(Topic ID: 277214)

Need advice for failed transaction & money kept by member on this site

By jusflyinby

4 years ago

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    #1 4 years ago

    Hi everyone, I could use some advice or at minimum use this as a warning for others. I understand this is a long post but I think it's important to touch on these points. Hope you'll stick thru it to share your thoughts!

    Back in September of 2018, I made a deal with a user here for their Transformers Decepticon LE. Unfortunately this pinsider lives on the Western side of Canada and I'm in NY, so we had to make arrangements for remote payment, shipping etc. I spent a lot of time discussing and coming up with a plan with this person, via phone, email, pinside PM's, the whole deal. I wanted to make sure he was legit and went thru his feedback. He sold many items before with good feedback (Mostly, turns out someone recently is dealing with this same BS as me). He sent plenty of pictures and even a video of the machine that all appeared to be legit. From what I could research these weren't photos of someone else's machine lifted off the internet.

    After several conversations, I eventually was convinced he's a genuinely good dude and this was the real deal, so settled thru verbal agreement (I know, stupid me) to send 1/2 payment (+$2,000!) via bank transfer (I know, stupid me again). I considered it a trust exercise as he was iffy about sending a machine without full payment but I convinced him I was already taking the bigger risk as is, and shouldn't take the full risk. He wouldn't take paypal, but that wasn't unusual as I notice many people here refuse to use that service as well as it tends to favor the buyer.

    After 1/2 payment, things started going south. The responses started coming much further apart with each one just being excuses of delays. It finally got to a point where he stated the machine has shipped but was 'stuck at the border' where it stayed for many, many months. He was in charge of shipping and states his broker messed up the paperwork and caused problems. That's not that far fetched, so I remained hopeful. However time kept passing and his responses were becoming even more few and far between, consisting of “Howdy hope all is well, don’t worry I’ll call you soon and we'll figure it all out! Hang in there!". Eventually he claimed the machine was back in his possession and stated we'll come up with a new plan. But here we are, two years later, and there's still no plan and nothing but "I'll get back to you" responses that never pan out. Meanwhile I’m out 2 grand.

    Maybe I'm nuts here, but I'm still remaining hopeful that he's a good dude who's just not in any particular hurry and is truthful when saying he has limited internet access (though he refuses to call or answer the phone…). I mean, he did send to me separately the pin's game specific purple legs, coin box, extra LE parts, new side decals etc. that are all in my possession. If this was an intentional scam, a lot of effort was put into it…

    I wrote the admins here for some advice and they had suggested I make a post in this forum. Perhaps see if anyone here in the community knows this person and would be willing to sort of step in and ask them what is going on...

    If you stuck with me this long thru the post and have any advice, thank you. Would appreciate your thoughts. If you happen to know AUTODLR thru this community and have thoughts on how to get in touch with him and get this moving, that would be even better. Feel free to PM me. But I worry I have no recourse except for giving everyone here a warning before entering an agreement with Derek.

    #2 4 years ago

    I am sorry for your headache. I unfortunately cannot offer your much advice as it appears, given wire transfer that your money is definitely gone. Whether you’re able to secure the machine your due is another story but the money is gone.

    I came close to entering into an agreement like this with a guy in Florida. Supposed wonderful reputation. Lots of people know him and some high profile people on here vouch for him. I did not go through with it as I could not risk it. These stories make me grateful I did not.

    I wish you well and hope that you can achieve some type of resolution. Tough for sure!

    #3 4 years ago
    Quoted from jusflyinby:

    Hi everyone, I could use some advice or at minimum use this as a warning for others. I understand this is a long post but I think it's important to touch on these points. Hope you'll stick thru it to share your thoughts!
    Back in September of 2018, I made a deal with a user here for their Transformers Decepticon LE. Unfortunately this pinsider lives on the Western side of Canada and I'm in NY, so we had to make arrangements for remote payment, shipping etc. I spent a lot of time discussing and coming up with a plan with this person, via phone, email, pinside PM's, the whole deal. I wanted to make sure he was legit and went thru his feedback. He sold many items before with good feedback (Mostly, turns out someone recently is dealing with this same BS as me). He sent plenty of pictures and even a video of the machine that all appeared to be legit. From what I could research these weren't photos of someone else's machine lifted off the internet.
    After several conversations, I eventually was convinced he's a genuinely good dude and this was the real deal, so settled thru verbal agreement (I know, stupid me) to send 1/2 payment (+$2,000!) via bank transfer (I know, stupid me again). I considered it a trust exercise as he was iffy about sending a machine without full payment but I convinced him I was already taking the bigger risk as is, and shouldn't take the full risk. He wouldn't take paypal, but that wasn't unusual as I notice many people here refuse to use that service as well as it tends to favor the buyer.
    After 1/2 payment, things started going south. The responses started coming much further apart with each one just being excuses of delays. It finally got to a point where he stated the machine has shipped but was 'stuck at the border' where it stayed for many, many months. He was in charge of shipping and states his broker messed up the paperwork and caused problems. That's not that far fetched, so I remained hopeful. However time kept passing and his responses were becoming even more few and far between, consisting of “Howdy hope all is well, don’t worry I’ll call you soon and we'll figure it all out! Hang in there!". Eventually he claimed the machine was back in his possession and stated we'll come up with a new plan. But here we are, two years later, and there's still no plan and nothing but "I'll get back to you" responses that never pan out. Meanwhile I’m out 2 grand.
    Maybe I'm nuts here, but I'm still remaining hopeful that he's a good dude who's just not in any particular hurry and is truthful when saying he has limited internet access (though he refuses to call or answer the phone…). I mean, he did send to me separately the pin's game specific purple legs, coin box, extra LE parts, new side decals etc. that are all in my possession. If this was an intentional scam, a lot of effort was put into it…
    I wrote the admins here for some advice and they had suggested I make a post in this forum. Perhaps see if anyone here in the community knows this person and would be willing to sort of step in and ask them what is going on...
    If you stuck with me this long thru the post and have any advice, thank you. Would appreciate your thoughts. If you happen to know AUTODLR thru this community and have thoughts on how to get in touch with him and get this moving, that would be even better. Feel free to PM me. But I worry I have no recourse except for giving everyone here a warning before entering an agreement with Derek.

    I’m shocked a Pinhead lives in Amsterdam! Howdy neighbor.
    I hope things work out soon.

    #4 4 years ago

    Look man just cause they are pinside does not mean they are cool. Hell call um a dick wad or something. If they go off or something you might want to deal with them. If they say something like ok let’s make this deal. You going to get taken to pound town! Hell I would trust CrazyLevi at deal. That’s cause he has grit. Someone else that does not post shit. No so much.

    #5 4 years ago

    2 years later and out $2K and you're still hesitant to call this individual out...c'mon.

    #6 4 years ago

    2 years, yikes that’s a long deal!. Pretty bizarre, doesn’t sound like a scam but more of a complete flake. Maybe got hooked on drugs?

    #7 4 years ago
    Quoted from jusflyinby:

    If you stuck with me this long thru the post and have any advice, thank you. Would appreciate your thoughts. If you happen to know AUTODLR thru this community and have thoughts on how to get in touch with him and get this moving, that would be even better. Feel free to PM me. But I worry I have no recourse except for giving everyone here a warning before entering an agreement with Derek.

    A YEAR? That's extreme patience.

    Was this the ad? https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/transformers-decepticon-violet-limited-edition-1-of-125-1

    He's sold a bunch of backglasses, etc since then so his email and phone works for that. Sounds like a lot of excuses.

    #8 4 years ago

    Seems perfectly acceptable to mention the name and allow
    Him to defend himself. Reputation is
    Important in this hobby

    #9 4 years ago
    Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

    Seems perfectly acceptable to mention the name and allow
    Him to defend himself. Reputation is
    Important in this hobby

    He did mention his name in the first post. My advice on this stop dealing with people in other countries with this much money. They seem to all want to scam you out of your money these days.

    #10 4 years ago
    #11 4 years ago

    Too risky doing deals that involve shipping. I am really sorry that your out that amount of money. Learn from that . Unless it is a person that you know well or a trusted dealer try and stick to machines you can pick up yourself. It is safer to do so. Your also in the north east and that gives you a good amount of machines for sale in the tri state area. If you wait long enough the machines your looking for usually come up for sale in the region. And for anyone reading this post I sold a machine to this op and he was a great buyer and a very nice person to deal with.

    #12 4 years ago

    Perhaps change the title of your thread to something including his Pinside name?

    That may get his attention faster.

    You sound like a really nice guy. Unfortunately, there are those that take advantage of nice people.

    #13 4 years ago

    Add the @ symbol before the name and Pinside will link the profile so it’s easier for people to look up the user.

    #14 4 years ago
    pasted_image (resized).pngpasted_image (resized).png
    #15 4 years ago
    pasted_image (resized).pngpasted_image (resized).png
    #16 4 years ago

    Any pinsiders close enough to go get the machine for the op?

    #17 4 years ago
    Quoted from PinMonk:

    A YEAR? That's extreme patience.
    Was this the ad? https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/transformers-decepticon-violet-limited-edition-1-of-125-1
    He's sold a bunch of backglasses, etc since then so his email and phone works for that. Sounds like a lot of excuses.

    I don't know how Pinside's ad system works , but The seller marked his ad as "not sold".

    #18 4 years ago

    I have bought various parts from AUTODLR in the past. Never had a problem. In fact, if you look at his archived ads, he was practically giving stuff away. Many times he paid the shipping cost that had to be worth more than the item itself. Just my experience.

    #19 4 years ago

    Just sent AUTODLR a PM. Please do the same to pressure him into doing the right thing.

    #21 4 years ago

    It shows he has been on site today. Over a year sold and pre pandemic. Total bs by seller. Refund his money @autodlr. How can you just keep his money for that long. Do the right thing, just refund the purchase.

    #22 4 years ago

    2 Years?
    WTF took you so long?
    I personally would have been in a car or plane trip 20 months ago.

    #23 4 years ago

    Couple questions OP please. Do you have file with documentation transaction both money sent , recieved and the HIS in detail ? If so in a form that is certified enough to pass legal scrutiny? Looking for your $ back or want the game ? Are you willing to expend $ to attempt some satisfaction ? I assume you have sellers legal name and address from parts shipped to you .Lawyer local to seller would likely be best bang for the buck as far as filing warrant for frand if worth your time and emotional hassle. As well the lawyer intervention shows your patience has ended and the time is now for this issue to be concluded .

    Or another of life's valuable lessons for 2k

    Good luck Shane

    #24 4 years ago

    I don't know if this is his actual location but here you go. The one with the 4.

    Screenshot_20200912-092428_Chrome (resized).jpgScreenshot_20200912-092428_Chrome (resized).jpg

    #25 4 years ago
    Quoted from Captainhook:

    I don't know if this is his actual location but here you go. The one with the 4.
    [quoted image]

    That tells you there are Pinside users very close to him that should be able to sort this whole thing out

    #26 4 years ago


    This guy obviously can't be trusted. This isn't his first rip-off-rodeo.

    #27 4 years ago

    What a clown. Gives Canadians a bad name. Someone will sort this out. AUTODLR better step up.
    I'm a lawyer and would be pleased to pursue this matter in small claims court for OP on a Pro Bono-reasonable commercial efforts basis. Just need his personal info, which I trust you can PM me. He has been unjustly enriched by your payment. Your claim is for breach of contract and unjust enrichment.

    Assuming I receive your documentation, we will file next week and I can serve him the next time I am through Airdrie which will be in the next few weeks.

    #28 4 years ago

    Quit messing around, Call the Royale Mounted Canadian Police and file a complaint. Put him on public record and notice.

    #29 4 years ago

    Wow, I honestly don't know where to start. I didn't expect this much support and understanding! The reason I waited so long is because I know how the internet works, and I didn't want to be that guy that starts a witch hunt, but also figured I didn't have any recourse and was embarrassed of my mistake. But seriously it's just gone too long. I even warned him several times in our conversation that I will take it up to the community and see if they will sort it out, to which he was quick to say "no no don't worry I got you covered!"

    Anyway my timing is poor but I know a few of you had questions on here. I'll respond back when I have a bit more time to do so later tonight, stand by pls!

    #30 4 years ago
    Quoted from wtuttle:

    What a clown. Gives Canadians a bad name. Someone will sort this out. Autodlr better step up.
    I'm a lawyer and would be pleased to pursue this matter in small claims court for OP on a Pro Bono-reasonable commercial efforts basis. Just need his personal info, which I trust you can PM me. He has been unjustly enriched by your payment. Your claim is for breach of contract and unjust enrichment.
    Assuming I receive your documentation, we will file next week and I can serve him the next time I am through Airdrie which will be in the next few weeks.

    #31 4 years ago
    Quoted from wtuttle:

    What a clown. Gives Canadians a bad name. Someone will sort this out. Autodlr better step up.
    I'm a lawyer and would be pleased to pursue this matter in small claims court for OP on a Pro Bono-reasonable commercial efforts basis. Just need his personal info, which I trust you can PM me. He has been unjustly enriched by your payment. Your claim is for breach of contract and unjust enrichment.
    Assuming I receive your documentation, we will file next week and I can serve him the next time I am through Airdrie which will be in the next few weeks.

    What a class act. Some goodness remains in a beaten down world.

    #32 4 years ago
    Quoted from wtuttle:

    What a clown. Gives Canadians a bad name. Someone will sort this out. Autodlr better step up.
    I'm a lawyer and would be pleased to pursue this matter in small claims court for OP on a Pro Bono-reasonable commercial efforts basis. Just need his personal info, which I trust you can PM me. He has been unjustly enriched by your payment. Your claim is for breach of contract and unjust enrichment.
    Assuming I receive your documentation, we will file next week and I can serve him the next time I am through Airdrie which will be in the next few weeks.

    Very generous offer! Thanks for your interest in this case.

    #33 4 years ago
    Quoted from cottonm4:

    I don't know how Pinside's ad system works , but The seller marked his ad as "not sold".

    A> Scummy people do this all the time to avoid paying sale fees on games they sell successfully
    B> The text of the ad says NY sale pending

    #34 4 years ago
    Quoted from wtuttle:

    What a clown. Gives Canadians a bad name. Someone will sort this out. Autodlr better step up.
    I'm a lawyer and would be pleased to pursue this matter in small claims court for OP on a Pro Bono-reasonable commercial efforts basis. Just need his personal info, which I trust you can PM me. He has been unjustly enriched by your payment. Your claim is for breach of contract and unjust enrichment.
    Assuming I receive your documentation, we will file next week and I can serve him the next time I am through Airdrie which will be in the next few weeks.

    Can vouch for @wtuttle, known him for years and he's solid if you decide to pursue the legal route.

    #35 4 years ago
    Quoted from wtuttle:

    What a clown. Gives Canadians a bad name. Someone will sort this out. Autodlr better step up.
    I'm a lawyer and would be pleased to pursue this matter in small claims court for OP on a Pro Bono-reasonable commercial efforts basis. Just need his personal info, which I trust you can PM me. He has been unjustly enriched by your payment. Your claim is for breach of contract and unjust enrichment.
    Assuming I receive your documentation, we will file next week and I can serve him the next time I am through Airdrie which will be in the next few weeks.

    OP take wtuttle up on his offer....

    #36 4 years ago

    I actually think AUTODLR is the same person as @Diablo.

    Diablo got called out for the same behaviour a few years ago and disappeared from Pinside.


    Then AUTODLR creates an account in 2018 and behaves the same way DIABLO did.

    Same city/area, same shady tactics and nearly the same collection/history.

    Someone needs to straighten this sack out!

    #37 4 years ago

    I was thinking the same thing.
    He goes by Martin Jacobsen.
    He is on the scammer list on mr pinball.
    With some of his aliases and his Wife’s name.

    #38 4 years ago

    Isochronic_Frost - Hello! Yes, we seem to be few and far between out here, especially as evidenced by the lack of machines around! I'm also on Pinball 518 FB page as well, so there are a few floating around the capital area.

    PinMonk - yep that's the ad

    Loganpinball - Thanks for the cred! And yes, I see he's basically on this site every day. When I confronted him on that he said he gave his login info to his brother who likes to creep around on here or something like that...

    arcademojo - Thanks for posting the details

    jj44114 - Exactly, he seems truly like a nice dude, but it's like things got hard and he just gave up on me or just plain is in no hurry to rectify the situation.

    Crash - Cool, don't know if it'll prompt anything but worth a shot, haha.

    Bigbossfan - Appreciate the help!

    wtuttle - Awesome, PM Sent!

    ImNotNorm - Would figure mods could cross reference the IP and see it's the same guy? Good feedback from some or not, would think swapping screen names is likely for shady purposes.

    Call me gullible or thick headed, but this guy just does not come off as a scam artist. He's either absent minded or just plain doesn't give a hoot to get my money back or finish shipping the machine and just thinks he can take however long is necessary to do so. I'm really doing this just to light a fire under his ***. I mean I have the machines legs, coin box, and several of the parts sitting at my house. What type of elaborate scammer would send me some of this stuff just to make it feel more legitimate? If he did, dang, kudos to him, you fooled me!

    AUTODLR - If you're paying attention, call me so we can avoid going down that legal path, let's get this settled!!!!

    #39 4 years ago

    damn this guy sounds like a real piece of shit, you have a lot of patience my friend

    #40 4 years ago
    Quoted from jusflyinby:

    thehuemanatee - Would figure mods could cross reference the IP and see it's the same guy? Good feedback from some or not, would think swapping screen names is likely for shady purposes.
    Call me gullible or thick headed, but this guy just does not come off as a scam artist. He's either absent minded or just plain doesn't give a hoot to get my money back or finish shipping the machine and just thinks he can take however long is necessary to do so. I'm really doing this just to light a fire under his ***. I mean I have the machines legs, coin box, and several of the parts sitting at my house. What type of elaborate scammer would send me some of this stuff just to make it feel more legitimate? If he did, dang, kudos to him, you fooled me!

    This guy is what happens when a scammer and a tire kicker have a child together. He's the worst of both worlds.

    “The wisest are the most annoyed at the loss of time.” - Dante Alighieri

    #41 4 years ago

    @JustFlyinBy You must be a saint ‘cause you’ve got the patience of Jobe

    #42 4 years ago
    Quoted from jusflyinby:

    isochronic_frost - Hello! Yes, we seem to be few and far between out here, especially as evidenced by the lack of machines around! I'm also on Pinball 518 FB page as well, so there are a few floating around the capital area.
    vireland - yep that's the ad
    loganpinball - Thanks for the cred! And yes, I see he's basically on this site every day. When I confronted him on that he said he gave his login info to his brother who likes to creep around on here or something like that...
    arcademojo - Thanks for posting the details
    jj44114 - Exactly, he seems truly like a nice dude, but it's like things got hard and he just gave up on me or just plain is in no hurry to rectify the situation.
    crash - Cool, don't know if it'll prompt anything but worth a shot, haha.
    bigbossfan - Appreciate the help!
    wtuttle - Awesome, PM Sent!
    thehuemanatee - Would figure mods could cross reference the IP and see it's the same guy? Good feedback from some or not, would think swapping screen names is likely for shady purposes.
    Call me gullible or thick headed, but this guy just does not come off as a scam artist. He's either absent minded or just plain doesn't give a hoot to get my money back or finish shipping the machine and just thinks he can take however long is necessary to do so. I'm really doing this just to light a fire under his ***. I mean I have the machines legs, coin box, and several of the parts sitting at my house. What type of elaborate scammer would send me some of this stuff just to make it feel more legitimate? If he did, dang, kudos to him, you fooled me!
    autodlr - If you're paying attention, call me so we can avoid going down that legal path, let's get this settled!!!!

    I would PM Hogey and shacklersrevenge and compare notes and email addresses regarding your correspondences with AUTODLR & @Diablo.

    #43 4 years ago

    Usually the only things I check if buying from pinside. Have they had an account for a year, Do they post somewhat regular (not just for sale ads) and does their address match their name. So worse comes to worse I can go knock on their door. Even so, I'm sure I could of been in your position at some point. Good luck, hope you get your 2k back.

    #44 4 years ago
    Quoted from wtuttle:

    What a clown. Gives Canadians a bad name. Someone will sort this out. Autodlr better step up.
    I'm a lawyer and would be pleased to pursue this matter in small claims court for OP on a Pro Bono-reasonable commercial efforts basis. Just need his personal info, which I trust you can PM me. He has been unjustly enriched by your payment. Your claim is for breach of contract and unjust enrichment.
    Assuming I receive your documentation, we will file next week and I can serve him the next time I am through Airdrie which will be in the next few weeks.

    Do you guys wear the wigs like they do in England?

    #45 4 years ago
    Quoted from captainadam_21:

    Do you guys wear the wigs like they do in England?

    No, we part them on the right here.

    #46 4 years ago
    Quoted from captainadam_21:

    Do you guys wear the wigs like they do in England?

    No wigs in Canada, but we are gowned at trial. I have worn my gown once in twelve years.

    #47 4 years ago
    Quoted from pingod:

    I was thinking the same thing.
    He goes by Martin Jacobsen.
    He is on the scammer list on mr pinball.
    With some of his aliases and his Wife’s name.

    Nice detective work, Dan and HueManatee.

    I confirm OP has PM'd me, and I've asked for his materials to be sent to my e-mail.

    Will keep everyone posted as to how this progresses.



    #48 4 years ago
    Quoted from pingod:

    I was thinking the same thing.
    He goes by Martin Jacobsen.
    He is on the scammer list on mr pinball.
    With some of his aliases and his Wife’s name.

    Interestingly, the name I am getting from OP is 'Derek'. Will find out his last name once materials are sent to me for filing of the civil action. So we will see what happens! Ideally, AUTODLR would show up and at least address these matters. He visits this site daily. To not speak up, well, the silence is deafening/pathetic.

    #49 4 years ago
    Quoted from wtuttle:

    Interestingly, the name I am getting from OP is 'Derek'. Will find out his last name once materials are sent to me for filing of the civil action. So we will see what happens! Ideally, Autodlr would show up and at least address these matters. He visits this site daily. To not speak up, well, the silence is deafening/pathetic.

    Has anyone outside of the op contacted him via pm to let him know this thread exists?

    #50 4 years ago
    Quoted from Mike_J:

    Has anyone outside of the op contacted him via pm to let him know this thread exists?

    I believe Crash did above and suggested others should maybe try the same thing, not sure if happened or not.

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