There are four things going on right now to be aware of:
1) Most USPS delivery centers are up 30-40% in package traffic versus a normal year, and this is normally a busy time already
2) The pandemic has cut into staffing
3) Sorry to bring politics into it, but person who was put in charge of the USPS actively undermined it. Won't get into why or try and derail things, just a fact that equipment and hours and deliveries were slashed, and that's not helping
4) Other carriers like UPS and FedEx are moving their excess packages to the USPS system, contributing to the load
Things are backed up like crazy, and the postal workers are busting their asses to try and keep up, but it's gonna take a while to get back on top of it all. Be kind to your mail delivery person and try and be patient right now.
I got an order from someone today who wasn't in a rush, told them I'd get the mailing label on the box and then set it aside until after the holidays when it's not quite as crazy. Better chance of them getting it easier that way.