(Topic ID: 106996)

New virtual pinball casino game "Vegas 2047" unveiled

By Mycal

9 years ago

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    #1 9 years ago


    "NanoTech Gaming Labs unveiled Vegas 2047, a game that, at first glance, looks like your average high-end steampunk digital pinball game. But as players rack up points, their expected value (the amount they theoretically should win over time; nearly all casino games have negative expectations, hence the phrase “the house always wins”) increases, and can even flip from negative to positive—meaning, over time, the player will win more than he loses. After the last ball has been played, the game’s wager takes place on a wheel. As in slot machines, the result is determined by a random number generator, but unlike most slots, the player can gain an edge. And, at the very least, he’s blown off some steam with a challenging game of pinball."


    #2 9 years ago

    Finally a pin I'm for sure going to win at...

    #3 9 years ago

    Hey thanks Pinsiders for starting this thread! I'm Creative Director at NanoTech Gaming Labs. I'd love to answer any questions you have. As to SLC's 'win' assertion, remember, this is a skill-based gambling game; your chance to win your bet is influenced by your skill, but does not guarantee you'll win your bet!

    My colleague and I are above-average pinball players who pay close attention to detail so believe me when I state that Vegas 2047 is the best pinball simulation of all time!

    Thanks for your support!


    #4 9 years ago

    Every time I go to a casino, I always think "this money would be better spent playing pinball" and quickly leave to go do just that. This might actually get me to spend more than $5 at a casino. Interesting.

    #5 9 years ago

    Hopefully the physics are better than the Pinball slot machine

    #6 9 years ago
    Quoted from Mycal:

    a game that, at first glance, looks like your average high-end steampunk digital pinball game.

    Because there are so many of those out there......

    #7 9 years ago


    I have to agree with Mhulsebu that this could pull me into a casino again if done right. Seems like a good balance between slots (button pushing) and blackjack (work). How are you managing rate of cash flow? Casinos are now used to slots and video poker where games last minutes or even seconds. Is there a timer on the game, increase in difficulty or is this expected to be a high wager game?

    #8 9 years ago

    Hmmm...people worked so hard to disassociate pinball from gambling and now we're going back there?

    #9 9 years ago
    Quoted from gtown:

    I have to agree with Mhulsebu that this could pull me into a casino again if done right. Seems like a good balance between slots (button pushing) and blackjack (work). How are you managing rate of cash flow? Casinos are now used to slots and video poker where games last minutes or even seconds. Is there a timer on the game, increase in difficulty or is this expected to be a high wager game?

    I've been looking at the videos, apparently the minimum bet is $100 and the game will require a casino employee to explain the game to players. Looks like something for serious gamblers attempting for positive EV in high limit rooms, not for the casino riff raff unfortunately. If I had the money to play it, I'd just be buying WOOLY

    #10 9 years ago
    Quoted from stv2049:

    Hey thanks Pinsiders for starting this thread! I'm Creative Director at NanoTech Gaming Labs. I'd love to answer any questions you have. As to SLC's 'win' assertion, remember, this is a skill-based gambling game; your chance to win your bet is influenced by your skill, but does not guarantee you'll win your bet!

    My colleague and I are above-average pinball players who pay close attention to detail so believe me when I state that Vegas 2047 is the best pinball simulation of all time!

    Thanks for your support!


    I like your innovation! I think its really interesting.

    #11 9 years ago
    Quoted from gtown:

    How are you managing rate of cash flow? Casinos are now used to slots and video poker where games last minutes or even seconds. Is there a timer on the game, increase in difficulty or is this expected to be a high wager game?

    Our vision for Vegas 2047 as presented at the Global Gaming Expo earlier this month, is for customized placement into specific High Limit rooms at specific Casinos. Indeed, this machine is not intended for the 'riff raff' who want to spend $20 playing 'penny' slots at $1 a spin.

    This game, and our system in general, is intended for large denomination bets - where $100 is a small minimum bet - because the House Edge of 1% to 5% is small, and because this House Edge can be overcome with sufficient Player Skill!

    Granted, the system only works if there also are Players with below average skill playing the game; it balances out such that the expert Player enjoys lifetime winnings from positive EV, and the Casino gets their House Edge.

    Many folks balk at the $100 entry Bet. Let's compare the Expected Value of that, and a typical 'penny' slot machine:

    Penny Slot: $1 typical Bet, 15% House Edge, 3 seconds per Bet = $3 per minute
    Vegas 2047: $100 minimum Bet, %1 House Edge, 60 seconds per Bet = $1 per minute

    These settings are typical, what we see on Las Vegas Casino floors, and close to what we ran at the G2E show. The 60-second Pinball game is an average, and ours is a two-ball game - one plunged, one added after the first ball leaves the bumpers. Great Pinball Players (myself included) have had high-scoring games lasting 5 minutes and more!

    The bonus is that with our "Bet Cube" feature, you can bet what you want to win what you want. Everyone can understand an 'even money' bet - you bet $100 to win $100 with about a 50% chance to win. In Vegas 2047, you can set the Win amount LOWER than your Bet amount. If you want to win only $10 from your $100 Bet, your Chance to Win is about 90%! Factor in an above average game of Pinball, and you can increase your Chance to Win to 100%. I'll say it again: your Chance to Win your Bet can be 100% if you have a good enough game of Pinball (and enough have played before you who have had below average games)

    Vegas 2047 is absolutely gambling, but it's also the first Casino game that will use your Skill to influence your Chance to Win with NO exposure to the Casino!

    We firmly believe that our games (not just Pinball, but ANY game of skill) will create professional Players with lifetime winnings the likes of professional Poker Players.

    All of you Pinsiders have an advantage already with your Pinball skills, and of course you'll be notified when and where the game goes on test so you can try your luck, prove your skill, and have fun gambling!


    #12 9 years ago
    Quoted from DefaultGen:

    Hopefully the physics are better than the Pinball slot machine

    1000Hz physics
    120Hz display with backlight strobe
    IRQ driven inputs through custom PCI card means single-digit nanosecond latency

    I'm proud of the engine. Ask questions if you have them.

    Post edited by Ahigh: terse

    4 weeks later
    #13 9 years ago

    Hey Pinsiders!

    We uploaded a picture of our very simple table layout and rules for "Vegas 2047". Our goal was not to create the most complex pinball layout, deepest scoring logic, most modes, etc., but to create the best platform for video pinball simulation.

    Also, for the gambling market, our average game times are necessarily shorter, meaning we only give you 1 ball to launch, then a second free add-a-ball when the first one leaves the bumpers.

    Complexity can come later, once our idea catches on!


    #14 9 years ago

    Looking good, can't wait to try one.

    5 months later
    #15 9 years ago

    We're still working on it. I want you expert players to watch and comment on this video and please either excuse or ridicule my misrepresentation of 'flipper passes'

    We paid very close attention to the details of real pinball tables, measuring flipper size, positioning, and physics to get the best-feeling simulation ever!


    #16 9 years ago

    Fascinating stuff!

    Too bad The Riviera is no more.. people could have practiced a bit in the PHoF annex, then tried their luck with Vegas 2047!

    #17 9 years ago

    Some interesting stuff there....lol at the tap passes at super slow speed....makes it a bit easier eh. Fact is that with most modern games, tap passes don't really work due to the digital nature of solid state flipper design. Physics do look a lot better overall than Pinball Arcade (I know...that's not saying much..).

    #18 9 years ago

    Hey, Frax. I think that, on average, I get about a hundred up/down transitions (bounces) from the interrupt driven inputs. The way that we process inputs allows us to see an amazing amount of detail on the inputs. Typically bounce-data from switches are just thrown in the garbage. But when I have sub-nanosecond accuracy for each bounce on and bounce off event all that happen in a couple of milliseconds, there is a tremendous amount of "information" about exactly HOW the button was pressed that could be used even further than what we are doing right now if we, like the old-school analog hardware, we applied force according to the unbounced switch data.

    Right now, the frequency of the buttons as applied to physics has a maximum frequency of 1000Hz. The main reason I do things this way is actually to compress the amount of data used so that it makes playing back of game performances more compact with less data.

    The first millisecond of the physics simulation applies a variable amount of force to the flipper according to what fraction of one millisecond the button was held for that frame (and similarly for release, even though it matters less).

    But I could go a step further and actually use the percentage of time the button was held versus off during the time that the button is bouncing which could enable some more moves and maybe help with these specific moves.

    But you're correct in suggesting that our model follows a more modern (solid-state) model for flippers. Getting a 1ms debounced hold time can be done with our game, but it's a lot trickier in real-time, yes. These areas of "feel" are areas where we wish to continue to push further.

    #19 9 years ago

    That looks really solid physics wise. Any plans to allow for games to be made for pc cabinets using this engine just for fun?

    #20 9 years ago
    Quoted from markmon:

    Any plans to allow for games to be made for pc cabinets using this engine just for fun?

    practice at home and then go for the $$$

    3 months later
    #21 9 years ago

    We have a booth at G2E this year. You can come and play it in Vegas at the Global Gaming Expo.

    This game was designed for large denomination wagers.

    The following is a link specifically for pinsiders to use for free passes to the show! If you can memorize the link, you can sign up as many people as you want.

    There are only a few days left to register for free, then the price goes up to $250 for the exhibits. Go ahead and register even if you only have a 1 in 10 chance of going to the show as there is no cost or penalty for no show.


    #22 9 years ago

    Those physics look amazing. Nice work.

    #23 9 years ago

    Just booked it.I live in Vegas and love pinball.Now I can put a wager on my skills.Cant wait to try it!
    Thank you for the invite.

    #24 9 years ago

    If skill is a factor, why would a Vegas casino put this in and risk having a Keith Elwin or somebody show up and break the bank on them?

    #25 9 years ago
    Quoted from DarthXaos:

    If skill is a factor, why would a Vegas casino put this in and risk having a Keith Elwin or somebody show up and break the bank on them?

    From NanoTechGaming's website:

    An above-average Score percentile will result in an above-average probability of winning, but only if there have been sufficient below-average scores in the Database to balance this award.

    So as I understand it, the machine's not going to pay out any more (in aggregate) than a similar non-skill-based machine would, but rather when it does pay out it's going to pay the better players more (or more often) and pay the shitty players less (or less often.)

    See: http://nanotechgaming.com/nanotechadvantage.php

    #26 9 years ago

    Er... 'reply' is not 'edit'. Oops.

    #27 9 years ago

    Hey, guys. YOU STILL HAVE until the 13th to sign up for your free pass. You should grab the free pass even if there is only a 1 in a 100 chance you can make it, because the exhibits will cost somewhere around $300 if you don't get your pass. I love seeing people actually figuring out how the game works instead of arguing with us about it (which is much more common). We absolutely want skilled pinball players to come and give us their feedback. We love it when people get this stuff. Having an advantage due to something other than math is completely unprecedented, and we're pretty excited to be one of the first (if not the first) in line to deliver AP from hand-to-eye coordination legally in a way that the casino is not worried about at all.

    11 months later
    #29 8 years ago

    It's been a while - what's happening with Vegas 2047??

    #30 8 years ago

    STV, Gaming Industry employees should not refer to any gamblers as Riff Raff. Gamblers who play $1.00 A bet on a a penny machine are worth a lot to commercial casinos.

    #31 8 years ago

    I completely missed this thread until now. The physics are very impressive. The best I've seen by far. Hopefully, the product isn't dead in the water. I see they haven't updated the Vegas 2047 Facebook page in over six months.

    #32 8 years ago

    Nevada gaming control board labs as well as GLI need to approve these machines. Then New Jersey, Mississippi and Michigan.

    1 year later
    #33 6 years ago

    I want the cabinet this is in...so awesome looking!

    3 weeks later
    #34 6 years ago

    This ever come out? Anyone know?

    #35 6 years ago

    Dead Twitter account, no website updates since 2015. Unfortunately it doesn't look like us riff raff will get to play this one soon Looked like a cool idea... to watch someone else spend $100 to play anyway.

    #36 6 years ago

    I just want the cabinet. So cool!

    3 months later
    #37 6 years ago

    Unfortunately this project is dead. However, I was able to acquire one of the 2(?) machines. If you would like more photos of it or other information, I will try to help you out.

    "Unfortunately it doesn't look like us riff raff will get to play this one soon " - If you are in So Cal, sure you can come check it out.

    #38 6 years ago
    Quoted from lilltlc:

    Unfortunately this project is dead. However, I was able to acquire one of the 2(?) machines. If you would like more photos of it or other information, I will try to help you out.
    "Unfortunately it doesn't look like us riff raff will get to play this one soon " - If you are in So Cal, sure you can come check it out.

    Is it fully playable? Love to see some video if you can. (I understand it's the best pinball simulation of all time.)

    #39 6 years ago

    Man I am jealous. I want one of these bad! Lol.

    Sent you a PM.

    #40 6 years ago

    Yes, it is fully playable...

    Photos to follow....

    #41 6 years ago

    Here are some photos. I have to bottom cover off over the PC:

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    #42 6 years ago

    Holy shit that is awesome

    #43 6 years ago

    I will try to get some game play video in the next few days for you all...

    #44 6 years ago

    Here is some video of game play. Still trying to learn all the rules / payouts / etc..

    #45 6 years ago
    Quoted from lilltlc:

    Here is some video of game play. Still trying to learn all the rules / payouts / etc..

    wild! wonder why you got that multiball right away ha. very interesting, can you "nudge" at all?

    #46 6 years ago

    The second ball is launched when the first ball leaves the pop bumper area for the first time. As you play farther, there is a 3 ball multi ball as well. I have yet to figure out what causes that to happen.

    There is only 1 ball per game. By that I mean, you only get to plunge 1 ball. As far as I can tell so far, there is not even an "extra ball".

    There is no nudging. Not sure if it was planed for in the future because the hardware is there for it.

    I am trying to research where the developers went, to see if they can give me more info on it.

    #47 6 years ago

    There are now skill slot pinball themed gambling machines in Vegas. I saw them there in April of this year. Google or youtube "Cleopatra pinball" and you should find it. Basically if the bonus symbols come up you get to play pinball on the large vertical screen. It is "skill" as in if you don't try the ball will just drain on you, but the longer you play the faster and harder it gets. Eventually to the point the ball moves so fast you just can't control it and lose. I think it was a 30 or 60 cents min bet game and you could win $20 or so on a well played bonus round with min bet.

    Not much of a gambler and it did eat money pretty fast.

    Perhaps Nanotech got bought out from IGN who made the Cleopatra Pinball slot?

    here is a video

    #48 6 years ago

    If anyone knows of any of these things, or similar, for sale please let me know. i love video pinball (I know, weird).


    #49 6 years ago

    Here's a little brochure for the game the team put together:

    Page 10 has info on scoring/multiball.

    I once intentionally quit a game after advancing to a 20-ball multiball!

    Ahhh, good times!


    #50 6 years ago

    Man i want one of these!

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