Appreciate all the feedback from those of you on the show floor. So far so good!
Sounds like this is the best new game at expo. Almost nothing but good to great feedback from those who are there.
Quoted from jrcmlc:100% the glass
ok but why does the glass have all of the scratches?? I assume they wiped the game off after setting it up but not with an orbital sander right?
Quoted from Sorokyl:ok but why does the glass have all of the scratches?? I assume they wiped the game off after setting it up but not with an orbital sander right?
It must be inferior glass. There must be an issue. It cannot possibly be because these are demo units that have been taken apart 9000 times and hauled to places and shown off and glommed on by the unwashed masses lol.
Quoted from Sorokyl:ok but why does the glass have all of the scratches?? I assume they wiped the game off after setting it up but not with an orbital sander right?
Quoted from gumnut01:Haha! If this was a stern priced at 10600 then yes it would be 17 to 18. We basically get sterns at the exchange rate. The distro can price it well enough that gst and shipping seems to be forgotten. So this is 20k AUD and your new Venom is 20.5. Doesn’t seem to make sense when one is 10600 and the other is 13k USD. So this is expensive for us. But, I can’t understand how this expensive and yet Venom LE is ok?
There is a shit load more stuff in this then Venom or any stern LE
* better sub
* speaker lights
* extra screen
* sculpted toys and mechs rather than hasbro stuff
* full movie assets
* full bowie assets and music
* Jim Hensons backing and assets
* cpr playfield
* a playfield that looks like a town
And as for the topper it’s the same price or cheaper than sterns plastic crap.
I love my sterns. Got myself a Foo LE. But I can’t see the value in stern anymore. Market is flooded with them. To afford this I have to sell. Probably my wonka ce. But those puppets man, they make me smile. The rules seem great too.
Anyway no smart decisions. I don’t know why we try to justify our dumb choices! I guess it’s practising explanations for our wives. Never works.
Yep totally get it - it's not a case of value of one over the other, it's just the timing. I've already bought Venom and I can't keep shelling out these sort of prices for machines. Venom I didn't mind paying for at the time - I had sold Elvira so it was just a couple ks extra to get an LE and I already really like the game having put a decent number of plays on one already - so I'm not gonna cancel it.
Now though - its getting harder to sell. I've just bought TBL now too, which is certainly not a cheap game - so this is just maybe a step too far as I was expecting this one to be around 17-18k.
It's not like I don't see the value, quite honestly I do like all my boutiquey pins more than my Sterns, and always see them as better value for what you get. Halloween and Alien blow any of my Sterns away with regard to toys, sculpts, extras etc. Oh bloody hell, now I'm starting to hover over the order button.
I’m canceling my order they are sourcing their glass from a company that sources inferior sand…..
I might_ get some pdi or #fancyglass for mine when it arrives. Still kind of perplexed about the shaker exclusion
I'm 100%, no doubt putting HD glass on mine because this is a world under glass. This is regardless of orbital sander shots from today or not lol.
Also, something I'm just noticing today with some better quality shots is ... the play field looks very well saturated but not over done. The best thing photos seem to show is a rich black level in the art. Everything freaking pops.
Quoted from Zen_Monkey:I’m canceling my order they are sourcing their glass from a company that sources inferior sand…..
You are kidding right ?
Whether it is glass or on the playfield, that won't be what they are shipping.
At a show could be prototypes or games used inside the factory.
LTG : )
Quoted from Ceemunkey:Yep totally get it - it's not a case of value of one over the other, it's just the timing. I've already bought Venom and I can't keep shelling out these sort of prices for machines. Venom I didn't mind paying for at the time - I had sold Elvira so it was just a couple ks extra to get an LE and I already really like the game having put a decent number of plays on one already - so I'm not gonna cancel it.
Now though - its getting harder to sell. I've just bought TBL now too, which is certainly not a cheap game - so this is just maybe a step too far as I was expecting this one to be around 17-18k.
It's not like I don't see the value, quite honestly I do like all my boutiquey pins more than my Sterns, and always see them as better value for what you get. Halloween and Alien blow any of my Sterns away with regard to toys, sculpts, extras etc. Oh bloody hell, now I'm starting to hover over the order button.
I did have venom on order, cancelled because I bought my Foo for 1k less with 30 plays. I actually think venom looks great. But I’m definitely haemorrhaging over this one. Wonka ce staying for now, poor jp premium up for sale.
Quoted from LTG:You are kidding right ?
Whether it is glass or on the playfield, that won't be what they are shipping.
At a show could be prototypes or games used inside the factory.
LTG : )
Pretty sure that was full on, 100% sarcasm
sorry it would be obviously sarcastic if it wasn’t what some of the pinsiders would write in earnest
Really was an impressive machine. After seeing the build and quality I really want one. But the $11k price tag definitely stands in the way due to theme. It's not my magic ip, and that's OK, because it's a helluva nice Pinball machine in every respect.
If this thing goes all weekend with the amount of traffic I saw and never shows any down time with a lifted playfield or the like, it's an amazing first effort by the team. It would be an amazing effort if it was their 10th game honestly.
Any of you guys that identify with the Labyrinth source and have ordered are likely in for a treat.
I only had one game, watched several, and really couldn't get too dedicated and into it having to watch my kids in the corner of my eye. I still walked away with those impressions. Off first glance, I wouldn't hesitate to purchase a pin from these guys if they obtain a license that resonates.
20231019_133704 (resized).jpg
This is actually one of my favorite movies and I like all the songs. It reminds me of JJP WOZ. I like diverters, subways and lifting ramps. I bought a new Houdini and can handle first-pin manufacturing challenges. But the premium price means this has to be rated highly or you will never get anything like your money back. I can't afford such a pricey flop.
Quoted from JustEverett:Haven't seen the movie still, but I would buy Labyrinth before Elton John.
It's currently on Hulu
Quoted from PhantomO:This is actually one of my favorite movies and I like all the songs. It reminds me of JJP WOZ. I like diverters, subways and lifting ramps. I bought a new Houdini and can handle first-pin manufacturing challenges. But the premium price means this has to be rated highly or you will never get anything like your money back. I can't afford such a pricey flop.
Ultimately we’re all going to lose. But if we have fun along the way…..
Quoted from PhantomO:Can someone confirm that this stone elevated walkway is really 3D and not just a clever flat playfield art? Does the upper flipper send the ball on this stone walkway?
[quoted image]
Quoted from Zen_Monkey:sorry it would be obviously sarcastic
You have to type slower for us older Pinsiders to appreciate sarcasm.
I was reacting just in case.
LTG : )
Quoted from PhantomO:Can someone confirm that this stone elevated walkway is really 3D and not just a clever flat playfield art? Does the upper flipper send the ball on this stone walkway?
[quoted image]
Creative depth in the artwork. Looks great, doesn't it?
20231019_133712 (resized).jpgQuoted from LTG:You have to type slower for us older Pinsiders to appreciate sarcasm.
I was reacting just in case.
LTG : )
Play one Lloyd and tell us what you think
Enjoy expo
Hope these machines are reliable all weekend
I put down my deposit today. I am sold. I don't like the price, but Bowie is one of my favorite musicians. That and the nostalgia is costing me 2.5K more then I would like to pay.
I couldn’t attend Expo this year, but I think the playfield looks great, shots all over the place. The early feedback that it shoots well and geometry is right is really awesome. BoF are gonna crack some cold beers tonight. Well done!
Quoted from Gambeno:I put down my deposit today. I am sold. I don't like the price, but Bowie is one of my favorite musicians. That and the nostalgia is costing me 2.5K more then I would like to pay.
Welcome to the club
Will be interesting to hear more feedback through the weekend and tomorrow. Today was mostly the more hardcore type pinheads, distributors and youtubers who were attending right? If its been nothing short of positive from that crowd then I'm feeling super good with my deposit. LETS GO!
Quoted from SpyroFTW:Video review for those of you wanting more.
Watching now, was hoping Cool Toy would do a piece on this!
edit. Nice, he played and he's buying it. Great review Cool Toy, good video and its helpful for us who aren't at expo this week.
i pulled the trigger. my friend Aaron is with FAST Pinball and he swears he's not telling me it's a great game just because he's providing the electronic hardware.
this is my wife's dream theme (mine was Ghostbusters,) so what the heck, kinda gotta do it. it'll likely get operated so i'm already checking to see how easy it'll be to retrofit a 2-slot HAPP door for location use, which is my only immediate gripe.
apparently i am getting some sweet, sweet swag brought back to me too.
393849140_173656512433343_8496242280745808092_n (resized).jpgThese review posts make me happy lol. I’m part of the crazy early ones that have paid in full and getting our game with the next few weeks.
Oof. Pressure is off. I made the right choice.
Quoted from Sorokyl:what's up with the what looks like scratches here?
Looks like the playfield has been through the automatic car wash one too many times. or is it the glass?
[quoted image]
Hope you enjoyed playing the game.
Glass needed a bit of windex.
Thanks for letting us know.
Quoted from Vino:Play one Lloyd and tell us what you think
Enjoy expo
Hope these machines are reliable all weekend
I'll try.
My main goal is to peek under the playfield and in the backbox, so I can try and help owners here with their games if they need it.
LTG : )
What a great response to a bullshit "issue". Can't wait to get mine.
Quoted from Redknight87:Hope you enjoyed playing the game.
Glass needed a bit of windex.
Thanks for letting us know.
[quoted image][quoted image]
Quoted from Redknight87:Hope you enjoyed playing the game.
Glass needed a bit of windex.
Thanks for letting us know.
[quoted image][quoted image]
Will the game come with windex, or will this be yet another accessory……..
Quoted from jrcmlc:What a great response to a bullshit "issue". Can't wait to get mine.
Makes one wonder how many folks don’t clean theirs.
Quoted from LTG:I'll try.
My main goal is to peek under the playfield and in the backbox, so I can try and help owners here with their games if they need it.
LTG : )
Very cool!
Does anyone know if these have upgraded speakers of some kind included or just stock?
Quoted from titanpenguin:Makes one wonder how many folks don’t clean theirs.
Nothin like a little dick on the table!!
Quoted from Redknight87:Hope you enjoyed playing the game.
Glass needed a bit of windex.
Thanks for letting us know.
[quoted image][quoted image]
Thanks for correcting the issue. Orbital sander debunked!
Quoted from Vino:Very cool!
Does anyone know if these have upgraded speakers of some kind included or just stock?
These are upgraded premium speakers with a subwoofer in the cabinet. Both included
Quoted from titanpenguin:Makes one wonder how many folks don’t clean theirs.
Makes folks wonder a lot of things.
Quoted from jrcmlc:What a great response to a bullshit "issue". Can't wait to get mine.
It was just a god damn question dude (i've asked more substantial questions, like "where are the subways", but crickets...)
the circular reflections reminded me of the way things look when they're older and have been cleaned many many times. have never seen that kind of light reflection on a pinball machine. feel free to capture a pic like that on own of your machined and prove me wrong.
I do have a preorder on this game btw.
I can't prove a negative, my shit is clean and scratch free. Take it easy buddy I don't want to get ejected again.
Quoted from Sorokyl:It was just a god damn question dude (i've asked more substantial questions, like "where are the subways", but crickets...)
the circular reflections reminded me of the way things look when they're older and have been cleaned many many times. have never seen that kind of light reflection on a pinball machine. feel free to capture a pic like that on own of your machined and prove me wrong.
I do have a preorder on this game btw.
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