(Topic ID: 303619)

My 1st pin - Houdini or Oktoberfest or TMNT

By Seaguard2000

2 years ago

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“My 1st pin - Houdini or Oktoberfest or TMNT”

  • Houdini 13 votes
  • Oktoberfest 28 votes
  • TMNT 90 votes

(131 votes)

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#1 2 years ago

I’m brand new and this is my 1st post. I’m looking at getting either a NIB Houdini (7k), Oktoberfest ( ($7400) or TMNT (6k) machine. I have a 9 year old kid and it will be primarily for him and his friends, but Dad will probably be on it just as much. I won’t have the money to start a collection, so chances are, the pin I buy will remain in the house well into my son’s teenage years. Which would you choose and why?

#2 2 years ago

Since kids are involved I'd go with TMNT.

Houdini might be too hard for younger players. Oktoberfest is fun if you don't mind the beer theme.

LTG : )

#3 2 years ago

If a nine year old will be playing, TMNT, no contest.

#4 2 years ago

None of the above. Look into AIQ Avengers Infinity Quest or Godzilla. Pros on either. Turtles is not an easy game especially for a 9 year old. Houdini has tight shots. Godzilla or Avengers will bring you more fun and easier for your kid.

Try before you buy if you can.
If you want a Godzilla pro lmk I know someone getting some in soon. Also American Pinballs have horrible resale value. There’s a reason you can still by all of their pins and are in stock

#5 2 years ago
Quoted from BallyKISS1978:

None of the above. Look into AIQ Avengers Infinity Quest or Godzilla. Pros on either. Turtles is not an easy game especially for a 9 year old. Houdini has tight shots. Godzilla or Avengers will bring you more fun and easier for your kid. Try before you buy if you can.
If you want a Godzilla pro lmk I know someone getting some in soon.

Or a JP Pro... I think JP and Godzilla are good options.... AIQ isn't bad either (if they like superheroes).

#6 2 years ago
Quoted from NC_Pin:

Or a JP Pro... I think JP and Godzilla are good options.... AIQ isn't bad either (if they like superheroes).

Yeah Jurassic park pro is a good option

#7 2 years ago

All personal opinion but those are some rough options for casual play. I have not played octoberfest so I can’t speak to that but I have played Houdini numerous times and owned TMNT for a grand total of 10 days because I hated it. I have a 4 year old who loves TMNT but took no interest in the game after a few plays. He moved onto Hot Wheels and stayed with that. I myself would get really frustrated by it, and just didn’t enjoy it. Felt super clunky. The coop would be a good fit if he is playing with his friends. I had a similar experience with Houdini where it felt too clunky and I lost interest quickly.

I would think AIQ pro or JP Pro might be better. Very deep games that are challenging but not frustrating. Both seem like they would have appeal for a younger crowd. DP is fantastic of course but tough to find one.

I’m sure others will disagree with me, but this is my personal opinion on that group. Best of luck and enjoy your first pin which tends to quickly turn into two and three.

#8 2 years ago

I would suggest playing before making such a purchase. Out of all of the games you listed I would say Oktoberfest is less difficult of a game to play and easy to understand rules and code. Turtles is a brutal game. I have had one since it came out and absolutely love it but I play pinball a lot and this game still kicks my ass and can be frustrating for newer players and seasoned players. Theme is great but I grew up with the Turtles in that era. Not sure younger kids really go for that stuff anymore. Very family friendly theme and would say def more than oktoberfest. Houndini is different and I'm not a fan but people do enjoy it. I agree that out of three it has the more difficult playfield layout and hard to make shots. If you need suggestions I can recommend other games to look into that you and your son would get more enjoyment out of.

#9 2 years ago

I have TMNT and kids (16, 5 and 3). They all love the machine and the theme. But with that being said the shots and gameplay can be difficult/frustrating and for some people it takes the fun out. My wife is not a fan of TMNT. For flipping and mashing it’s good, but progressing through the game is very challenging. I love the challenge but walk away cursing…more than I like to admit.

Wife and I love Oktoberfest. Theme is less kid friendly but the shots are a hair easier and progression is easier. I haven’t played Houdini so I can’t add on that one sorry.

I’d advise you and the family going somewhere or two that has a bunch and trying them and seeing what you all like and find fun. Avengers pro and Godzilla pro may be decent choices for you guys getting started.

Or, and bring on the hate, use that 8k and get both the Star Wars and Jurassic Park Home Pins. I have the Star Wars and it’s fun and is great to learn and develop fundamentals and skills on. Kids love that one since they can get multiballs more often. The Jurassic Park home Pin that dead flip developed looks fantastic. I spoke to someone who got a few minutes playtime on Jack’s prototype at the expo in Chicago. Says it plays fast and smooth like a Pro. And that jump shot when you hit it is super satisfying.

#10 2 years ago

The kids will loose all interest in the game after about one week so pick a game that you like. It's sad but true. Haven't played TMNT but I can say that Oktoberfest is a great game. Not kid friendly but fun.

#11 2 years ago

Since Oktoberfest is on your list, you’re aware there is beer shown in the game. If you’re fine with that, and these 3 are the only options you are looking at, that’s your game.

Houdini is phenomenal, but it does take some getting used to, and while I don’t think it’s as hard as TMNT to feel like you’re even doing anything, its probably not a “first game for the whole family”

TMNT, no. Wait until you have more time with another game first

#12 2 years ago

Houdini . Super tight shots, 3 magnets, absolutely one of the most beautiful games ever.
Everything stackable.
Not too difficult , if you aim.

#13 2 years ago

Half shell challenge in tmnt is amazing. Get tmnt

#14 2 years ago

If it's going to be your only pin, find some on location and play first
This site has a pin locator

#15 2 years ago

TNMt and Houdini are too tough for kids, never played oktb

Also, these games also have terrible resale value so you will be taking a bath if you ever decide to sell vs other games that are more in demand

I would recommend cactus canyon remake SE if you want an available and family friendly game

Godzilla might be a good option too

Have you looked in the market place for what games are available locally?

#16 2 years ago

Oktoberfest is the best game ever. Excellent for home use. It has hundreds of different strategies regarding the steins, modes, food tent, ducks and multiballs. Although Houdini is great too, and of love to get one someday. TMNT is a good game but the scoring is odd and never got a handle on what scored consistently, seemed random, don't miss it at all.

#17 2 years ago

Well if your 9yr old is a big drinker I would suggest Octoberfest.

TMNT would be a perfect fit but it is a difficult game to progress through the modes.

Houdini has tight shots which again makes it difficult to progress through the modes.

May I suggest Deadpool, Jurassic Park, Godzilla.
Make a choice but do not over think it. If you have a 1 pin collection there is a very high chance you will end up owning 2 in the future. These things multiply for some crazy reason. Buy it, Play it, Sell/Trade it... (Repeat)
Resale value on these 3 games are very high.

Good luck and welcome to the party pal.

#18 2 years ago
Quoted from nicoy3k:

Also, these games also have terrible resale value so you will be taking a bath if you ever decide to sell vs other games that are more in demand

This is a good point. No matter what game you choose, if it is your only game, you will get tired of it. It’s a good reason to look at a few different games. TMNT may hold up ok… but a game like JP pro will always be more popular and easier to trade/sell

#19 2 years ago

Haven't played the other two but I've played TMNT and I dont like it at all, nether does my two pin friends. I don't think your kid will appreciate it as it's hard.

#20 2 years ago

I’d get TMNT for one reason. If it’s your first, and not sure if you plan on buying more, it will be easier to trade or sell down the road when you want to get something different.

#21 2 years ago
Quoted from GSones:

The kids will loose all interest in the game after about one week so pick a game that you like. It's sad but true.

That is possible, but not always the case. My kids still play a lot, they just turned 10 (and they're girls of all things!).

OP: Have you considered a Hot Wheels? I liked that a much more than TMNT. Houdini is fun, but shots are tight. Of course he'll be better than you in a few weeks anyway, so that might be more your problem than his. Oktoberfest also big fun, looking to pick one up myself. Can never have too many coaster pins!

#22 2 years ago
#23 2 years ago

Of those 3, I’d go with TMNT. I had one at home before I placed it on location and my kids really liked to play it.

Buy the cheapest option as your first game- play and have fun!! You can buy a game and then sell/trade later if you decide it’s not for you!

#24 2 years ago

Gotta play first. All games are different with mixed reviews. A lot depends on your skill level and what you look for in a game. For some theme is everything. For others, gameplay is king.

I like playing TMNT but hate the theme. Houdini looks cool but really tough to play. Not for everyone. Oktoberfest is okay but not my fav. Look at Hot Wheels if interested in AP games. I have not played it yet but looks to be best AP game for family. Other than that look at recent Steen pros. Might be able to find one used in your area and save a lot of money. Stern pros easier to sell in general than AP games.

#26 2 years ago

I think you should plan a bunch of road trips,and play a lot of different games. You might find one that you like that you never even considered.
Just for the record,I recommend Metallica for your first pin. J/K.

#27 2 years ago

Godzilla - everyone will have more fun, it’s a great game.

#28 2 years ago

TMNT - the kids will dig the cartoon theme, and if it stays there for enough time, they will start picking up the idea of modal play and how to get to the pizza multiball

#29 2 years ago

TMNT owner here, and while I love how punishing/rewarding it is, it's not the most accessible. Co-op is awesome, but it's just a hard game and I'm not sure your son will have a great time.

If you're not too precious about the tone, Deadpool is a lot of fun. Unique shots but nothing horribly difficult, lot of attitude and plenty of challenge. Hot Wheels is also a lot of fun, but might not hold dad's attention as long. You might also want to look into the new Jurassic Park Home Pin. Seems like it has a ton of flow without being quite as demanding as the proper JP. Whatever you go with, have fun and start planning for pin 2 (and 3 and 4 and...).

#30 2 years ago

I know you’re asking between these three, but I just want to let you know my ten year old daughter is in love with Wonka. We got it when she was nine. Her high scores are off the chart…18million. (5 ball and slightly easier settings) but she blows me off the playfield each time we play. We also have Stranger Things, Jurassic Premium and we had an Addams Family. Wonka is the only game she continuously returns to.

#31 2 years ago

Dear lord, none of these!!

#32 2 years ago

Oktoberfest is a great choice. I love mine. If you were to open up your options I'd recommend Spiderman or Monster Bash as well.

#33 2 years ago

Get him a PlayStation.
You get the pin you want, there are way better pins out there.

#34 2 years ago

Who are you buying this game for?

If the game is for you, get it for you.

If the game is for your kids. Get it for the kids.

If your kids want a say in which game you pick, pay attention.

If they say get game x without touching it, they are just looking at a theme-box. You could end up with a super Mario world or a hello kitty pinball game if you aren't careful.

If they play the game and they like playing the game, this is a different matter. You may want to get the game on their recco. But if they lose interest quickly, see if you can trade or swap a game. If you want to give the kid a choice in the matter, see if they will put some of THEIR OWN money into the buy. It's a good tell and lots can be learned through the process.

Listen to your kids.

Listen to yourself.

Have fun and enjoy the process. You can always trade a game later once you are done with it. A good game for you (and your kids) will stick around.

Happy hunting!


#35 2 years ago

Those are some odd choices. I vote Deadpool or Godzilla.

#36 2 years ago

I'm not sure I get all the "It's too hard for kids" comments... Nine year olds play all kinds of games way "harder" than any pinball rule set. Regardless of which game you pick, organize some tournaments with your family and kids friends to help them find the fun in the game and not just the instant gratification of "easy" shots. Offer prizes for the winners. Best way to get newbies into pinball IMO. TMNT would be good for that as it offers some additional game modes/challenges, but all three are good playing games. If you only have room for one pin, you will be able to sell/trade any of them if you get bored with it.

#37 2 years ago
Quoted from BallLocks:

I'm not sure I get all the "It's too hard for kids" comments... Nine year olds play all kinds of games way "harder" than any pinball rule set. Regardless of which game you pick, organize some tournaments with your family and kids friends to help them find the fun in the game and not just the instant gratification of "easy" shots. Offer prizes for the winners. Best way to get newbies into pinball IMO. TMNT would be good for that as it offers some additional game modes/challenges, but all three are good playing games. If you only have room for one pin, you will be able to sell/trade any of them if you get bored with it.

No doubt. I get it for like 6 or 7 yr olds but 9+ have some seriously quick reflexes and trigger fingers. My kids were like 10 and 13 when I brought the first game home and they were whooping my ass in like three days haha.

#38 2 years ago

Ill be honest...I absolutely love houdini. I have several games...and always go back to houdini as my favorite.

#39 2 years ago

I went with a lot of advice that a bunch of you offered. My son and I went to a place nearby and played a ton of pins today. We played Godzilla LE, AC /DC, Avengers Infinity, Deadpool, Jurassic Park, Mandalorian, Hot Wheels, Guns and Roses, and TMNT. We were at the place for four hours and had a blast. Great advice on playing the pin before buying. Unfortunately, the place did not have Houdini, OR Oktoberfest. Originally, I was considering the pins mentioned because that is what is available locally and I’m looking for something for Christmas. The true winner that seemed to check all the boxes and was a favorite was Godzilla, followed closely by Deadpool. Mandalorian got a lot of attention too, but surprisingly we both got bored of it quickly. Hot Wheels was fun but pretty easy, so it might get boring fairly quickly. TMNT was a good one too, but I can see why people say it can be difficult. I was hoping for a little more out of Avengers but I think we just had a bad run of games when playing it. It seemed to have a lot of features and wasn’t to fast. I wish I could have spent more time on that one. Overall, after playing, I think I will try and find a Godzilla Premium, but I’m not sure if I can get one locally before Christmas. Thanks for all the advice.

#40 2 years ago
Quoted from Seaguard2000:

I went with a lot of advice that a bunch of you offered. My son and I went to a place nearby and played a ton of pins today. We played Godzilla LE, AC /DC, Avengers Infinity, Deadpool, Jurassic Park, Mandalorian, Hot Wheels, Guns and Roses, and TMNT. We were at the place for four hours and had a blast. Great advice on playing the pin before buying. Unfortunately, the place did not have Houdini, OR Oktoberfest. Originally, I was considering the pins mentioned because that is what is available locally and I’m looking for something for Christmas. The true winner that seemed to check all the boxes and was a favorite was Godzilla, followed closely by Deadpool. Mandalorian got a lot of attention too, but surprisingly we both got bored of it quickly. Hot Wheels was fun but pretty easy, so it might get boring fairly quickly. TMNT was a good one too, but I can see why people say it can be difficult. I was hoping for a little more out of Avengers but I think we just had a bad run of games when playing it. It seemed to have a lot of features and wasn’t to fast. I wish I could have spent more time on that one. Overall, after playing, I think I will try and find a Godzilla Premium, but I’m not sure if I can get one locally before Christmas. Thanks for all the advice.

You can buy from any Stern distributor and they will ship it to you. You may have to call around a bit to see who has one in stock, or can get you one before Christmas. Pinsiders are always more than happy to recommend their favorite distributor(s) if you ask.

#41 2 years ago
Quoted from Seaguard2000:

I went with a lot of advice that a bunch of you offered. My son and I went to a place nearby and played a ton of pins today. We played Godzilla LE, AC /DC, Avengers Infinity, Deadpool, Jurassic Park, Mandalorian, Hot Wheels, Guns and Roses, and TMNT. We were at the place for four hours and had a blast. Great advice on playing the pin before buying. Unfortunately, the place did not have Houdini, OR Oktoberfest. Originally, I was considering the pins mentioned because that is what is available locally and I’m looking for something for Christmas. The true winner that seemed to check all the boxes and was a favorite was Godzilla, followed closely by Deadpool. Mandalorian got a lot of attention too, but surprisingly we both got bored of it quickly. Hot Wheels was fun but pretty easy, so it might get boring fairly quickly. TMNT was a good one too, but I can see why people say it can be difficult. I was hoping for a little more out of Avengers but I think we just had a bad run of games when playing it. It seemed to have a lot of features and wasn’t to fast. I wish I could have spent more time on that one. Overall, after playing, I think I will try and find a Godzilla Premium, but I’m not sure if I can get one locally before Christmas. Thanks for all the advice.

Thats great to hear!! Glad you were able to find something you guys liked. Godzilla is awesome, I have flipped on the LE for a bunch of games and I find it to be a nice mix of satisying shots and challenges but not so challenging I want to flip the machine on its side lol.

Now last important piece of advice....after the first machine arrives, prepare for 2-4 more pins. They get into their new homes and just multiply until they fill every available space in a room.

Congrats and good luck on your hunt for a premium.

#42 2 years ago

Everyone thinks new is the way to go for a first pin-but I would recommend the best pin ever made for my first machine...

STTNG Flyer (resized).jpgSTTNG Flyer (resized).jpg
#43 2 years ago
Quoted from Chisox:

No doubt. I get it for like 6 or 7 yr olds but 9+ have some seriously quick reflexes and trigger fingers. My kids were like 10 and 13 when I brought the first game home and they were whooping my ass in like three days haha.

I agree but also should clarify my ealrier statement....my 3 and 5 year old love playing the TMNT machine. The theme, colors and light shows are pretty attractive. However progressing through the actual game/"story", is not easy. Activating episodes and reseting the Pizza Party multiballs is tedious and tricky.

IDK, everyone is different. What I noticed with my guys was they enjoy the theme and look of TMNT more, but they are becoming better players and progressing through the actual game of our Star Wars Home Pin more.

But the real prize in this conversation is, how many people here are getting their kids into pinball and getting the next generation of pinsiders engaged. That is truly awesome!

#44 2 years ago

So I went to put my name on the list for a Godzilla Premium at a local shop. Walked out the door with a Medieval Madness SE and my name on the list for Godzilla!

#45 2 years ago

Every time I've played Houdini it grows on me. Might be a top ten game now for me.

#46 2 years ago
Quoted from Seaguard2000:

So I went to put my name on the list for a Godzilla Premium at a local shop. Walked out the door with a Medieval Madness SE and my name on the list for Godzilla!

Nice! That’s a solid two pin lineup!

#47 2 years ago
Quoted from Seaguard2000:

So I went to put my name on the list for a Godzilla Premium at a local shop. Walked out the door with a Medieval Madness SE and my name on the list for Godzilla!

Wow! Good for you!

Where'd you buy from?

#48 2 years ago

Had a feeling you wouldn't stop at one, but that was a bit quicker than I figured. Congrats, you're addicted!

#49 2 years ago
Quoted from Seaguard2000:

So I went to put my name on the list for a Godzilla Premium at a local shop. Walked out the door with a Medieval Madness SE and my name on the list for Godzilla!

Glad to hear this. I cringed at the 3 you originally picked. I was thinking a 90's bally/williams would be perfect for you guys and you grabbed a MM. You and the kids will love it. I have not played Godzilla yet, but I hear it is fantastic.

#50 2 years ago
Quoted from Seaguard2000:

So I went to put my name on the list for a Godzilla Premium at a local shop. Walked out the door with a Medieval Madness SE and my name on the list for Godzilla!

Well Damn! Great pics, now I’m sitting here all jealous!

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