Quoted from fosaisu:I think this misses the point that we're in a pinball fan forum here, and the opinions posted won't have any impact on the past/present/future greatness of the PHoF. Tim owns the machines, the land, and the building, and makes all hiring/firing/repair/janitorial decisions himself. So there's only one person's opinion that will have any impact on the PHoF and he doesn't appear to be posting in or reading this thread.
I appreciate Pinsider @forsaisu from Denver (my town of origin) and his comment above, but he is factually wrong. In my comment #1900 in this thread, I mentioned that I had a discussion with Tim when I was at the PHoF on a Sunday night in February. He was there working on some games with his head-mounted flashlight. He not only reads this thread, but I believe he also has commented in it.
Tim cares passionately about pinball, the HOF, his charity and the way he thinks things should be done. He is very similar to many hard-headed people who have succeeded in part because of focus and not letting go of the dream because others offer criticism. In my discussion with him, which was mainly his articulating his way of doing things, he made clear he has reasons why he has not hired more techs, changed to a single admission price, is vocal with people he thinks are misbehaving around his machines, and what his goals are.
We may disagree with his views, and his priorities, but not caring may not be fairly attributed to him. He cares a lot. That is why I hold out hope that in working through his priorities, and not giving up his dream, that he will realize that good people have constructive suggestions to make which would improve his arcade and make for even larger profits for his charity and good will. Stubborn people change when they feel less threatened and accept that others want to help. I hope that the current obstacles at the physical plant may be overcome and Tim learns to trust others skilled working well with arcade populations. I would really enjoy seeing him have time to fix some of those beautiful old EM games that he trusts only himself to work on.