We have 4 different versions, 5/6.3 volt RGB (with remote), 5/6.3 single color (7 colors), 12 volt RGB (with remote) and 12 volt 5/6.3 single color (7 colors).
RGB with remote is $79.99, Single colors are $54.99, US shipping a flat fee of $8, overseas is $30. The single colors are red, green, blue, purple, yellow, orange and white. Single colors are just that one color. The RGB gives 16 colors, we feel the single colored purple, orange, white and yellow give a better version of those colors then the RGB does. All colors look good on black and silver plunger plates, if you have a powder coat, we recommend a color similar to you powder coat.
The size of the Lighted Shooter Rod Plate Cover is the same size for both 5/6.3 volt and 12 volt, the difference is the LED’s in the mod and the power tap. The 5/6.3 fits over 200 games, Stern, Bally, Williams, Data East, Sega, Capcon and others. 12 volt is for Jersey Jack. These will fit on Spooky and American Pinball I don’t know the coin door bulb voltage, I am hoping I will get some feedback on those here.
We use Comet Pinball’s Matrix system for installation, so installation is easy. For 5/6.3 system you get both wedge and bayonet and a polarity change wire for Spike systems. 12V systems just come with a wedge connection and is designed to get power from coin door light.
Works with both stock and custom shooter rods.
Installation is about 10 minutes, about as easy as changing a bulb and a shooter rod.
5.6.3 volt ready to ship, 12 volt will be ready to ship in about 2 weeks. We will have them on display in Texas.
Our person that does emails and orders is part time. It can take a few days to get a reply on email, and we normally ship within a week.
Video of RGB on a few games: