(Topic ID: 310191)

opening the cabinet?

By finnbar

2 years ago

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miss americana  (resized).jpg
#1 2 years ago


I'm a total new starter to this and am impressed about the amount of information that is available on line in this and other forums.

I have been given a Miss Americana Triple Bonus bingo machine and am looking at what I can do with respect to at the least making it look better, but then possibly getting it working correctly again.

I am coming up against my first issue of opening the machine up. The cabinet is a full solid wooden construction- the same as the one in the pics at the top of this link. I can see in these pics that the top has been removed from the playing field. I have included a pic of mine as well.

There is a small lock on the top which I managed to pick as I have no keys for it. I imagined the front of the upright cabinet would swing around after unlocking however that didn't happen. I guess the main thing confusing me is there appear to be no visible screws or bolts accessible to remove anything to open things up.

I have linked this topic post to Miss America as the Americana was not there.

Anyway, if you can assist that would be fantastic as I would really appreciate the assistance.



miss americana  (resized).jpgmiss americana (resized).jpg
#2 2 years ago

wow you really have taken on a first project there .....a bingo machine with an MPU .....here is the link for the ipdb which may help a little although the manual is written in French


I have only worked on a few bingo machines so my advice on this is limited ....on most bingo machines if you open the front door there will be two wing nuts that you can take off which will allow you to lift up the lock down bar and then you can remove the glass by sliding it out and get to the playfield ....this is a unique machine that the back box opens from the front ....if it is like earlier SS machines the lock at the top holds the glass in once that is released you can lift up on the backglass with the lift bar at the bottom and then slide it out ...then you can carefully remove the glass and will have access to whatever is holding the front of the backbox to fold it down as shown in the link you provided

thats about all I can tell you because I have never seen this machine before
the good thing is the Ipdb site does have the roms if you need them

#3 2 years ago

Thanks for your response 9Gman. this is very likely a case of biting off more than I can chew so I will see how I go.

Thanks for the info re removing he lock down bar that will prove handy. I thought the glass may slide up and out and had tried that to some degree so I will fiddle with the lock and persist with it. I saw the French version of the manual, however I was lucky that i was able to download an English version.

A big learning curve ahead for me no doubt. wish me luck


Ok so rather than do a new post i have just edited this one.

It is open. I was just not being forceful enough with the glass. it probably has not been removed in many many years. So it have it open and the lock dwon bar as well so i am getting somewhere.

thansk again John

#5 2 years ago

Very great game.... The biggest problem with this game is the ribbons. They go bad all the time and you cant get parts. You will need a logic box with it to trouble shoot. It will come.up with error codes. Without the box or manual it will be next to impossible to repair. I wish you luck.

#6 2 years ago
Quoted from BingoButch:

Very great game.... The biggest problem with this game is the ribbons. They go bad all the time and you cant get parts. You will need a logic box with it to trouble shoot. It will come.up with error codes. Without the box or manual it will be next to impossible to repair. I wish you luck.

i don't know why exactly, but i trust BingoButch


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