(Topic ID: 288713)

Phoenix is rising with a cobrapin pinball controller

By legtod2

3 years ago

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#101 3 years ago

One checklist item (beside the coin debounce issue) is to run through all my component testing scripts and add missing components.

Today, my testing script exercises one complete game, and mimic all three balls scoring and exercising all devices but it does not exercise the service menu options fully. That is one large script instead of a series of smaller components that link together for a larger. Ideally the series would exercise led shows or dmd shows or bonus countdown or high scores or replays individually.

I need to add all the testing script so that I can confidently regression test the machine and help future proof it.

There may be future OPP board updates, or mpf updates that I want to use or try out and the only way I can safely test is by having my testing script ready.

Luckily I have a dedicated testing environment consisting of a Virtualized Linux host running MPF 0.55, and dedicated dual stm32 boards, and neopixel LED that mirror my production machine(s). My testing process will use the virtualized playfield (mpf monitor) and (mpf both -x) and (mpf both #with stm32 boards) sessions.

Lastly, I would like to trial using a raspberry pi as my production master cpu rather than a Intel i5 machine. The pi has a smaller foot print and GPIO's and cheaper then the Intel I5. Pulling the Intel cpu and swapping in a Pi 3 would fit the theme of my my "man cave". I have a jukebox powered by a pi, a mame project powered by a pi, so I want a pinball machine power by a pi. Only one issue to confirm is will the pi be fast enough for my production game.

#102 2 years ago
Quoted from legtod2:

Only one issue to confirm is will the pi be fast enough for my production game

I imagine that a pi4 with 4gb or more of ram should be sufficient. The bottleneck might be the SD card, which you could bypass with a small USB SSD.

#103 2 years ago

The machine is now complete.

I have posted my updates to github.

It's very gratifying to have a machine that use to sit lifeless for many years in a corner and before that as an an animal refuge in a barn NOW alive again.

The Phoenix has risen and is once again majestic (and trouble free playing pinball).

To the Mpf web authors please update this project as complete, as of now I am shifting my attention to my next pinball project "Close Encounters".

Many thanks to "cobra18t" your pinball controller was the right stuff to make this happen, also to "jabdoa" and Mission Pinball Framework, lets not forget OPP as the firmware controlling the board.

I will provide some life cycle updates to this thread and github updates as time goes by now on to the next machine.

#104 2 years ago

Youtube link

This machine won't win any beauty contests but my family, friends, and I will sure have fun with it.

#105 2 years ago

Awesome work legtod2 and thank you for sharing your journey! I may have missed it somewhere (sorry), do you have the details of the power supply units you are using on the CobraPin?

#106 2 years ago

ausretrogamer, I have 2 separate power supply units. One dedicated to 5 vdc (LED Lights) and the 2nd 36 vdc for coils.

#107 2 years ago

Glad you are able to wrap this project up and move on to the next one! I look forward to seeing Close Encounters come to life. Now if I could just finish my project game...

#108 2 years ago
Quoted from cobra18t:

Glad you are able to wrap this project up and move on to the next one! I look forward to seeing Close Encounters come to life. Now if I could just finish my project game...

Have to say now that i got my cobrapin working, i really love it. It is so cool that it is an all in one board! And love that you put the connectors and crimp contacts in there as well!

#109 2 years ago


I agree with you 100% The inclusion of the connectors and crimps contact helps a great deal. The board was well designed and thought out with LED's in strategic spots to help trouble shoot (Like on the coil banks A,B,C, and fuse, and above FETS to individual tests, etc). Plus the maker provides help and trouble shooting. Much better than trying to chase some chinese company for support. The cpu's are replacable (stm32's) so if you burn out one, just unplug it and plop in another one). Lastly you can flash/program the firmware (thanks to the work from OPP). Yes the cobraboard is the "cat's meow" in my book.


Starting my new thread this week for Close Encounters. Very excited to implement the cobraboard in this machine. So many benifits over what is in place from my arduino and raspberry pi solution. I expect to have this machine complete in record time versus how long my first machine took me.

Here is the GitHub link to this projects source.


#110 2 years ago

Here is a shot of inside of the cabinet and review of the components

#111 2 years ago

great work, good luck with the next project

#112 2 years ago

Hey may i ask, how many LEDs are you using and what fuse do you use for the 5V? I'm unsure how to calculate that

#113 2 years ago


I am using 28 ws2811 led's on one string of the two available ports of the Cobrapin board. I forgot what the existing on board fuse for the 5 vdc fuse is.
Luckily all fuses required were provided with the cobrapin board. I will double check which fuse I am using when I get home after work.

#114 2 years ago
Quoted from legtod2:

I am using 28 ws2811 led's on one string of the two available ports of the Cobrapin board. I forgot what the existing on board fuse for the 5 vdc fuse is.
Luckily all fuses required were provided with the cobrapin board. I will double check which fuse I am using when I get home after work.

Most likely 5A

#115 2 years ago
Quoted from legtod2:

I am using 28 ws2811 led's on one string of the two available ports of the Cobrapin board. I forgot what the existing on board fuse for the 5 vdc fuse is.
Luckily all fuses required were provided with the cobrapin board. I will double check which fuse I am using when I get home after work.

Thank you!

#116 2 years ago

Check out the guide here: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-neopixel-uberguide/powering-neopixels?gclid=CjwKCAjw49qKBhAoEiwAHQVTo-OIAZvEUCg1lBZthNtg3nMk7zkyBlasDN9e8fYGSGRRlC0U_9s-OxoCEjYQAvD_BwE#estimating-power-requirements-2894486-13

Each neopixel *could* draw up to 60mA, but you can often estimate total usage using a lower number since you usually don't have them all on at the same time.

#117 2 years ago
Quoted from cobra18t:

Check out the guide here: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-neopixel-uberguide/powering-neopixels?gclid=CjwKCAjw49qKBhAoEiwAHQVTo-OIAZvEUCg1lBZthNtg3nMk7zkyBlasDN9e8fYGSGRRlC0U_9s-OxoCEjYQAvD_BwE#estimating-power-requirements-2894486-13
Each neopixel *could* draw up to 60mA, but you can often estimate total usage using a lower number since you usually don't have them all on at the same time.

Awesome thank you very much! That is exactly what i needed!

#118 2 years ago

Thanks Palmer and Cobra18t. I still have to add my 6.4 VAC power supply to power my General Illumination (GI). I could add my bulky power transformer and bridge rectifier or is there something more modern available that doesn't require me to yank all the GI's out and put led's in ?

#119 2 years ago

How many bulbs is it? Are you using #44 or #47 bulbs?

I might just consider a switching 5VDC supply of the correct amperage. Dial the voltage adjustment knob up. It may not go up to 6.3V but you can get it closer at least.

#120 2 years ago

Cobra18t, I thing there are almost 20 GI lamps on the playfield.

4 months later
#121 2 years ago

I picked up a HeathZenith Doorbell transformer (step down transformer) for use as my GI power transformer. It has the ability to output 3 different AC voltages 8, 16, 24 volts. Planning on using the 8 ACV to run my GI lamps. Plugged it in and it seems to work fine. After a few minutes of it running the transformer felt really warm.

In the application as a door bell transformer a door bell is pushed seldomly and for short intervals. In the application as a General Illumination transformer the light will be on for a longer period of time.

Should I abandon the idea of using this doorbell step down transformer for my GI lighting or is heat a normal by product of this type of step down transformer ?

#122 2 years ago

If you only need the 8vac, probably find another one.
Didn't stern use a small secondary transformer for some lamps on a couple of machines? I might have one stashed away, in fact. From a Monopoly ticket redemption game, if I'm not mistaken.

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