SO I finally made it to the PHOF in Vegas. These are my personal thoughts. Thanks to everyone for comments on my previous post.
First impressions:
Wow, it was hot. 37C in English terms. So at least it was relatively cool inside. The first thing that struck me was the general randomness of the place weird 1950s arcade machine next to Theatre of Magic! I had $40 in my pocket... and after grabbing so many quarters I was weighed down, I decided to go and look round. My overall first impression on my way round was WOW. But not an excited WOW, just a what the hell type wow. What really struck me was the sheer volume of hand written signs saying "Don't do this", "Don't do that", "You've been warned", "No money in here" etc. They were everywhere! Disappointingly the most frequent one I saw on my visit was "out of order".
After spending time walking around, it soon became apparent that around 40% (maybe more?) of machines were out of action. Either off or in various stages of repair. I did see a couple of people working on machines, but they were limited to newer ones (recent sterns, JJPs, Hobbit, LOTR, Star Wars) whilst a lot of the older 90s machines looked like they had been off for some time (by the layer of dust on them). Even a lot of the EMs were off. What I wanted to play were some of the newer machines which I don't get access to at home, so I headed for an area in the middle where they all seemed to be. I managed to play John Wick and on my first go got a ball stuck on wireform ramp! After a couple of goes, I concluded it was a bit "meh". I did also play Jaws (not bad), Scooby Doo (what the hell! What a weird game!), Venom, Mando, James Bond (hmm, did not like that one), Batman (really like that one) and some of the other new titles. The one that stood out for me was definitely Godzilla. Some of the machines I wanted to play just would not accept coins (Whodunnit, Star Trek, Surf N Safari as examples) and some whilst they appeared to be in good shape, were not working properly. SPBP, Family Guy, Space Station, Fish Tales had flipper, slings or pop bumper issues. The ones with flipper issues (Family Guy) meant the upper playfield was rendered unplayable.
General thoughts:
It was actually quite painful carrying so much cash in quarters, and I will be honest - I managed to get a lot of credits on machines racking up some decent scores, so by the time I left (after 5 hours), I still had $15 left out of the $40. So, why not just have an entrance fee and put everything on Freeplay? I would have happily paid $50 for entry for the day so in theory they would have made a lot more money out of me, and I would not be complaining. Additionally, some machines had coin mech issues and simply would not take coins – or as I discovered with one machine, didn’t register any!
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed my visit very much. It was great fun for someone who loves pinball and to see and play all the latest machines was simply awesome. And I know it’s a tough gig to keep so many machines working, we all know what a PITA pinball machines can be and sometimes how long they take to fix. I was a little disappointed that there were machines there I couldn’t play, but the most disappointing aspect was that I could not play Pinball Circus as it was “out of order”.
Would I go back? Absolutely!!