(Topic ID: 212879)

Iron Maiden Revealed

By Concretehardt

6 years ago

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Post #390 Stern Official Teaser Video Link for Iron Maiden Pinball Posted by Pinballrocks (6 years ago)

Post #798 Quick intro on Pro vs Premium vs LE Posted by TheLaw (6 years ago)

Post #920 Feature Matrix of Pro vs Premium vs LE Posted by Apollyon (6 years ago)

Post #1351 Link to short video clip of the Pro Model livestream on 3/27 Posted by Sparky (6 years ago)

Post #1675 Video of LE features missing from Pro that Prem/LE will have Posted by PinMonk (6 years ago)

Post #1682 Link to hi-res PDF of the feature matrix for Iron Maiden Posted by PinMonk (6 years ago)

Post #2080 Premium/LE different ramp cutout (Pharaoh head) picture Posted by Pinzzz (6 years ago)

Post #2146 Link to gameplay video from Pro version in Europe Posted by Concretehardt (6 years ago)

Post #2498 Deadflip video on YouTube link. Posted by FalconPunch (6 years ago)

Post #2665 Iron Maiden Pro live stream link from Stream #2 Posted by Asael (6 years ago)

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#1 6 years ago



Alrighty then, let’s get to it!

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Edit: Rumor I am hearing now is that Stern will actually reveal IMDN this Tuesday.


From TWIP this morning..
“*Ok, these are RUMORS so take them with a grain of salt, but here is what we’re hearing through the grapevine:
The reveal will happen TOMORROW (Tuesday) at around 10:00 AM (not sure which time zone, guessing Central)
The reveal will be coming from Rolling Stone
The goal is for Dead Flip to stream the machine TOMORROW (Tuesday) afternoon, subject to last second licensor approval
If these are true, we could be watching this machine in action, like, tomorrow!! Stay tuned…”

#2 6 years ago


#3 6 years ago

I hope it isn't an impractical joke.

#4 6 years ago

I wonder if this machine will be on hand for the privileged few circuit competitors and ticket buyers for this sold out event to play?

#5 6 years ago

impractical jokers confirmed to be the next game from Stern?

#6 6 years ago

Ha, probably not, but I remember a year or two ago they were playing a digital game based on the show...

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#7 6 years ago

Wish it would've been announced LAST Saturday at TPF!

#8 6 years ago
Quoted from pin2d:

Wish it would've been announced LAST Saturday at TPF!

Stern chickened out, they knew they couldn't compete with Spooky.

#9 6 years ago
Quoted from snakesnsparklers:

Stern chickened out, they knew they couldn't compete with Spooky.

Silly argument. I love Spooky, but they are making 500 games of ACNC. That's a pimple on Stern's ass, and Spooky would agree by design.

#10 6 years ago
Quoted from pin2d:

Wish it would've been announced LAST Saturday at TPF!

Enh, can't blame them for using it to generate hype for the Stern Pro Circuit.

#11 6 years ago

They have never revealed on a Saturday before?

Full reveal next week then?

#12 6 years ago

So the biggest pinball show of the year which is attended by the most die hard pinball fans from all over the world isn’t good enough for a reveal but an internet stream hosted by some D-list nobody is? Got it.

#13 6 years ago

I love Impractical Jokers and my only gripe is that Q officially knows before we do...

#14 6 years ago

Usually a thread about a confirmed new Stern pinball announcement would be bouncing off the walls, not so much now.......

#15 6 years ago
Quoted from jkashani:

Usually a thread about a confirmed new Stern pinball announcement would be bouncing off the walls, not so much now.......

Don't worry, people will lose their shit soon.

It's hard to keep up with the multiple threads on the topic

#16 6 years ago
Quoted from jkashani:

Usually a thread about a confirmed new Stern pinball announcement would be bouncing off the walls, not so much now.......

I expect people will be bouncing off the walls. But for the actual announcement, and not the announcement of the announcement.

#17 6 years ago
Quoted from Rascal_H:

So the biggest pinball show of the year which is attended by the most die hard pinball fans from all over the world isn’t good enough for a reveal but an internet stream hosted by some D-list nobody is? Got it.

So a pinball show you need to pay money for and fly to is good enough for you to find out about the new Stern game, but a free internet stream open to all during a major pinball invitational isn't? Got it.

#18 6 years ago

Der de der... I I've looked all over the poster and Stern too. Where in Chicago is this going on? At Logan? I need to pick up a Breakshot there anyway. WIN.

#19 6 years ago

Bottom Lounge but I believe it is sold out.

#20 6 years ago

I have a free +1 available if Gryszzz wants to buy me a drink .

#21 6 years ago

Is it sold out? Was my next question lol.

#22 6 years ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

So a pinball show you need to pay money for and fly to is good enough for you to find out about the new Stern game, but a free internet stream open to all during a major pinball invitational isn't? Got it.

Yeah, nothing ever makes it out of TPF. Nothing is ever streamed from there. Tightly guarded secrets. Those found guilty of treasonous actions are immediately put to death. Got it.

#23 6 years ago
Quoted from Rascal_H:

Yeah, nothing ever makes it out of TPF. Nothing is ever streamed from there. Tightly guarded secrets. Those found guilty of treasonous actions are immediately put to death. Got it.

That doesn't sound like any fun to me. Got it.

#24 6 years ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

I have a free +1 available if Gryszzz wants to buy me a drink .

Wait for it..........

#25 6 years ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

That doesn't sound like any fun to me. Got it.

Last word. Got it.

#27 6 years ago

That's freakin mighty alright of ya to offer Levi. Sadly, 73% of Pinside still thinks yer an asshole. Can't see how I could pass this once in a lifetime opportunity up.
And I really do need to get this Breakshot.

#29 6 years ago

I anxious to see this game, but what I really want to know is who is doing the code for IMDN?

#30 6 years ago
Quoted from Concretehardt:

I anxious to see this game, but what I really want to know is who is doing the code for IMDN?

Its a big deal for me also. I'm ready to buy if it's mostly finished... But not if we're looking at a year for major components.
For me it's less aboot this person or that, a mix of types of codes is fine by me, it's getting hung out to dry.

#31 6 years ago

--Trojan Man

#32 6 years ago

And whom is receiving the pleasure here?

#37 6 years ago

If they do announce Saturday that is brilliant strategy just before pre-orders open up for ACNC. Anxious to see if this happens and what it will look like. I hope stern hits a homerun with this release.

#38 6 years ago

Impractical Jokers is by far the tepidist urine on teevee. Got it.

#39 6 years ago

Gomez announced it last Saturday at the TPF. It's Titanium Man.

#40 6 years ago
Quoted from Concretehardt:

I anxious to see this game, but what I really want to know is who is doing the code for IMDN?

Lyman or die !

#41 6 years ago
Quoted from venom112:

that is brilliant strategy just before pre-orders open up for ACNC

It will make no difference, if Alice Cooper is good it will easily sell the 500, even if a great looking Iron Maiden game arrives.

People worry too much about sales, and treating these companies like sports teams. It's not a brilliant strategy. It's when the game is ready. If they honestly cared about competing with Spooky, and timed things around it, they'd have been at TPF.

If it's actually Keith Elwin's game then I sure hope he's involved deeply in the rules.

#42 6 years ago
Quoted from Rascal_H:

So the biggest pinball show of the year which is attended by the most die hard pinball fans from all over the world isn’t good enough for a reveal but an internet stream hosted by some D-list nobody is? Got it.

It all depends on how much those D-Listers pay for the right to reveal.

#43 6 years ago
Quoted from Rascal_H:

So the biggest pinball show of the year which is attended by the most die hard pinball fans from all over the world isn’t good enough for a reveal but an internet stream hosted by some D-list nobody is? Got it.

If you followed any of the other threads you would be aware that there was some legal issues that had to be sorted first. It sounds like now that they are sorted they can reveal. I don't care when any manufacture reveals. Just that they keep doing it.


#44 6 years ago

Acronym should be 'SHIT" let's hope it's not


My guess....Probably another Woah Nellie rethemed.

#45 6 years ago
Quoted from Aurich:

It will make no difference, if Alice Cooper is good it will easily sell the 500, even if a great looking Iron Maiden game arrives.
People worry too much about sales, and treating these companies like sports teams. It's not a brilliant strategy. It's when the game is ready. If they honestly cared about competing with Spooky, and timed things around it, they'd have been at TPF.

If it's actually Keith Elwin's game then I sure hope he's involved deeply in the rules.

Keith has done the rules so no worries there.

#46 6 years ago
Quoted from Rascal_H:

So the biggest pinball show of the year which is attended by the most die hard pinball fans from all over the world isn’t good enough for a reveal but an internet stream hosted by some D-list nobody is? Got it.

I think Stern were just trying to sell more GOTG at Texas. Doesn't appear to have been the hit they were hoping for.

Whereas I get the feeling they are VERY confident that Iron Maiden will sell big and LE's will be a sell out.

#47 6 years ago

We now know it’s definitely iron maiden because the guy iron maiden just settled the lawsuit with is named Brian Quinn just like the guy from impractical jokers

#48 6 years ago
Quoted from Shapeshifter:

I think Stern were just trying to sell more GOTG at Texas. Doesn't appear to have been the hit they were hoping for.

Doesn't surprise me. First film was enjoyable fun. The second one was a mess and not so fun. We don't need a third. It's just not a franchise I hear many people enthusing about.

And then the game just looks like A.N.Other 2 flipper Stern with a big middle toy. It may be fun enough but I don't see much exciting there personally in theme or execution. Too many other options these days

#49 6 years ago
Quoted from Ive:

Doesn't surprise me. First film was enjoyable fun. The second one was a mess and not so fun. We don't need a third. It's just not a franchise I hear many people enthusing about.
And then the game just looks like A.N.Other 2 flipper Stern with a big middle toy. It may be fun enough but I don't see much exciting there personally in theme or execution. Too many other options these days

The 2nd movie made $110 million more than the first - that’s more than a lot of movies make in their entire run! $880 million reasons they will make a 3rd one

#50 6 years ago
Quoted from Shapeshifter:

I think Stern were just trying to sell more GOTG at Texas. Doesn't appear to have been the hit they were hoping for.
Whereas I get the feeling they are VERY confident that Iron Maiden will sell big and LE's will be a sell out.

With that ugly armor, I have no doubt the GOTG LE isn't selling out.

However, I see the Pro out and about more and more. Borg often puts out solid Pros, but GOTG Pro is the least compromised Pro I've seen!

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