You cannot begin to consider yourself a pinball veteran unless you have done at least 90% of these.
Install the wrong number of balls, causing a fault.
Put glass back on with balls not in machine.
Diagnose and fix a fault - by yourself.
Diagnose and fix a fault on someone else's machine over the phone.
Visit and fix someone else's machine.
Diagnose and fix a fault on someone else's machine over the Internet.
Break a playfield glass.
Break a backglass- bonus point if it's unobtainable.
Have the back box drop onto the playfield, because you forgot to secure it.
Move a machine with the backbox unsecured, causing it to crash down.
Have a machine fall off a sack truck.
Take a machine to a show.
Hire a van to take multiple machines to a show.
Take a machine to a show, come back empty handed.
Take a machine to a show and come back with a different machine.
Buy a machine at a show.
Drop a round of drinks at a show.
Set up/take down other people's machines at a show.
Lose the ratchet strap you arrived with when it comes time to set down and have to improvise.
Have a machine fall over in a van.
Travel more than 2hrs to buy a machine.
Travel more than 2hrs to buy a machine, but leave empty handed.
Travel to a different country to buy a machine.
Buy a used machine sight unseen
Buy a used machine sight unseen from abroad.
Get lost with a van load of machines returning from a show.
Lose the keys to the lock and have to drill the door.
Redecal a machine.
Repaint/stencil a machine.
Build a cabinet/backbox from scratch.
Buy a project machine.
Buy a project machine, but never do anything with it before selling it.
Buy a machine from a 'barn/garage' find.
Get a machine by exchanging for a non-pinball item.
Get a machine free of charge/given to you.
Lose over 50% on a machine when you sell it.
Bring a project machine back to life.
Build/retheme a machine
Temporary trade of a machine with someone
Loan out a machine to someone.
Forget who you've loaned machines out to, or where they are.
Have more than 50 machines pass through your hands.
Own too many machines to be able to set them all up.
Have machines set up in more than 1 room in your house.
Buy a machine without using the Internet at all.
Wonder why a machine hasn't kicked a ball out of the lock - when there's a ball in the shooter lane.
Get an electric shock from a machine
Cause a short by dropping the tool you were working with.
Break a plastic while cleaning it.
Burn yourself while soldering.
Forget to remove batteries causing acid damage.
Buy a machine with woodworm.
Make a game specific part that can't be bought.
What else is there?