(Topic ID: 181136)

Official "Torpedo Alley" club..

By frankmac

7 years ago

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There are 317 posts in this topic. You are on page 1 of 7.
#1 7 years ago

Thought I would start a Data East Tropedo Alley club. Only 1002 machines produced so I guess it is "The few the proud" and friends who are interested or just enjoy the Pin..

Post pics of your Torpedo Alley all conditions and fixer uppers .

Let's see how many machines are out there!

Thanks all-

#2 7 years ago

Picked mine up this weekend!




1 week later
#3 7 years ago

Looks like I have the only one!!

#4 7 years ago

Nice find. How much you pay for it? One of the better DE. Amazing sound.

#5 7 years ago
Quoted from LoveNeverDiesGuy:

Nice find. How much you pay for it? One of the better DE. Amazing sound.

2K shipped.

#6 7 years ago

picked up production serial #3 yesterday

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#7 7 years ago
Quoted from TecumsehPlissken:

picked up production serial #3 yesterday

Nice game! 003 is the modelnumber. It is likely you have game #122, assuming they started numbering at 11000.

You can submit your game here:


#8 7 years ago
Quoted from MarAlb:

Nice game! 003 is the modelnumber. It is likely you have game #122, assuming they started numbering at 11000.

ahhh my bad .....Ok I see Thanks

#9 7 years ago
Quoted from TecumsehPlissken:

picked up production serial #3 yesterday

Great game!

#10 7 years ago

#187 if this is correct?


1 week later
#11 7 years ago

No one on the Torpedo Alley Planet?

#12 7 years ago

Torpedo Alley's translite is one of the most expensive to produce.
The guy had black leotards on and his junk kept showing.
So they ended up airbrushing white pants on him.

#13 7 years ago
Quoted from vec-tor:

Torpedo Alley's translite is one of the most expensive to produce.
The guy had black leotards on and his junk kept showing.
So they ended up airbrushing white pants on him.

Thank for the info ! I thought I was in a room by myself lol. The pant look stunning!

#14 7 years ago

Great video!

#15 7 years ago

Really digging this game now!! , bought it thinking I would play it awhile & then move it on but now thinking its a keeper at least for a good lil while .......& I have been working on it , pimping it out .... managed to modify & fit some mirror blades in it , Leds .... I will get some pics. up once I finish with one more thing I want to try

#16 7 years ago
Quoted from TecumsehPlissken:

Really digging this game now!! , bought it thinking I would play it awhile & then move it on but now thinking its a keeper at least for a good lil while .......& I have been working on it , pimping it out .... managed to modify & fit some mirror blades in it , Leds .... I will get some pics. up once I finish with one more thing I want to try

Great news! Post away ..I love to see other pinballers ideas and mods!

#17 7 years ago

I played one at the Louisville Show and loved it! I for sure need to find myself one!

#18 7 years ago

It's not an easy game to find. They only made 1,000 of them and MOST of them were sold outside of the USA. (Rarest regular production DE machine) I had two of them at the same time. Still can't believe that!

#19 7 years ago
Quoted from snyper2099:

It's not an easy game to find. They only made 1,000 of them and MOST of them were sold outside of the USA. (Rarest regular production DE machine) I had two of them at the same time. Still can't believe that!

It was hard to find one . I am very happy I did...

#20 7 years ago
Quoted from myork82:

I played one at the Louisville Show and loved it! I for sure need to find myself one!

It's a great player. The two upper lane shots feel great, as does the far right shot up to middle lock. It's a little on the easy side with long ball times, but still a blast to play.

#21 7 years ago

Love mine. Will never sell it. Great game and always fun to play. The sounds and lighting are fantastic. Perfect 80's cheese that we all know and love.

#22 7 years ago

i liked mine when I had it. I was trying to figure out a way to change the stand ups into drop targets. i think it would have been even better then. Would just feel like damaging a ship if you are knocking down parts of the ship picture.

#23 7 years ago
Quoted from CaptainNeo:

i liked mine when I had it. I was trying to figure out a way to change the stand ups into drop targets. i think it would have been even better then. Would just feel like damaging a ship if you are knocking down parts of the ship picture.

"Aye,Aye Captain" ! Great idea!

#24 7 years ago
Quoted from Hawk007:

Love mine. Will never sell it. Great game and always fun to play. The sounds and lighting are fantastic. Perfect 80's cheese that we all know and love.

Feel free to share a pick of your "Torpedo"!!

#25 7 years ago

Just trolling waters of this Torpedo Club. I have a DE Laser War and would someday love to own a Torpedo Alley. It's interesting seeing some of the similarities between early Data East games.

#26 7 years ago
Quoted from fmofmpls:

Just trolling waters of this Torpedo Club. I have a DE Laser War and would someday love to own a Torpedo Alley. It's interesting seeing some of the similarities between early Data East games.

Laser Wars is one of my all time favorites. Torpedo Ally is Awesome..

2 weeks later
#27 7 years ago

Just picked this up on Monday... prepping for the improvements and fixes and shop job, and need to ditch the awful blue pf leds... but it's otherwise working 100% and a ton of fun. Love the sounds and the music has really grown on me.

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This one came with a black lockdown bar, but I'm not a fan, it just doesn't look right to me. If anyone has a standard DE bar they'd like to trade, let me know.

#28 7 years ago
Quoted from goingincirclez:

Just picked this up on Monday... prepping for the improvements and fixes and shop job, and need to ditch the awful blue pf leds... but it's otherwise working 100% and a ton of fun. Love the sounds and the music has really grown on me.

This one came with a black lockdown bar, but I'm not a fan, it just doesn't look right to me. If anyone has a standard DE bar they'd like to trade, let me know.

Congrats! The pin looks great!

#29 7 years ago

I have an extra chrome DE lockdown bar for $80. They are very hard to track down.

Added over 7 years ago: Spoken for.

1 week later
#30 7 years ago

I've got my TA shopped out, touched up, cleaned, shined, waxed, with rebuilt flippers and MAN is this a fast game! So much happens so quickly, I love how it keeps you on your toes. LOVE how there are two orbits in this game, hidden though they are.

That upper right flipper has more uses than I originally thought too. It can be hard to trap the ball to aim a shot, but it's pretty lucrative to keep the ball moving up there.

The laser kick target is a classic sucker shot ha ha.

So yeah, gameplay is a blast but the other thing that keeps drawing me in is the MUSIC. Damn, there is some good and varied stuff there! I started a thread once asking about games with great original music and I can't recall that anyone mentioned this. But wow, what a hidden gem of a soundtrack. Ahead of its time and clearly superior to anything I've heard from B/W of that day and later... even the mode track with the oh-so-corny 80's-rap-whoops in it is great!

#31 7 years ago
Quoted from goingincirclez:

even the mode track with the oh-so-corny 80's-rap-whoops in it is great!

Agree 100%. There is more than one reason I refuse the sell this game.

1 week later
#32 7 years ago

When I shopped my Torpedo Alley, I didn't pay attention to where all the different colored posts came from, figuring I would just refer to online photos later on.

When doing this, it seemed to me that DE went a little overboard with the whole Green - Blue - Yellow deal around the playfield. I get that it relates to target zones and ships and such... but apparently using each color in the target banks, and S-U-B lanes, and pop caps was not enough: they tried to "alternate" these areas come hell or low water (sub pun, boo) all over the pf and it just doesn't work IMHO. The color balance is too schizophrenic!

So when I reassembled mine I made a few small changes:

1) According the majority of pics it seems the factory put green posts in the left sling area, and yellow in the right. I swapped the green for more yellow ones (I don't remember which part of the game they came from). The yellow posts just make sense here since they coordinate with the uniform sleeves and medals art in this part of the pf.

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2) That leaves all the blue and green posts for the oceanic part, which again makes the most sense. To that end, I put most of the green posts on the left side of the pf where the green targets and left/green pop and inlane guides are. Likewise, I concentrated the blue posts to the center and right of the pf.

3) I swapped the stock locations of the blue and yellow pop caps. With a yellow cap over the yellow "Laser Kick" target, flanked by yellow post sleeves, this area of the pf has a more unified look. And being all yellow is appropriate because that stupid target is a dangerous shot!

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The best part is you don't have to buy any additional posts of Color X: the appropriate quantities all seem to luckily match, only the locations change. So it's 100% reversible for any "purist" collectors out there.

It's not a huge change, but it's a big improvement in making the art and color presentation more cohesive IMO.

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8 months later
#33 6 years ago

Picked up TA #61 last week and have been busy getting it up and running. Power supply was no good, and apparently the new xPin one I bought was no good either. So I wired in a 5v phone charger to the 5v test point, and was able to get a few plays in last night. I have a lot more work to do, but I'm really liking the game so far. I think I am going to eventually work on figuring out how to wire in a shaker motor.

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1 week later
#34 6 years ago

Does anyone have a source on the plastics? I need all of the rock formations. Mine are all busted up and missing pieces!

#35 6 years ago
Quoted from Antennaejim:

Does anyone have a source on the plastics? I need all of the rock formations. Mine are all busted up and missing pieces!

Most all of them are this way. It's normal for this title.

#36 6 years ago

I have been playing around with making some clear protectors for my mine to cut down on some of the air balls. The blue targets seemed to send the ball flying (even after adjustment), which is a great way to destroy the mountains. I'll report back with the long term results. Seems to be working so far in early testing. I replaced all the flipper coils on mine and rebuilt the flipper assemblies over the weekend...it really made the game play a lot faster, but also makes me fear destroying the machine when the balls lift off.

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#37 6 years ago
Quoted from JodyG:

The blue targets seemed to send the ball flying

Yes Flying! ....... right over the left sling shot assy. l have noticed this as well & thought about if it could be corrected ...... a lift of height in the sling shot plastic ? or a guard of sorts like G.B ?

#38 6 years ago

Aaahhhh!! Ok I see your guard piece over the blue stand ups in that pic. NOW lol ... I may try & make a similar one myself over the weekend good idea !!

1 week later
#39 6 years ago

I joined the Torpedo Alley club on this week, $800 for a machine out of an older lady's basement. She wanted it gone along with a pac man and a gamatron, so she paid a garbage hauler to get rid of these titles. I made the guy an offer and he accepted.

#40 6 years ago
Quoted from lordloss:

I joined the Torpedo Alley club on this week, $800 for a machine out of an older lady's basement. She wanted it gone along with a pac man and a gamatron, so she paid a garbage hauler to get rid of these titles. I made the guy an offer and he accepted.

Nice score! on a great game , I extend my envious congratulations to you

#41 6 years ago

I've been trying to join the club for 3 months now- I picked up a game, stripped it down, touched it up and haven't been able to finish it because old man winter is a bastard and i can't get my garage warm enough to clear coat it.

#42 6 years ago
Quoted from lordloss:

I joined the Torpedo Alley club on this week, $800 for a machine out of an older lady's basement. She wanted it gone along with a pac man and a gamatron, so she paid a garbage hauler to get rid of these titles. I made the guy an offer and he accepted.

nice find. When I had my TA I also pulled it out of someones basement.

I always wanted to replace all the standups with drop target banks. So I could put ship outlines on them and knock them down. Only problem I would have, is figuring out what would make an automatic reset on the banks. Even if you had a trigger point when all the targets were down, you would need something to reset the bank at the beginning of the ball, in case partials were down. I guess they could be daisy chained with the flag ship coil. but I think it would be too taxing on the system.

1 week later
#43 6 years ago

Main problem with the game appears to be the power supply and the connectors. I took the multimeter and check the top of one of the connector pins vs the corroded bit and wasn't getting any connectivity. So i've been replacing all headers, will move onto the connectors once the cap kit comes in. The caps were removed, as most of these parts were never rated for 30 eyars. The smaller caps were probably fine, but i'm doing the whole set. Any of the previous replacement parts were also removed as they weren't installed well or weren't the right part.

The left power supply is from my Time machine, right power supply is the one thats getting updated and refurbed.

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#44 6 years ago

Just an FYI, the two smallest caps in the 5v circuit (C2 and C7 I think) are usually the ones that cause the most issues. But since you are doing them all, you're all good. The two big ones next to each other are for the high voltage side (display). If you put an LED display in, you don't even need them.

#45 6 years ago

Those header pins HAVE to be replaced. They have the plating wore off. They will not work well. That is a must.

#46 6 years ago

I would love to join this tiny club. If anyone is selling please let me know. Game is impossible to find.

#47 6 years ago

Are torpedo alley translites impossible to find?

#48 6 years ago
Quoted from Pinstein:

I would love to join this tiny club. If anyone is selling please let me know. Game is impossible to find.

Yup, when I was looking for one, it took me 3 years to find one.

#49 6 years ago

There was just one listed on here in the New England area.

#50 6 years ago

I've been waiting months for it finally to be warm enough to clear coat my TA. Looking forward to joining the club once finished with the restore.

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