Quoted from gtown:How are you managing rate of cash flow? Casinos are now used to slots and video poker where games last minutes or even seconds. Is there a timer on the game, increase in difficulty or is this expected to be a high wager game?
Our vision for Vegas 2047 as presented at the Global Gaming Expo earlier this month, is for customized placement into specific High Limit rooms at specific Casinos. Indeed, this machine is not intended for the 'riff raff' who want to spend $20 playing 'penny' slots at $1 a spin.
This game, and our system in general, is intended for large denomination bets - where $100 is a small minimum bet - because the House Edge of 1% to 5% is small, and because this House Edge can be overcome with sufficient Player Skill!
Granted, the system only works if there also are Players with below average skill playing the game; it balances out such that the expert Player enjoys lifetime winnings from positive EV, and the Casino gets their House Edge.
Many folks balk at the $100 entry Bet. Let's compare the Expected Value of that, and a typical 'penny' slot machine:
Penny Slot: $1 typical Bet, 15% House Edge, 3 seconds per Bet = $3 per minute
Vegas 2047: $100 minimum Bet, %1 House Edge, 60 seconds per Bet = $1 per minute
These settings are typical, what we see on Las Vegas Casino floors, and close to what we ran at the G2E show. The 60-second Pinball game is an average, and ours is a two-ball game - one plunged, one added after the first ball leaves the bumpers. Great Pinball Players (myself included) have had high-scoring games lasting 5 minutes and more!
The bonus is that with our "Bet Cube" feature, you can bet what you want to win what you want. Everyone can understand an 'even money' bet - you bet $100 to win $100 with about a 50% chance to win. In Vegas 2047, you can set the Win amount LOWER than your Bet amount. If you want to win only $10 from your $100 Bet, your Chance to Win is about 90%! Factor in an above average game of Pinball, and you can increase your Chance to Win to 100%. I'll say it again: your Chance to Win your Bet can be 100% if you have a good enough game of Pinball (and enough have played before you who have had below average games)
Vegas 2047 is absolutely gambling, but it's also the first Casino game that will use your Skill to influence your Chance to Win with NO exposure to the Casino!
We firmly believe that our games (not just Pinball, but ANY game of skill) will create professional Players with lifetime winnings the likes of professional Poker Players.
All of you Pinsiders have an advantage already with your Pinball skills, and of course you'll be notified when and where the game goes on test so you can try your luck, prove your skill, and have fun gambling!