Spent like half the day trying to get the thing for a friend who's birthday is Sunday. 4 different Gamestops, a Walmart, and 2 Targets... and nothing to show for it.
Anyone have more success than me?
Hi wolf.
Spent like half the day trying to get the thing for a friend who's birthday is Sunday. 4 different Gamestops, a Walmart, and 2 Targets... and nothing to show for it.
Anyone have more success than me?
Hi wolf.
I have a friend who was complaining about not being able to find one today. He said they were showing up on e-bay for 500 bucks each. I never checked into that but I don't doubt him. I guess Nintendo made these in limited numbers?
They're going fast, but Nintendo is going to pump them out as fast as they can. Good luck.
Quoted from Rum-Z:I have a friend who was complaining about not being able to find one today. He said they were showing up on e-bay for 500 bucks each. I never checked into that but I don't doubt him. I guess Nintendo made these in limited numbers?
No limited numbers, first batch just sold out fast.
Quoted from Rum-Z:I have a friend who was complaining about not being able to find one today. He said they were showing up on e-bay for 500 bucks each. I never checked into that but I don't doubt him. I guess Nintendo made these in limited numbers?
Yeah, it's crazy! I texted some guy on Craig's about one for $120 and he said his new price was $185. Savages.
Nintendo does this just to stir hype. Most big stores around my area got anywhere from 6 to 8 units. With a "novelty" that costs 60 bucks theres no reason why the stock is so low. For around the same price you can load a Rasberry Pi with Emulation Station and more roms. For controllers pickup 2 Classic NES usb controllers.
I was on the fence about buying one for the kids. I saw it on Amazon in stock today, should have grabbed it. I guess Amazon was having issues with it, may have never got it anyway. My brother talked me out of buying it and we were thinking about building a couple of these.
Went to Wally's last night around 10pm Central.... Just for groceries.... I hate to say. WE had no idea it went on sale at midnight.... We watched people line up in Electronics... Finally asking WTH... We could of got one...Or sold for profit today.. Not our style at all..
They had one box ONLY...
created demand so more people want it and will pay more. just like with ecto cooler. just buy an nes or get the emulators.
Quoted from Rascal_H:Yeah, it's crazy! I texted some guy on Craig's about one for $120 and he said his new price was $185. Savages.
Contact a few people scalping them and arrange for them all to meet "you" at the same location at the same time. Seriously though, just wait a few weeks. Nintendo is just releasing them slowly to build the hype.
Quoted from aobrien5:Pfffft... Wait a couple weeks and get it for $60. Screw all of those people.
Exactly, I seriously question the smarts of anyone spending over $100 for one of these cause they have to be one of the first to own it. For what it is, I don't know I'd spend $60 on it. People will get bored of these quickly and in 6 months you'll be able to buy a used one for $40-$50.
Quoted from BoJo:Here are recent ebay sales. Can't believe what some people are willing to pay for this.
ebay.com link
People are dumb. It's a cute little trinket that will be massively available once Nintendo gets their shit together. Same as Amiibos. Hard to get at first and now it's not a big deal.
If you're tempted to overpay for this thing, consider a RetroUSB AVS ...an awesome HDMI NES system for $185...and then pick up and Everdrive for it. Then you can have every game ever made and not just 30.
crazy, never looked at prices for the original. I still have mine and I don't think I'll ever part with it. Something about stacking games in the slot and adjusting it just right, brings back memories.
Quoted from exflexer:Nintendo does this just to stir hype. Most big stores around my area got anywhere from 6 to 8 units. With a "novelty" that costs 60 bucks theres no reason why the stock is so low.
I don't think that Nintendo did this one just to stir hype, I think they really didn't know exactly where the demand for a product like this was. Sega has released similar consoles in the past without nearly the amount of sales that this thing has so far.
I think Nintendo was simply hedging their bets, as many of those other consoles end up being greatly discounted, and Nintendo didn't want to end up devaluing their content by being in that boat with these.
So pathetic. It is an emulator in a classic NES shell. It is 1/4 the size of the original and it does not even operate like the original. You cannot even open the lid to the unit. It has 30 games and there's zero backwards compatibility for the rest of the NES library. Even the cords are 30 inches long vs the 90 inches the originals had.
Everything 30 years old is "retro and cool" now. Anyone can get the emulator, the roms, and play all these games on your computer for free.
Nintendo is literally selling an emulator dressed up as a mini NES with 39 games for $65.
Mine shipped today from GameStop and I got the shipping confirmation. I'm excited to get some time with it. I'm sure that 2-3 shipping waves will hit by Black Friday and another 2-3 before Christmas. For those looking, let's help each other out a bit and we can avoid high prices on these. If I see one, I'll grab it and offer it up here at cost. If there's no interest, I'll offer to friends. If not that, well, I guess I can return it.
To explain this in pinhead terms, it's Nintendo's MMR, IMVE or BBB.
Retro Nintendo is white hot at the moment, and real NES cartridges fetch $20+ for even common games. A used NES console under $50 is almost impossible to find.
So yes, this is 3x more expensive than your average TV games console (= Nintendo prints money) but it's also massively cheaper than collecting even a fraction of the included games.
Quoted from exflexer:Nintendo does this just to stir hype.
so true
I am such a big Nintendo fan.... but this bothers me so much!!! they did this with the game qube, wii, wiiU.
and now with the nes mini, and I know they will do the same with the NX.
Guys, gaming hardware never is shipped in enough quantity to satisfy initial demand. The only console you could find on store shelves day one was the PlayStation 3, but that was due to its exorbitant price tag, and even then it was sold out in many areas.
Missed out on the 6 the local Wal-mart had available last night, so went to Target this morning about 7am and stood in line and got one. They got 16 in, but oddly only 2 extra controllers. Fun little system, but definitely need to buy an extension for the controller - just too short.
I got two last night around 10:30pm. One fromGameStop.com the other Bestbuy.com. Just happened to check at the right time.
A manufacturer artificially stimulating demand through supply scarcity and ensuring sales of a product with short term interest and consumer lifespan continue longer than initially projected.
Never even heard of this product iteration until I opened this thread, but the strategic marketing concepts behind its release are exactly the same as the main pinball manufacturer.
Quoted from hocuslocus:why don't they just buy a real original nes?
Ease of use with todays TV's. HDMI out, proper video scaling and look, and ease of accessing multiple games (and some of NES's best games at that) all in one simple menu.
I was lucky enough to snag one early this morning from my local Toys R Us.
Doesnt wii and presumably wiiU already support legacy nintendo games? Been a few years since ive had a wii, but im pretty sure it had a marketplace where you could buy old 8bit games etc. it might even of had 16 bit super nintendo stuff and sega stuff.
Sounds like this may be more like the atari joystick controller with the guts os a 2600 and several games in it that comes out near thr holidays as a office party gift or stocking stuffer.
I went to a few stores today around 10 thinking it wasn't gonna be a big deal, but boy I was wrong. All sold out. After a little web searching I found out that amazon had some in stock at 2pm pst so ordered one then.
So in recent years there have been many Atari, Intellivision, and Colecovision retro-disposable systems made. All have preinstalled games (50% of which are crap). Now Nintendo finally puts out a similar disposable system and the media is freaking out? Honestly folks, it's just one more made-in-china chunk of plastic destined for the landfill...Save the environment, use an emulator (e.g. MAME).
If you absolutely need to hold onto something retro (and really awesome), get a Vectrex - Good old-fashioned retina-burning samsung VECTOR graphics, and an analogue joystick! If you can't get a Vectrex...it's also emulated in MAME
My kids just play the one that is still hooked up at Grandma and Grandpa's. Can't believe it still works because mine died around 1991. Does anyone know if the power pad works with the new one. We have one laying around.
Was easy to get. I got 2, 1 for me and 1 for a friend. Just waited in line for 2 hours. Cool little console, a great deal at 60. Don't support the douchebag scalpers. Give it a week or two and there will be loads around.
Quoted from jar155:Guys, gaming hardware never is shipped in enough quantity to satisfy initial demand. The only console you could find on store shelves day one was the PlayStation 3, but that was due to its exorbitant price tag, and even then it was sold out in many areas.
Actually, this is really only a modern phenomenon except in the cases when console manufacturers would test market game systems (for instance, Atari released the Jaguar in 1993 in only two cities, so I wouldn't count that). The first console to really be pushed for release sales was the Dreamcast (9/9/99 baby!), where Sega made enough units to sell nearly a quarter of a million of them the first day, and 1 million consoles within two months.
After that point it seems that companies launched consoles in more and more limited numbers. The flip side of that argument though is that companies do a much better job promoting the releases because of how well the Dreamcast did, so they figure to cash in on the same sort of trend.
Totally related to any of this, if anyone wants some actual old games, I do this in my mythical spare time...
Nah, the Game Boy was artificially constrained, and that's going back to the '80s. But recent launches have been supply constrained by demand due to worldwide launch schedules. Launches used to be way more spaced out.
But yeah, Sega's 9/9/99 Dreamcast campaign was a new level of this concept.
Quoted from Rarehero:People are dumb. It's a cute little trinket that will be massively available once Nintendo gets their shit together. Same as Amiibos. Hard to get at first and now it's not a big deal.
If you're tempted to overpay for this thing, consider a RetroUSB AVS ...an awesome HDMI NES system for $185...and then pick up and Everdrive for it. Then you can have every game ever made and not just 30.
so the everdrive lets you load your NES roms on it and can read them?
Speaking of artificial demand. I think the first game that was faked on short supply was Zelda 2. I remember they were talking about a chip shortage and pumping up demand. Mainly because I think they realized it wasn't that great of a game after it was done. So they created a shortage buzz about it. It was damn hard to find one when it was first released. Only to find out the warehouses were stocked with them. But nintendo only trickled them out. Even back then it left a bad taste about the situation. Shitty things companies do to raise prices and create imaginary hype.
I'll get one when they are available, but I am not getting the hype? I've been playing NES games the majority of my life(have a nicely modded Wii right now that plays everything), so I guess all the "hey, remember Mario?" folks are helping to drive this, along with the scalpers. Love Nintendo, bought a WiiU for my kids and will surely buy the Switch, but this is poor form and anybody that has been following knew this was gonna happen as Nintendo loves to choke off supply to keep the hype going(Amiibo).
hey you all, you can build yourself a retropie based on the raspberry pie platform. If you don't know how to do that, message me and i'll be willing to give you directions.
Half the games on the unit are fillers, its total trash, want a great emulator system with hdmi upscaling pick up an ouya for 100$ if they still sell it and get all the systems from the 90's.
Buy Wii for $20
buy $5 SD card
Install homebrew channel --> https://please.hackmii.com/
video guide -->
Download any emulator you want --> http://wiibrew.org/wiki/List_of_homebrew_emulators
video guide to do it the easy way -
Problem solved.
Quoted from nowakster:hey you all, you can build yourself a retropie based on the raspberry pie platform. If you don't know how to do that, message me and i'll be willing to give you directions.
I built myself one of these using a Pi. Plays just about anything.
Just another "it" toy for the season and it's lame to see people scrambling around for it. If you're into NES at all, you've still got originals with all these games or high def systems to play with your original games. Or you just emulate it all for free. I've still got an original NIB system that I've never even opened because my other systems still work fine. Kids these days...
Quoted from stoptap:I built myself one of these using a Pi. Plays just about anything.
Very cool. Way more fun when you build yourself. Where did you get that mug?
Here are some cool retro controllers to use on your computer (if that helps to scratch the retro itch):
Some are wireless, some wired...
1b4c_classic_console_usb_controllers_retro_nes_large (resized).jpg
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