(Topic ID: 52291)

Nor Cal Pinheads thread

By practicalsteve

11 years ago

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    #1 11 years ago

    A thread for all of us Nor Cal pinheads. I miss the fun of the PAGG 2013 thread so why don't we all get on this one.

    Hosting a tournament? (looking at you JonnyO) post it here.

    Willing to let others try your games that they cant find on route? Let them know here. I have Taxi and F-14 Tomcat if you are dying to try them out drop me a line if you are in the area.

    Have a game for sale? Keep it local and easy.

    Looking to buy? Ask around here. I said I was on a buying freeze but think I want to get my first EM.

    Need some repair work you just cant figure out on your own? Maybe someone around here will help.

    Keep it hella classy Nor Cal.

    #2 11 years ago
    Quoted from practicalsteve:

    Hosting a tournament? (looking at you JonnyO) post it here.

    There's a Tops tournament running on the AC/DC at Pizza Depot in Sunnyvale. $1.50 for tournament game with 75 cents going to the pot. Top 5 get paid. Ends June 8th. Current lineup is AC/DC pro, Spidey, Pirate's and WPT.


    #3 11 years ago

    If I can ever get my work van back from the body shop, I'll be able to concentrate on getting my gameroom back in order. I might be able to host something on a weekend if there is any interest.

    #4 11 years ago
    Quoted from blownfuse:

    If I can ever get my work van back from the body shop, I'll be able to concentrate on getting my gameroom back in order. I might be able to host something on a weekend if there is any interest.

    Would LOVE this. Sys 80 Fest! (plus see that rolling ball sculpture!)

    #5 11 years ago

    Hello!!!! Nor Cal Pinheads!

    We sure got a ton of pinball up in this area PAGG was great, next up CAX!

    #6 11 years ago

    LOL, another project to finish at another time.

    Quoted from dsuperbee:

    (plus see that rolling ball sculpture!)

    #7 11 years ago

    Count me in guys! I could host a little something on Tuesday or Wednesday evening next week. I'm finally feeling like I'm getting things halfway decent in the pinball hall, aka garage

    #8 11 years ago

    been a while since ive been to pizza depot.. good to hear this is a acdc there

    #9 11 years ago
    Quoted from blownfuse:

    LOL, another project to finish at another time.

    I used the pics as inspiration to pull out my old Spacewarp set from when I was a kid and see if there was a way I could mount it to the walls around my gameroom

    No luck yet.

    #10 11 years ago
    Quoted from blownfuse:

    If I can ever get my work van back from the body shop, I'll be able to concentrate on getting my gameroom back in order. I might be able to host something on a weekend if there is any interest.

    I have so much interest in this! Let me know when your game room is back in order, I really want to check it out still. Been meaning to PM you about it, have been waiting for a couple weeks have passed since PAGG before I ask the wife to take off for a few hours to come by.

    #11 11 years ago
    Quoted from worldofglenn:

    Count me in guys! I could host a little something on Tuesday or Wednesday evening next week. I'm finally feeling like I'm getting things halfway decent in the pinball hall, aka garage

    Very nice of you! Sadly by the time I get off work and the traffic from there to Petaluma it would be so late. I hope others nearby take you up on this though.

    #12 11 years ago

    Nice thread!

    Just spreading the usual propaganda: East Bay Pinball League meets tomorrow night (Thursday). League officially starts at 7:30PM at Phoenix Games in Concord CA. I believe we are in week 7 of an 11 week season...and unfortunately I don't remember what our cut off for finals is (I believe it may be 5 weeks). Even if it is too late to get in on this season's finals, come out and just play some competitive (but friendly) pinball.

    The current line up is: Championship Pub, Creature From the Black Lagoon, AC/DC, The Addams Family, Tales From the Crypt, Twilight Zone, Dr. Who, WWF Royal Rumble, Lights Camera Action, Hook...and a few others I don't remember.


    Also, for people more North East-ish, check out Capitol Corridor Pinball League every other Tuesday around 7:30PM (next session is June 11th). We just completed this season's first session, so you can definitely squeeze in for this season's finals.


    EDIT: I forgot SFPD and BAPA...but I am not really up to date on what they are doing. Every corner of the Bay Area officially has a league or group. This isn't even counting tournaments and other events being held in all the major areas...no one really has an excuse to be an anti-social hermit and just hide out in their home game room.

    #13 11 years ago
    Quoted from worldofglenn:

    Count me in guys! I could host a little something on Tuesday or Wednesday evening next week. I'm finally feeling like I'm getting things halfway decent in the pinball hall, aka garage

    I would be glad to take you up on this offer. Any tue or wed work for me. I'm sure skill_shot would down for this as well.

    Cool thread BTW !!!!

    #14 11 years ago

    cool thread. rep to steve.

    #15 11 years ago
    Quoted from sosage:

    EDIT: I forgot SFPD and BAPA...but I am not really up to date on what they are doing.

    SFPD has the Summer of George tournament on June 16 and the fall season of the league begins in mid-july and runs until December. Everybody is welcome. We meet at Free Gold Watch in the Haight. Details at http://sfpins.org/

    #16 11 years ago
    Quoted from sosage:

    Just spreading the usual propaganda: East Bay Pinball League meets tomorrow night (Thursday). League officially starts at 7:30PM at Phoenix Games in Concord CA.

    I am really going to make a huge effort to get in on this league next season. My son will be old enough by then that I should be able to sneak away for league nights... That is unless my wife gets pregnant!

    #17 11 years ago
    Quoted from haugstrup:

    SFPD has the Summer of George tournament on June 16 and the fall season of the league begins in mid-july and runs until December. Everybody is welcome. We meet at Free Gold Watch in the Haight. Details at http://sfpins.org/

    I was literally about to go find the link for this, looks like a good time. I really like the poster I saw on Jonnys blog for it.

    #18 11 years ago

    We need a North Bay pinball league Im always down

    #19 11 years ago

    Is there a list somewhere of pins to play in the wild in the Sacramento area? I come down there quite a bit from Reno, and would like to try a wider selection of pins.

    If any of you come up this way, MM, MB, and Funhouse are going to be available to play at Beach Hut Deli starting tomorrow. I plan to spend quite a bit of time there. They are opening a classic arcade, so there will be lots of arcade games and the 3 pins.

    I still haven't found anywhere to play the new stern's except for PAGG and CAX.

    #20 11 years ago

    Oh yeah! Nor Cal thread! I'd be up to have a few folks over once I get Barracora working to go along with Shadow.

    #21 11 years ago

    I wish we had a place like Playland or Phoenix Games in the bay for the Sacramento area.There is certainly enough interest and players in the area to have weekly get togethers/tournaments.right now Sac is an area what she describes at 2:40

    #22 11 years ago
    Quoted from Xscrapiron:

    I wish we had a place like Playland or Phoenix Games in the bay for the Sacramento area.There is certainly enough interest and players in the area to have weekly get togethers/tournaments.right now Sac is an area what she describes at 2:40 » YouTube video

    Some of us here have talked about it before, but finding a place that was safe AND not terribly expensive to rent killed it. Nobody wanted to go play pins in South Sac.

    #23 11 years ago
    Quoted from SKILL_SHOT:

    We need a North Bay pinball league Im always down

    I keep saying this, but all I can do is say it because I do not have a single free moment to organize this. But I would be interested in this and possibly with the correct people open up my home once in awhile for "free play".

    I realize now my garage will never be 100% done but it's good enough to play. Willie you should come up after my MOPLE is delivered.

    #25 11 years ago

    Hey guys!!! I'm here!!!

    Gimme about another month or two & I'll host a Pinside party @ my place.

    I'll probably have to limit the number of people though to like a comfortable 50 (give or take)

    #26 11 years ago
    Quoted from fattrain:

    Hey guys!!! I'm here!!!
    Gimme about another month or two & I'll host a Pinside party @ my place.
    I'll probably have to limit the number of people though to like a comfortable 50 (give or take)

    Finally I will play a decent MM, room for dogs?

    #27 11 years ago

    Starbase, agree completely about never being finished. That's why finally, I said screw it. It's good enough, and the pinballs are the star of the show anyways. Those that want to come visit on the evening of Tues the 4th, PM me. Let's say anytime from 6 to 10 ish..... Want to make sure there is time for practical steve to make it across the 37 if he wants. And that's not too bad of drive, in that direction at that time. 37 to Lakeville highway, go under 101 and I'm just a few blocks down. Maybe 45 minutes or so from El Cerrito.....

    #28 11 years ago
    Quoted from starbase:

    I keep saying this, but all I can do is say it because I do not have a single free moment to organize this. But I would be interested in this and possibly with the correct people open up my home once in awhile for "free play".
    I realize now my garage will never be 100% done but it's good enough to play. Willie you should come up after my MOPLE is delivered.

    CCPL is currently 100% hosted at people's houses. I know BAPA rotates around from public spots to private residences. So it is completely doable. I'm not claiming it is easy at all, but where there is a will and some potential hosts...

    #29 11 years ago
    Quoted from worldofglenn:

    Those that want to come visit on the evening of Tues the 4th, PM me. Let's say anytime from 6 to 10 ish..... Want to make sure there is time for practical steve to make it across the 37 if he wants. And that's not too bad of drive, in that direction at that time. 37 to Lakeville highway, go under 101 and I'm just a few blocks down. Maybe 45 minutes or so from El Cerrito.....

    Thanks dude! I will let you know, but I have a 15 month old and time away from family is limited so don't count on me, but awesome you are doing this for others.

    #30 11 years ago

    Maybe everyone already knows about this, but the bay area pinball map is an awesome site! you can look up games on route by city, by specific game etc. It has saved me on more than one occasion when I was stuck somewhere, looked on there and oh hey, there is a RBION at a straw hat pizza 1 mile away! Save it to your phone for emergencies. There are other regions too. You can also add your high scores, and update it, say if you get somewhere and it says the Laundromat had a FT but now has a T2, or if you get there and the game is busted. A good resource for sure.


    #31 11 years ago
    Quoted from fattrain:

    Hey guys!!! I'm here!!!
    Gimme about another month or two & I'll host a Pinside party @ my place.
    I'll probably have to limit the number of people though to like a comfortable 50 (give or take)

    Awesome Bro, dont forget us wine-o's in Napa, we dont have sh!t in our area.

    #32 11 years ago
    Quoted from starbase:

    Willie you should come up after my MOPLE is delivered.

    I'll be there !!!

    Quoted from worldofglenn:

    Those that want to come visit on the evening of Tues the 4th, PM me.

    PM sent

    Quoted from fattrain:

    Gimme about another month or two & I'll host a Pinside party @ my place.

    I would make a road trip for this

    #33 11 years ago

    Got me thinking about 4th of JULY
    The fireworks show is a block away hmmmm... it can be watched from my front yard.
    Willie your invited and the kids too.

    #34 11 years ago
    Quoted from starbase:

    I keep saying this, but all I can do is say it because I do not have a single free moment to organize this. But I would be interested in this and possibly with the correct people open up my home once in awhile for "free play".
    I realize now my garage will never be 100% done but it's good enough to play. Willie you should come up after my MOPLE is delivered.

    I agree Starbase we dont have jack. You will have to me pics of that Metallica!
    Harley D.

    #35 11 years ago
    Quoted from shovelhed:

    I agree Starbase we dont have jack. You will have to me pics of that Metallica!
    Harley D.

    Screw pics come play it for the unboxing day! But happy to send pics too.

    #36 11 years ago
    Quoted from fattrain:

    Hey guys!!! I'm here!!!
    Gimme about another month or two & I'll host a Pinside party @ my place.
    I'll probably have to limit the number of people though to like a comfortable 50 (give or take)

    Cool we can always start the crawl at my pad.My 1 car shack fits four people very comfy

    #37 11 years ago
    Quoted from starbase:

    Screw pics come play it for the unboxing day! But happy to send pics too.

    That would be badass! Meet you in person and shoot the breeze with pinwillie.

    #38 11 years ago
    Quoted from Xscrapiron:

    Cool we can always start the crawl at my pad.My 1 car shack fits four people very comfy

    If I can get my act together I could have some folks over. Been working on trying to get the 4 games in the house working for a small SPG gathering.

    #39 11 years ago

    It would be nice if we had a single resource that could update basic needs for our community. Perhaps someone with web space/server that could make weekly updates to basic info such as:

    * Board Repair experts
    * Clear-coats (who can do them)
    * Who is open to trading machines (posting which machines are in rotation in your collection)
    * A list of REAL Wishlist machines that people are ready to buy so we can help each other score machines, when the machine is a little too far away to drive out and kick the tires. If I knew that 72Devils up in Sonora wanted a Flash really bad, and one was <30 minutes away from me, I wouldn't mind scouting the pin for him so he wouldn't waste his time on a 4 hour drive down.
    * A list of all pin leagues
    * A list of Interested people open to opening a league in a certain zipcode where there isn't one...

    I don't think we need a Facebook group for this. I don't need daily updates on that kind of stuff. But knowing that it's updated weekly by someone in this group would make the information more relevant. And it wouldn't be easy to update here, unless Steve wanted to make ANOTHER thread, and kill this one, and then RESERVE the first 10 posts for this kind of info, and just be the moderator for all of it...

    So I'd like to be able to find all that information right now (above) in one place, and be more helpful and networked. Anyone care to volunteer moderating a web page for this? Or perhaps we jumpstart a new thread and RESERVE 10 posts at the top just dedicated to NorCal resources/interests?


    I realize NoCal is a BIG place, and you have to have 8+ sections to cover different regions for this kind of stuff.


    #40 11 years ago

    Hear Hear mof..We really need a dedicated place for norcal for all those reasons.I dig SPG but newsgroops are a very ancient and limited in action.Someone hook this up.I am willing to donate some time to any project

    #41 11 years ago

    NorCalPinball.com is available - Go Snag it!

    #42 11 years ago
    Quoted from mof:

    Clear-coats (who can do them)

    Mof, Gary from Bobcat Batteries can do clear-coats and he has 2day turnaround time right now! He is super nice guy and stays open most Thurs nights for pinball. I go there to play pretty often on Thursday nights. Hope some pinsiders can join in the fun playing there or get their playfields cleared.

    Check this out :

    sfbay.craigslist.org link

    Quoted from mof:

    A list of all pin leagues

    listed here on JonnyO's blog


    #43 11 years ago

    listed here on JonnyO's blog

    This is for the bay..there is nothing in the Sacto area..Someone start it now..

    #44 11 years ago

    Might come up north in August..... isn't official yet, but I'll let you know.

    #45 11 years ago

    for all the sacramento area peeps. metallica pro is on location at the Cinemark theatre on eureka in Roseville the wife and I stopped in and played a few games after dinner on our date night tonight. its set up fairly easy and is not stingy with the extra balls. the tilt is set fairly tight. I did not tilt one time and I tend to nudge a lot.if anyone wants to go play it tomorrow night let me know im up for it. oh, its set at 50 cents a play.

    #46 11 years ago

    so you can slide in w/opaying for a movie.That usually a weekend event.During the week or slow days the ticket takers are up front by the entrance.

    #47 11 years ago

    I have this in off-topic. Any Nor-Cal pinheads need new bike?


    #48 11 years ago
    Quoted from Xscrapiron:

    so you can slide in w/opaying for a movie.That usually a weekend event.During the week or slow days the ticket takers are up front by the entrance.

    whenever the ticket guys try to ask what im doing I just smile and let em know im just here to play some pinball.they always let me in without a hassle so far.

    #49 11 years ago
    Quoted from mrgone:

    for all the sacramento area peeps. metallica pro is on location at the Cinemark theatre on eureka in Roseville the wife and I stopped in and played a few games after dinner on our date night tonight. its set up fairly easy and is not stingy with the extra balls. the tilt is set fairly tight. I did not tilt one time and I tend to nudge a lot.if anyone wants to go play it tomorrow night let me know im up for it. oh, its set at 50 cents a play.

    thanks for posting! I am going to try to stop on my way through town on friday to play a few games.

    #50 11 years ago
    Quoted from Xscrapiron:

    so you can slide in w/opaying for a movie.That usually a weekend event.During the week or slow days the ticket takers are up front by the entrance.

    Most Cinemark theaters let you in without a ticket, although a few don't. One trick we've used is to buy a ticket for the midnight showing of any movie, go in and play pinball for a few hours, then go back out and ask for a refund. It's just about all kids working there, so they won't even ask why you want a refund. Just hand them back the ticket.

    I said in another thread that no MET would show up in theaters. Wrong. I hear one more will go in a theater (may already be there), but not in the bay area. Are there any Cinemark theaters in Lodi?

    ♫ Oh lord, stuck here in Lodi playing Metallica ♪

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