something like this already exists someone please let me know and I will have the thread closed. Also, any suggestions on organizing and categorizing is welcome. For now, here are the categories;

Board Repair:
Barakandl - Columbus, OH - Board Repair Specializing in WMS 3-7, Classic Stern, and Classic Bally boards
Borygard - St Louis, MO - Board Repair and Travels with an Awesome Dog Named Taro
ChrisHibler - Chesterfield, MO - Repairs All Boards Except Game Plan, Atari, and Surface Mounts (SAM System)
Eddie - Brooklyn Heights, NY - Board Repair
JohnWartJr - Columbus, IN - Board Repair and Rom Burning
Vector - Bellingham, MA - Repairs WMS (No P2k), DE, Classic Bally and Classic Stern - www.ardvarkpr.com

Cabinet Creation/Restoration:
NoahFentz - Holly, MI - Cabinet Creation - http://virtuapin.net/

Decal/Art Printing:
Ovfdfireman - Oakland, NE - https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/custom-decals-printing-and-cutting-for-pinheads-only

BackAlleyMatt - Schererville, IN - (Description Coming Soon)
Calico1997 - Lake In The Hills, IL - LED Bumper Caps and Other Mods - www.britemods.com/
Cliffy - San Ramon, CA - Makes Cliffy Protectors - www.passionforpinball.com
Freeplay40 - Bothell, WA - Fabricates Reproductions i.e. Genesis Ramps
HemiOrange09 - Muskegon, MI - Lots of Newer Stern Mods - http://pinballrefinery.com/
Herg - Stone Ridge, VA - Creates LED/GI OCD, GIzmo LED Control Boards - http://www.ledocd.com/
Hooked - Cherryville, NC - Designs, Customizes, and Manufactures Mods - www.Hookedonpinball.com
IamDarras - Portland, OR - BSD Ugly Vamp Mod - http://iamdarras.bigcartel.com/product/bsd-ugly-vamp-mod
Jasonpaulbauer - Columbus, IN - Fabricates BSD Coffin Ramp and Flaps
Kilowog2814 - Moore, OK - Prints Custom Shirts - www.pinballswag.com
Laseriffic - Crystal Lake, IL - Parts Mods, Toppers, and Laser Engraving - www.laseriffic.com/
Mcclad - New Bedford, MA - Paints BSD Village, Graveyard, and Castle Parts
Ovfdfireman - Oakland, NE - Speaker Kits, Electronic, and Molded Mods - http://www.pinballpro.com/
Swinks - Australia - Mods, 3D Design, Prototyping - www.shapeways.com/shops/dutch-orange
TMezel - Albuquerque, NM - Lots of Mods - http://mezelmods.com
Zitt - Austin, TX - Custom Colored Flipper Buttons and More - www.Pinball-Mods.com

Full Service Restoration:
Bryan_Kelly - Farmington, MN
High_End_Pins - Matthews, NC - www.highendpins.com
Pinballmiked - Jacksonville, FL - www.pinballmiked.com

Acebathound - Location Unknown - Electronics and Diagnostics - www.pinitech.com/
Barakandl - Columbus, OH - Electronics, NVRAMs, PIAs, CPUs - http://nvram.weebly.com
Borygard - St Louis, MO - Electronic Parts, NVRAM, and More - www.LockWhenLit.com
Gatecrasher - Chicago, IL - Bally Backglass Lift Channel and Hardware
G-P-E - Omaha, NE - Electronics Supply - www.greatplainselectronics.com/
HemiOrange09 - Muskegon, MI - Stern Distributor/Customized Built to Order - http://pinballrefinery.com/
Ovfdfireman - Oakland, NE - Stern Distributor and Audio Adapters - www.buckwerxaudio.com
HHaase - Watertown, SD - Electronics and Diagnostics - www.siegecraft.us/
Pinwow - Flint, MI - B/W Parts - Sold on Pinside
TaylorVA - VA - Playfield Rails - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Reese-Rails/1547618268848757

Plating/Powder Coating/Metal Working:
BackAlleyMatt - Schererville, IN - Powder Coating
Eddie - Brooklyn Heights, NY - Metal Fabrication Specializing in the Welding Repair of Assemblies
HemiOrange09 - Muskegon, MI - Powder Coating

Playfield Restoration:
CaptainNeo - Burlington, WI - Playfield Restoration and Clear Coating
Kruzman - Galesburg, MI - Playfield Restoration and Clear Coating
Whridlsoncestood - Hamden, CT - Playfield Restoration and Clear Coat

Repair/Shop Jobs/Minor Restoration:
Eddie - Brooklyn Heights, NY - Repair, Restorations Not Including Cabinets or Painting
Vector - Bellingham, MA - Repair and Restoration - www.ardvarkpr.com

#2 9 years ago

First post to be split into two posts. One services and one parts. (Coming Soon)

#3 9 years ago

CenterFlank - Tronville, WI - Due to Popular Demand, Flank is Offering a Premium Edition of His Autograph
Gryszzz - Indianapolis, IN - Straight up Dominates JP
O-din - Somewhere, CA - Master Mixologist of Jack and Coke.... Minus the Coke
WolfMarsh - Charleston, SC - Wants to Taint Your Directory (If You Know What I Mean)
yzfguy - Jefferson Twp., NJ - Eats Copious Amounts of Wings

#4 9 years ago

Reserved 3

#5 9 years ago

Reserved 4

#6 9 years ago

Reserved 5

#7 9 years ago

Reserved 6

#8 9 years ago

Reserved 7

#10 9 years ago

Reserved 9

#11 9 years ago


#12 9 years ago

Thanks Calico! I'll try to keep it as up to date as possible.

Thanks to everyone else for the bumps!

#15 9 years ago

Getting the format right of the entries is going to take some playing around on my part.

#16 9 years ago

Reserved for my bartender...

#17 9 years ago

Thanks buddy!

#18 9 years ago

Does anyone know if Paul of VirtuaPins is on Pinside? Anyone have a person they want to add to the directory? Everyone can suggest other fellow Pinsiders.

#19 9 years ago

For board repair: Barakandl, ChrisHibler, JohnWartJr and Borygard (sorry if I forgot anyone). They don't all do all systems so that would be worth noting.

Calico1997 has led bumper caps (sold through PinballLife if it matters).

Quoted from Glarrownage:

Does anyone know if Paul of VirtuaPins is on Pinside?


#20 9 years ago

Chris Hutchins of HEP for Restorations - High_End_Pins

Bryan Kelley does reproductions from time to time - Bryan_Kelly

Great Plains Electronics supplies all electronic goodies - G-P-E

Mark does reproductions (Genesis Ramps, ie) - Freeplay40

Cliffy Protectors - Cliffy

Alex Levy used to do powdercoating...not sure anymore - Pinchroma

John Wart Jr also does ROM burns - JohnWartJr

Jim McCune does Quality Restorations - McCune

#21 9 years ago
Quoted from terryb:

For board repair: Barakandl, ChrisHibler, JohnWartJr and Borygard (sorry if I forgot anyone). They don't all do all systems so that would be worth noting.
Calico1997 has led bumper caps (sold through PinballLife if it matters).


Thanks Terry! I got all those listed now.

Quoted from robertmee:

Chris Hutchins of HEP for Restorations - High_End_Pins
Bryan Kelley does reproductions from time to time - Bryan_Kelly
Great Plains Electronics supplies all electronic goodies - G-P-E
Mark does reproductions (Genesis Ramps, ie) - Freeplay40
Cliffy Protectors - Cliffy
Alex Levy used to do powdercoating...not sure anymore - Pinchroma
John Wart Jr also does ROM burns - JohnWartJr
Jim McCune does Quality Restorations - McCune

I'll work on those next. I want to try to stick with guys that are currently taking/wanting work. I don't think Alex needs/wants the work. Even when he posted that he was taking work, I never got a response back. I know Chris has a huge backlog, I'll add him for sure though. I know Bryan had mentioned that he won't be able to use the shop he has been using (at least in the winter), I'll have to reach out to him and see if he is still taking work. If he isn't, that is a huge loss for the community.

Quick question about the ROM burns, do most board guys do ROM burns or is that a one off thing John does?

#22 9 years ago

Mike Chestnut - powder coating

#23 9 years ago
Quoted from mof:

Mike Chestnut - powder coating


#24 9 years ago

Barakandl is in Columbus, Ohio not Indiana.

#25 9 years ago

What about people who have a lot of parts for sale? part hoards, not one offs
If you want to add someone to that, feel free to add me, lol!

#26 9 years ago
Quoted from Glarrownage:

do most board guys do ROM burns or is that a one off thing John does?

We always buy Roms from john...... His company has to do with making Roms for people

#27 9 years ago

I make new playfield rails. My FB page is Reese Rails and I have a thread on Pinside titled Oak Replacement rails. I can be reached at Richmondpinball@gmail.....

#28 9 years ago

-Beelzeboob is an expert smartass
-I have a knack for eating an unbelievable amount of wings

#29 9 years ago

Diagnostic boards and troubleshooting aids (i.e. switch matrix tester).

Acebathound Pinitech http://www.pinitech.com/
HHaase Siegcraft Electronics http://www.siegecraft.us/pinball/boards.html

#30 9 years ago

Don't know if it counts, but Pinballswag.com can print custom shirts of any design.

#31 9 years ago
Quoted from Glarrownage:

Quick question about the ROM burns, do most board guys do ROM burns or is that a one off thing John does?

I leave burning ROMs up to JWJ.
I'll update a ROM for an MPU that comes in but sourcing, burning, testing ROMs is a PITA.
Chris Hibler - CARGPB #31
http://www.PinWiki.com - The new place for pinball repair info

#32 9 years ago

cool thread idea

#33 9 years ago
Quoted from Glarrownage:

I know Bryan had mentioned that he won't be able to use the shop he has been using (at least in the winter), I'll have to reach out to him and see if he is still taking work.

I've still got use of the shop and am still doing restorations.

#34 9 years ago
Quoted from Glarrownage:

Does anyone know if Paul of VirtuaPins is on Pinside? Anyone have a person they want to add to the directory? Everyone can suggest other fellow Pinsiders.

Yep, I'm here.

I've updated the location in my profile ... Holly, MI

We're also breaking into powder coating.

#35 9 years ago

Reserved 10 ... bump 3 ... or future post #35. Oh, and I call shotgun in the way home.

#36 9 years ago

I specialize in repairing WMS 3-7, Classic Stern, and Classic Bally boards. While I can fix other board sets, focusing on those lets me be very proficient and cost effective.


#37 9 years ago
Quoted from CRWgxp:

Barakandl is in Columbus, Ohio not Indiana.


Quoted from Pinwow:

What about people who have a lot of parts for sale? part hoards, not one offs
If you want to add someone to that, feel free to add me, lol!

Added a whole new section for that. What manufacturers do you carry parts for mostly? B/W, Gottlieb, Stern etc. I'm just trying to make sure I can fit some accurate info on one or two lines.

Quoted from TaylorVA:

I make new playfield rails. My FB page is Reese Rails and I have a thread on Pinside titled Oak Replacement rails. I can be reached at Richmondpinball@gmail.....


Quoted from yzfguy:

-Beelzeboob is an expert smartass
-I have a knack for eating an unbelievable amount of wings

Your expertise has been noted in Post #2, your very own section.

Quoted from terryb:

Diagnostic boards and troubleshooting aids (i.e. switch matrix tester).
Acebathound Pinitech http://www.pinitech.com/
HHaase Siegcraft Electronics http://www.siegecraft.us/pinball/boards.html

I need to add these guys for sure. I just don't know where to put them in my categories yet. Board Repair?

Quoted from Kilowog2814:

Don't know if it counts, but Pinballswag.com can print custom shirts of any design.

Yep, I'll add it. Are you the primary point of contact on pinside for Pinballswag?

Quoted from ChrisHibler:

I leave burning ROMs up to JWJ.
I'll update a ROM for an MPU that comes in but sourcing, burning, testing ROMs is a PITA.
Chris Hibler - CARGPB #31
http://www.PinWiki.com - The new place for pinball repair info

Nice, I added the Rom burning next to Johns name. Good to know!

Quoted from Bryan_Kelly:

I've still got use of the shop and am still doing restorations.

Great news! Added!

Quoted from NoahFentz:

Yep, I'm here.
I've updated the location in my profile ... Holly, MI
We're also breaking into powder coating.

Updated, thanks!

Quoted from mof:

Mike Chestnut - powder coating

I didn't realize Mike did powder coating too, that's good to know. I've had several full games plated by Mike. However, I've been told by Mike personally that he doesn't want or need the work. I'm sure this isn't the case for guys like Chris and others who send him like 20 coin doors at a time. But I want to make sure if new pinsiders look on this list they will be able to contact someone that will be available and needs the work. I can't personally vet everyone, I'll leave that up to the community.

#38 9 years ago
Quoted from barakandl:

I specialize in repairing WMS 3-7, Classic Stern, and Classic Bally boards. While I can fix other board sets, focusing on those lets me be very proficient and cost effective.

Thanks! I'll update your info, good to know!

#39 9 years ago
Quoted from Glarrownage:


Added a whole new section for that. What manufacturers do you carry parts for mostly? B/W, Gottlieb, Stern etc. I'm just trying to make sure I can fit some accurate info on one or two lines

Mass majority of my stuff is WPC, so Bally/Williams

#40 9 years ago
Quoted from Pinwow:

Mass majority of my stuff is WPC, so Bally/Williams

Do you have a website you want me to reference?

#41 9 years ago

Powder coating and other mods: BackAlleyCreations
Playfield restore & clearcoat: Neo
Toppers: Laseriffic

#42 9 years ago
Quoted from Glarrownage:

Do you have a website you want me to reference?

No, I don't have one. It would take too much time for me to set up unfortunately

#43 9 years ago
Quoted from badbilly27:

Powder coating and other mods: BackAlleyCreations

Is Matt on Pinside? The other two were added, thanks!

#44 9 years ago

In response to the pinballswag question, I am the primary contact now.
I will be taking over the business in the coming month.
I will be doing additional items when able.

#45 9 years ago
Quoted from Kilowog2814:

In response to the pinballswag question, I am the primary contact now.
I will be taking over the business in the coming month.
I will be doing additional items when able.

Awesome Steve, I'll add it. Thanks!

#46 9 years ago

Jim McCune does amazing work on restorations if nobody has noted it yet. And I'm not just being a smartass.

#47 9 years ago

For me...I can fix any pinball board except Game Plan and Atari. Currently not taking in surface mount work ala Stern S.A.M. system. Can also work on Taito Ice Cold Beer boards.

Thanks for listing this!
Chris Hibler - CARGPB #31
http://www.PinWiki.com - The Place to go for Pinball Repair Info

#48 9 years ago
Quoted from Glarrownage:

Is Matt on Pinside?

He is, under BackAlleyMatt

#49 9 years ago
Quoted from beelzeboob:

Jim McCune does amazing work on restorations if nobody has noted it yet. And I'm not just being a smartass.

I listed him earlier but it wasn't added

#50 9 years ago

Decal/art printing

Ovfdfireman, makes custom speaker kits, and many electronic and molded game mods - www.pinballpro.com

Promoted items from Pinside Marketplace and Pinside Shops!
5,000 (Firm)
Machine - For Sale
Denver, CO
$ 139.99
Lighting - Other
Lighted Pinball Mods
$ 45.95
$ 22.50
bdash's bits
From: $ 27.00
KAHR.US Circuits
$ 9.95
From: $ 1.00
Slap Save Creations
From: $ 78.50
Cabinet - Shooter Rods
Pinball Haus
From: $ 9.99
Matt's Basement Arcade
$ 37.50
6,995 (OBO)
Machine - For Sale
Plantsville, CT
Machine - For Trade
Louisville, KY
$ 115.00
Cabinet - Other
Pinball Haus
$ 599.00
Cabinet - Toppers
Hi-Rez Pinball Mods
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