I'm a total new starter to this and am impressed about the amount of information that is available on line in this and other forums.
I have been given a Miss Americana Triple Bonus bingo machine and am looking at what I can do with respect to at the least making it look better, but then possibly getting it working correctly again.
I am coming up against my first issue of opening the machine up. The cabinet is a full solid wooden construction- the same as the one in the pics at the top of this link. I can see in these pics that the top has been removed from the playing field. I have included a pic of mine as well.
There is a small lock on the top which I managed to pick as I have no keys for it. I imagined the front of the upright cabinet would swing around after unlocking however that didn't happen. I guess the main thing confusing me is there appear to be no visible screws or bolts accessible to remove anything to open things up.
I have linked this topic post to Miss America as the Americana was not there.
Anyway, if you can assist that would be fantastic as I would really appreciate the assistance.
miss americana (resized).jpg