(Topic ID: 344325)

Barrels of Fun Pinball- Labyrinth pinball. HYPE thread!

By Haymaker

11 months ago

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#2351 10 months ago
Quoted from Good-Times:

A couple of technical questions if David or anyone can answer; firstly I'm curious which rubbers are used here - Superbands? Nice that there's another aspect that doesn't require modding from the get-go! Also, could you tell us the power output of the integrated amplifier, both to the cabinet woofer and the backbox speakers? Just in case I get the itch to change something down the track, would be great to know what power is available. Thanks!

Rubbers are silicone (not polyurethane) and the FAST audio board specs are described at fastpinball.com! Hope that helps

#2352 10 months ago

Ah thanks, ok 15wrms - cheers.

#2353 10 months ago
Quoted from LTG:

Congratulations and best wishes !
LTG : )

Thanks LLoyd!

#2354 10 months ago
Quoted from Good-Times:

Ah thanks, ok 15wrms - cheers.

Curious how the very nice JBL sub sounds with only 15 watts power and aggressive 100-120Hz cut-off?

#2355 10 months ago
Quoted from MrMikeman:

Actually there's so much going on right now it's an overload. We're actually getting married in 11 days even though I call her my wife already
Then in 18 days it's the honeymoon in Disney - yes we like Disney stuff.
And somewhere in all that I get Labyrinth shipped as well. Hopefully all sorted with the shipping and brokerage before I leave for Florida. Ideally arrives the Monday after our trip

Wow, you really are in a magical place right now lol. I wish you the best.

#2356 10 months ago
Quoted from luckymoey:

Curious how the very nice JBL sub sounds with only 15 watts power and aggressive 100-120Hz cut-off?

Think I can see why it’s being used

IMG_6997 (resized).jpegIMG_6997 (resized).jpeg
#2357 10 months ago

This is the only game ever my wife has asked me to buy. Her sister stayed with us last weekend and even she was begging me to buy it. They made me watch the movie again as if to prove the point.

And I’m still undecided. Wtf is wrong with me?

#2358 10 months ago
Quoted from luckymoey:

Curious how the very nice JBL sub sounds with only 15 watts power and aggressive 100-120Hz cut-off?

apparently Scott Danesi flew to Houston to help them with their sound system for this game so I'm assuming it will be fine...

#2359 10 months ago
Quoted from luckymoey:

Curious how the very nice JBL sub sounds with only 15 watts power and aggressive 100-120Hz cut-off?

15 wrms per channel is actually pretty good for this type of setup and I'm curious why you think 100hz sloped low pass filter is aggressive for an 8" driver.

#2360 10 months ago
Quoted from nwpinball:

Medieval Madness, Attack from Mars and Cactus Canyon walk into the room.

It was a different time. Cactus canyon sold poorly and since barely made any, its not really regarded as that great of an all time great (although I do enjoy it quite a bit). MM and AFM were modest hits in their time where pinball and arcades were starting to die out. This is the same excuse every noob who has no idea what they were talking about uses. "BuT EvErYoNe LoVeS TaXi" Try again, and don't embarrass yourself next time.

Quoted from Aurich:

I just found these adjacent points amusing.
Being “original” is the same as having “a license”, in the sense that just being in one of those states doesn’t mean much.
It’s easier to sell a license. But a bad license and a mediocre original game are both going to feel flat.
If this was an original theme with this level of art and assets and integration people would be paying attention.
Still be harder to sell though.

I don't disagree. Most of the original themes of the recent era have at least 1 or more major flaw. If you want an original IP to have a chance at succeeding it needs to be a total package, and a top tier one at that. Thats not to say a liscensed game doesn't need a lot of the same things but it has a much much easier chance of being successful

#2361 10 months ago
Quoted from luckymoey:

Curious how the very nice JBL sub sounds with only 15 watts power and aggressive 100-120Hz cut-off?

The right sub can do a lot with 15 watts. Its all about efficiency. Well...not ALL...but that is a large portion of it. The game sounds great, I would not worry at all about the sound system. Its probably better than pretty much any other game on the market besides maybe TNA

#2362 10 months ago

MM is just Monty Python and was written and performed by comedians from Second City. Most original themes today are made by whoever is in the room. I am not saying I could do better but the fact I know I can't makes me more self aware.

#2363 10 months ago
Quoted from cooked71:

And I’m still undecided. Wtf is wrong with me?

Nothing, you are probably just financially responsible

#2364 10 months ago
Quoted from Waxx:

MM is just Monty Python and was written and performed by comedians from Second City. Most original themes today are made by whoever is in the room. I am not saying I could do better but the fact I know I can't makes me more self aware.

Medieval Madness - Tina Fey
Galactic Tank Force - Kerri Hoskins

basically the same level of talent right??

#2365 10 months ago
Quoted from Sorokyl:

Medieval Madness - Tina Fey
Galactic Tank Force - Kerri Hoskins
basically the same level of talent right??

While I get your point, tell me everything Tina Fey was known for, in 1997 when MM was made?

#2366 10 months ago
Quoted from cooked71:

This is the only game ever my wife has asked me to buy. Her sister stayed with us last weekend and even she was begging me to buy it. They made me watch the movie again as if to prove the point.
And I’m still undecided. Wtf is wrong with me?

You should probably buy it just to bank the goodwill with your wife. If you end up selling it down the road for a loss, then that gives you cover on your thunderbirds (or godfather etc....) purchase....

#2367 10 months ago
Quoted from Capn12:

While I get your point, tell me everything Tina Fey was known for, in 1997 when MM was made?

Does someone have to be famous to be funny?

It's not dumb luck that they found funny people. None of it was dumb luck. They had a good team of people who brought different skill sets and that knew what was good.

We have not yet since seen such a team. Team Elwin is pretty good. Good layout, mechs, rules, code, art. But there's the stuff that is hard to point at... the soul. It's easy to hide/ make up for when you've got a great IP and licensed assets but I'm not convinced anyone can put out an unlicensed theme that would be good enough to justify not spending a little $ on a license.

BOF seems to have a lot of cool people working there. Based on the attention to detail on this pin and how much "soul" it has, seems like they've got a great team. Maybe they could make a decent unlicensed pin but after listening to the Aussie Podcast with David, seems like the themes are what got him into pinball. He loves film and he has a lot of skill and experience working with licensors and seems like he appreciates the value of using licensed IP for pinball. So I doubt we'll see anything unlicensed from them.

p.s. shoutout to TNA, the best and dare I say only good unlicensed game since the 90s.

#2368 10 months ago
Quoted from Sorokyl:

Medieval Madness - Tina Fey
Galactic Tank Force - Kerri Hoskins
basically the same level of talent right??

Sonya Blade > Tina Fey

#2369 10 months ago

Be sure to check out the Flip N Out Pinball YouTube channel tonight at 9PM CST for a brand new stream of Labyrinth! A few of us on the development team will be hanging out in the chat!

#2370 10 months ago

The license vs original theme conversation has been probably beaten to death by now, so I'll just say that I definitely agree selling a license is easier, this thread is proof positive of it, and that shouldn't take away from BOF clearly doing justice to a beloved theme.

Just having the license isn't enough, you gotta represent it well, and that's what I see here.

#2371 10 months ago
Quoted from BD_Designs:

Be sure to check out the Flip N Out Pinball YouTube channel tonight at 9PM CST for a brand new stream of Labyrinth! A few of us on the development team will be hanging out in the chat!

I'll be there, thanks for the reminder.

#2372 10 months ago
Quoted from BD_Designs:

Be sure to check out the Flip N Out Pinball YouTube channel tonight at 9PM CST for a brand new stream of Labyrinth! A few of us on the development team will be hanging out in the chat!

That's my plan !

LTG : )

#2373 10 months ago
Quoted from JeepSnob:

If you search for "barrels of fun pinball" using your favorite search engine it comes up.

Labyrinth pinball - great
Company website name - terrible


is available if all they're going to make is pinball machines.

The actual


domain is currently not in use and looks like just a placeholder. Maybe they just didn't want to pay whatever the dot com hoarder is asking for the site name.

#2374 10 months ago
Quoted from cooked71:

This is the only game ever my wife has asked me to buy. Her sister stayed with us last weekend and even she was begging me to buy it. They made me watch the movie again as if to prove the point.
And I’m still undecided. Wtf is wrong with me?

How many have you gotten for you? If you are neutral and she is this excited, this is your chance to get your wife more into your hobby in a way that you both can share. Marriages do better with shared interests and activities. Besides, the reviews are that the game is solid, well built, great to play, etc totally apart from the theme. It’s a winner. Go for it before its totally sold out.

#2375 10 months ago

One thing I've noticed about this theme is that a lot of women seem to be interested in it too. Its nice to have a theme that can appeal to both sexes.

#2376 10 months ago
Quoted from miracleman:

Labyrinth pinball - great
Company website name - terrible
is available if all they're going to make is pinball machines.
The actual
domain is currently not in use and looks like just a placeholder. Maybe they just didn't want to pay whatever the dot com hoarder is asking for the site name.

They have said they are going to be doing non-pinball stuff.

#2377 10 months ago
Quoted from Capn12:

While I get your point, tell me everything Tina Fey was known for, in 1997 when MM was made?

Being in Second City, one of the most famous and storied Comedy Troupes of all time. Getting a world famous comedy group to write comedy should be the qualification. Is this a serious question?

#2378 10 months ago
Quoted from Waxx:

Being in Second City, one of the most famous and storied Comedy Troupes of all time. Getting a world famous comedy group to write comedy should be the qualification. Is this a serious question?

Sure, go poll 100 pinball players out there, and ask them if they are aware of the members of Second City in 1997. I'm sure they'll rattle them all off.

#2379 10 months ago
Quoted from Capn12:

Sure, go poll 100 pinball players out there, and ask them if they are aware of the members of Second City in 1997. I'm sure they'll rattle them all off.

Never heard of em.

#2380 10 months ago
Quoted from Coreycatt:

How many have you gotten for you? If you are neutral and she is this excited, this is your chance to get your wife more into your hobby in a way that you both can share. Marriages do better with shared interests and activities. Besides, the reviews are that the game is solid, well built, great to play, etc totally apart from the theme. It’s a winner. Go for it before its totally sold out.

Of course, they’re all for me. Tbh, I’m not convinced any theme would get her more interested in pinball. I think she’s already forgotten about Labyrinth lol. So at the end of the day it’s still going to be me playing it.

Having watched the movie again, it is a shame Jennifer Connelly isn’t in the game at all. I get you’re playing as her, but you could easily switch from some footage with her in it to playing as her. I’m assuming it was a licensing cost issue ie. the game would benefit from having her in it but is it worth the extra cost?

#2381 10 months ago

Yeah, I wish she was in it at least a little bit.

#2382 10 months ago
Quoted from cooked71:

Of course, they’re all for me. Tbh, I’m not convinced any theme would get her more interested in pinball. I think she’s already forgotten about Labyrinth lol. So at the end of the day it’s still going to be me playing it.
Having watched the movie again, it is a shame Jennifer Connelly isn’t in the game at all. I get you’re playing as her, but you could easily switch from some footage with her in it to playing as her. I’m assuming it was a licensing cost issue ie. the game would benefit from having her in it but is it worth the extra cost?

You are not playing as her. You are playing as you. Its been said many times from David and Brian that they wanted to make a game about your adventure. Its about the World of the Labyrinth. Has nothing to do about her rights. They are not making up that it is "your adventure" to skirt away from not getting her. David is an honest dude and I personally know individuals who were part of this project. It was a decision that makes the game your story. Has nothing to do with license costs....We need to end this deal with Jennifer Connelly cause its getting old. She's not in the game. Its a done deal. It is better with her not in it and would make no sense having her in the game the way the game is coded and made.

#2383 10 months ago

You’re not playing as her, you are playing as yourself.

Quoted from cooked71:

Of course, they’re all for me. Tbh, I’m not convinced any theme would get her more interested in pinball. I think she’s already forgotten about Labyrinth lol. So at the end of the day it’s still going to be me playing it.
Having watched the movie again, it is a shame Jennifer Connelly isn’t in the game at all. I get you’re playing as her, but you could easily switch from some footage with her in it to playing as her. I’m assuming it was a licensing cost issue ie. the game would benefit from having her in it but is it worth the extra cost?

#2384 10 months ago
Quoted from HookedonPinonics:

You are not playing as her. You are playing as you. Its been said many times from David and Brian that they wanted to make a game about your adventure. Its about the World of the Labyrinth. Has nothing to do about her rights. They are not making up that it is "your adventure" to skirt away from not getting her. David is an honest dude and I personally know individuals who were part of this project. It was a decision that makes the game your story. Has nothing to do with license costs....We need to end this deal with Jennifer Connelly cause its getting old. She's not in the game. Its a done deal. It is better with her not in it and would make no sense having her in the game the way the game is coded and made.

Just my opinion but I’m not a super fan. My wife was disappointed she wasn’t in it and she has alot of nostalgia for Labyrinth.

I think the decision of cost Vs benefit of having her likeness was made early on when negotiating the license. And it’s a fair call on their part, but I don’t buy that the game wouldn’t benefit having her in it IF they already have the rights to use her. If it costs more, that’s a different argument.

In any case it’s a small run and I don’t think it will make any difference as to whether the game sells out. Which is why it’s also smart not to pay extra for her in the game.

#2385 10 months ago
Quoted from mpdpvdpin:

You’re not playing as her, you are playing as yourself.

That's why I'm not buying this pin.

I would take one look at Bowie and his bulge and say "keep the baby, I'm out!"

#2386 10 months ago
Quoted from mpdpvdpin:

You’re not playing as her, you are playing as yourself.

Yeh I get it. Then why not have some “cameo’s” or “Easter eggs” of her also in the Labyrinth as you make your way through it? If they have the footage, seems a shame bit to use it in some form. She is the main character.

But again, if it was a question of “is it worth the extra cost”, I don’t blame them for not including her.

#2387 10 months ago

Would have been better to include the main character in my opinion. Opens up the clips you can use. Who cares if you're playing you versus her? What does the me as the protagonist instead of her get us from a practical standpoint? I heard on a podcast that instead of choosing to go down like she did, then you can go up. Fine, then just use the clip that asks if you want to go up or down. And if the person picks up, then don't play the associated clip where she goes down. You're still doing the same category of things she did in the movie because they presumably didn't create new Labyrinth-inspired adventures for the game that aren't derived from movie clips, right?

Plus, including her would explain stuff like why dance magic dance is singing about a baby (because I don't have a baby, so how is the adventure about me?) and one imagines other things.

If they truly had the option to use clips of the star of the movie in the game and opted not to, then it's a mistake. But clearly not a fatal one. I assume the licensing would have been more expensive, so maybe that was a factor in making the creative choice to not.

#2388 10 months ago

I have no knowledge about this game, how it was made, what the decisions were, etc.

I do know what royalty costs for actors in a pinball can look like. They are, uh, not high, as a general rule. Not having a character is probably never an actual cost issue in any game.

#2389 10 months ago

Not sure why, but the "must be exactly like the movie" guys drive me crazier than any other pet cause subset of pinsiders.

You guys got over KME JP not having Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neill and Laura Dern, this too shall pass.

#2390 10 months ago

Tell me about it. It’s a GAME based on the world of the film. If a board game were released and the ONLY character piece was Sarah people would be pissed about that too. How uncreativvvve they would cry. Let’s be stoked we got a gorgeous game with excellent rules modes molds design etc etc. Its a clear home run, forget pre teen Jennifer Connelly. I’ve never seen so many grown men cry about NOT BEING ABLE TO BE A LITTLE GIRL lmao. That’s pinheads for ya.

Quoted from yancy:

Not sure why, but the "must be exactly like the movie" guys drive me crazier than any other pet cause subset of pinsiders.
You guys got over KME JP not having Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neill and Laura Dern, this too shall pass.

#2391 10 months ago
Quoted from yancy:

You guys got over KME JP not having Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neill and Laura Dern, this too shall pass.

Such a non issue that some really talented people felt the need to spend 100’s of hours putting all that back in the game and the end result completely transformed it.

#2392 10 months ago

I've played the JP "movie code" and found it detracted from the immersive game world the design team created. I don't want to see a 30-year old movie clip in place of custom animation. But you guys enjoy watching your DVDs or whatever.

#2393 10 months ago
Quoted from Coreycatt:

That’s basically how it was (and is) with my husband and I.

Same with me and my husband. I’m always encouraging him to buy more machines with themes I enjoy. This one was a no brainer for us.

#2394 10 months ago
Quoted from yancy:

I've played the JP "movie code" and found it detracted from the immersive game world the design team created. I don't want to see a 30-year old movie clip in place of custom animation. But you guys enjoy watching your DVDs or whatever.

I actually don’t really care either way in this case. I’m not convinced it’s better without Connelly. Just shooting the shit.

But while we’re here, is any David Bowie footage actually in the game?

#2395 10 months ago
Quoted from cooked71:

I actually don’t care either way in this case. Just shooting the shit.
But while we’re here, is any David Bowie footage actually in the game?

Yes many clips with David.

#2396 10 months ago

Some secret mod excitement for those of you who preordered a Labyrinth. I am designing a shooter rod that is way better than the nipper. You're gonna love it. No spoilers yet but hopefully, hopefully I'll have a model ready in a few months. I plan on it being movie quality. It's modeled directly after the movie. I have to test out a bunch of stuff to make sure it can hold up to use and abuse since it's a shooter rod. After that working on a topper cover to hide the base. If I can manage it, I'm thinking about putting the Labyrinth doors on it but I have to figure out if there's a way to tap into the wiring to automate a mechanic when the game starts and ends... for reasons . Also thinking of some start button replacements.

I agree the looped standard music is kinda bad. They should put in an instrumental of the intro theme song as the background music. That song has some good rhythm for the game. If they don't change the song, I'm going to find a way to insert custom music. I've been working on an instrumental rendition of the intro music. It really is perfect for the background tune.

#2397 10 months ago
Quoted from Beechwood:

That's why I'm not buying this pin.
I would take one look at Bowie and his bulge and say "keep the baby, I'm out!"

By the way, it's time to settle this once and for all.

The bulge that is.

"For those who may not recall, Davis was one of the actors who played the Goblin Corps, a character with perhaps the biggest arc in the film. As the interview was winding down, Warwick spent a moment recalling how Bowie “wanted to go by Dave” during filming and that he “was very, very down to earth.” He also made the not-so-startling revelation that the man known for such hits as “Space Oddity” and “Under Pressure” would jam “seven pairs of socks down his tights,” adding “those tights were a bit too tight, weren’t they?” And with this, the mystery of the bulge has finally been solved — although we’ve always had our suspicions."


Rest in Peace David. We all love/d you, seven sock bulge or just plain flat crotched Dave.

#2398 10 months ago
Quoted from engreystar:

Some secret mod excitement for those of you who preordered a Labyrinth. I am designing a shooter rod that is way better than the nipper. You're gonna love it. No spoilers yet but hopefully, hopefully I'll have a model ready in a few months. I plan on it being movie quality. It's modeled directly after the movie. I have to test out a bunch of stuff to make sure it can hold up to use and abuse since it's a shooter rod. After that working on a topper cover to hide the base. If I can manage it, I'm thinking about putting the Labyrinth doors on it but I have to figure out if there's a way to tap into the wiring to automate a mechanic when the game starts and ends... for reasons . Also thinking of some start button replacements.
I agree the looped standard music is kinda bad. They should put in an instrumental of the intro theme song as the background music. That song has some good rhythm for the game. If they don't change the song, I'm going to find a way to insert custom music. I've been working on an instrumental rendition of the intro music. It really is perfect for the background tune.

Crystal ball shooter rod?

#2399 10 months ago

Live stream is up!

#2400 10 months ago
Quoted from superNoid:

Crystal ball shooter rod?

Exactly my guess. Crystal ball.

Or sock bulge rod. One or the other.

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